The Queen and the Pauper

In the Rain, Stars Align

All my life, I probably have underestimated the greatness of the angel who brought me to this earth

I thought she was uneducated because of the way she spoke, the way she didn't want to teach me math

I thought she was a monster when she admonished me not to cry, when she made me read a passage a hundred times until I memorized it

I thought she was the devil the time when we couldn't seem to agree on anything


I was probably the worst daughter at those times.

How could I overlook a mother who raised two girls from almost two different generations?

A woman who was the breadwinner of the family and still had time to cater to driving, cooking, and cleaning?

A girl who almost died to a fungal infection, ate anything to survive, and went to college during her early teens?


And yet when she nonchalantly said, "I'm thinking of retiring next month,"

Shock overcame me. 




But of course she was sugar coating what REALLY happened.

Can you imagine your career of over a decade, ripped out of your hands?

Even if you were already successful, and you knew life couldn't change that drastically

"Laid off"

A label that seems to mean failure, inevitable change, 



But of course my warrior couldn't disappear so easily

"Hey, I heard you were laid off and I don't have the FAINTEST idea why. Why don't you join our group? We would love to have you on our team."

No one can try to bury the sun without someone noticing, silly people

She will always be my North Star


How could she be so STUPID?

"Dude I never knew she was such a monster, she seemed so nice"

Well now you know.

I shouldn't be shocked-I heard her CURSE one morning over HER OWN SISTER over simple frustration over an assignment.

Who does that?

Okay fine maybe she and her sister curse at each other all the time

But that does NOT give her the right to use curses every second word in her breakup letter

Stabbing her boyfriend's heart over and over by accusing him that he was fake

That he didn't speak like a "normal" person

That his simple question "Are you talking ual now?"

Turned into a flying rage of "That was meant to insult your ______ ugly face"

Blaming dark secrets that he holds in the shadows on his existence

That his success had NOTHING to do with the work he had put in, but only because of his race

And that HE was angry as he hold your flaming letter in oblivion.


ExcUUUUUUUse me?

Your anger became unjustified the moment you abandoned logic and started to question his worth as a human being instead of focusing on his wrong actions or words, you MONSTER

But now the stains are out for everyone to see, even when you try to scrub them off desperately

"April Fool's darling, but it's partially your fault for doubting our love"


You call that love?

Love is when you point out every weakness and flaw of person to make him question his worth?

A prank?

A prank when you "pretended" to trample over someone's self-esteem?

April Fool's on April 6th?




I don't care if you still consider yourself a foreigner

Or you didn't know the "right way" to break up with someone because this was your first relationship

Clearly your heart is infected with some poison that disgusts everyone

Have fun being alone for the last months here

As everyone turns their backs on you and the cracks you have made on the floor you stand on.

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New chapter rated for vocabulary and concept.


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Wushupandabear #1
Chapter 11: Yeah, since no one is watching....
miyako1747 #2
I don't know if you can still remember me but I just want to say that I have recovered from my depression and reading your poems and stories help a lot. Thank you!
Chapter 68: I love this.
Chapter 68: Wow, that was really nice. Well done Xia!
Chapter 49: i love this one. i have a 'twin' too (but she lives in my town, so...kinda different than your almost-twin)
Chapter 5: You have a powerful way with words! Loving everything so far
miyako1747 #7
Chapter 44: WE LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! <3333333
Chapter 39: I've loved reading it since the first chapter ♥♥♥♥ and I always can relate to so many things!
Chapter 32: GURRRLLLL. PSH. YOU DIDN'T TELL ME HE WAS AN 8 GIRLS KINDA PLAYA. I was thinking lil' lover boi here was the 4-5 girls kind of a playa. DODGE THE BULLET. GURL. DODGE IT. (Unless you really like him....)
Chapter 30: That girl is smart :) I mean, it's hard to trust a guy after what they do to another girl. You just feel that insecurity, wondering whether he'll repeat the same cycle with you.