First Dinner

Not Anymore

'meet me for coffee.

same time same place'

Taeyeon's finger hovers over the button before she presses it. It's been a week since their coffee outing, and through texting both have revealed that neither of them have any plans to return to the group, which meets tonight.

There have been a few other texts throughout the week, mostly about Sunny's car. Much to her surprise, Taeyeon's been unable to think of anything but Sunny since dropping her off. Small blonded Sunny. She swivels in her chair and looks out the large bay windows of her office, at the hustle and bustle of downtown LA below. Clutching her Blackberry, she turns back around to waiting files littered across her desk. She nearly drops her phone when it beeps, signaling a text.

'Wish I could. No

babysitter. :(

Some other time.'

Taeyeon throws the phone down on the desk. ing great. She rests her head on a tight fist and opens a file. Pretends to read it. Get hold of yourself, Taeyeon. 's sake, she's not interested… Another beep interrupts her thoughts.

'Just thinking…

I owe you for the car, and since

you won't let me pay you,

why not.let me make you

and your girls dinner. Let me


Taeyeon doesn't waste anytime dialing Sunny's number, her hands nervously shaking. She almost sighs with relief at the sound of Sunny's voice.

"Hi there"

"Hello, Sunny" tries to sound smooth but comes off far too giddy, "figured I might as well call you, as the texts could get quite lengthy" You're pathetic, Taeyeon. PATHETIC.

"I'm glad you did. I mean, it makes sense"

"So… dinner sounds lovely. But do you really want me to bring my kids? My two plus your one equals three" Taeyeon emphasizes the last number. Sunny laughs.

"I can do the math, Taeyeon. My place is small, but it'll be cozy"

Taeyeon ponders for only a moment, "I'm ok if you are"

"Great. When's good for you?"

"How about tonight?" She answers far too quickly. Desperate much Taeyeon?


"Sorry, no. It's too soon. " Taeyeon runs her hands through her hair. .

Sunny quickly puts her at ease, "Taeyeon. Taeyeon. Tonight is fine. Are your girls allergic to anything? Is there anything they won't eat?"

"What? Oh, no, I don't think so"

"Also" Sunny says, "I need to tell you about Jamie" pauses for a few seconds "he's… well, he's just finished his second cycle of chemo, so he's pretty much bald right now, and he looks a bit tired all the time…"

There's silence as Taeyeon clutches the phone tightly.

"He's fighting leukemia, see, and I thought you might want to tell your girls as some kids are frightened by his appearance"

Taeyeon can't help the tears from pouring out as a dauntingly familiar feeling creeps into her body. She clears . "Listen, Sunny, if you'd rather not do this…"

"No, I want to. Really. It was my idea, remember? It's just… some people can't handle seeing a little boy in his condition, it makes them uncomfortable or something"

"I see" Taeyeon swipes the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand. "Well, while we're divulging things about our children, I must tell you that Bella and Sophia are very… advanced for their age. And Sophia… she doesn't speak"


"I mean she can" Taeyeon immediately defends, "she just doesn't, not to anyone but Bella. Hasn't since… since…"


"Um, well, for a while." Changes the subject, "So, what time shall we arrive?"

"Um…six? Apartment C. Need directions?"

"No, I remember. See you at six"

"Great! Bye, Taeyeon"

"Bye, Sunny"



"Why are you picking us up from daycare?"

Taeyeon smiles down at the incredulous expression of her eldest child "Glad to see you too, darling" kisses both girls on the cheek. She notices the surprised look on Sophia's face as well.

"Where's Emma?" Bella asks as Taeyeon guides them to her car.

"Emma has the night off. Well deserved, don't you think?"

"But who will give us a bath and make us dinner and tuck us in?"

Taeyeon feels a pang in her heart at the genuine sound of concern in her daughter's voice. "You act as if I've never done these things for you, Bell. I am quite capable of drawing a bath and I do know how to tuck you in"

They reach the car just as Bella scoffs, "Well you haven't for a really really really long time, maybe I forgot"

Once the girls are in their booster seats, Taeyeon slips into her driver's seat. "Seatbelts, ladies" chooses to ignore her daughter's hurtful yet very truthful comment. Waits to hear two clicks.

"And I know you can't cook dinner, Taeyeon…" Bella presses on.

"What did I tell you about calling me Taeyeon, Bella" eyes her daughter in the rearview mirror.

"Not to" is the answer she receives.

"Then respect that request, please"

The little girl with black hair just looks off to the side and squints as the sun shines in her face. Taeyeon puts on her sunglasses and carefully pulls out.

"Why are we stopping here?" Bella asks, as they pull into the parking lot of a grocery store.

"We've been invited to dinner at a friend's home. I just want to pick up some drinks… or something" Taeyeon's not quite sure what it is she's come for.

"You have a friend?" Bella teases and even Sophia laughs silently.

"Very funny" the giggles continue.

Taeyeon places Sophia in the cart; Bella clings to the side and walks in stride with her mother. "What friend is this, Mum?"

Taeyeon laughs through her nose at her daughter's muffled accent. It's only been a year, but 'mum' is slowly becoming 'mom'.

"I met her at a class for single parents. She has a son, I think he's a bit younger than you, though. His name is Jamie, and his mum, my new friend, is Sunny"

"Why haven't we heard about them before today?" Taeyeon grabs a bouquet of flowers, barely listening to her daughter's pestering questions.

"I just met her last week, and this is the first time we're…" Taeyeon chooses her words carefully "hanging out. She's invited us to dinner"

Bella eyes the flowers, then her mother, curiously, "Is she just a friend?"

Taeyeon stops the shopping cart abruptly. "What?"

Bella merely looks at her with arched eyebrows and crossed arms, "You heard"

Taeyeon looks at Sophia and then back to Bella. "She is, yes. Just a friend" the cart slowly begins to move again.

"Do you want her to be your girlfriend?"

"Bella" Taeyeon runs her hand through her hair, frustrated. "Listen, I barely know her, but she's nice and she's smart and good to talk with. Ok?"

It's Bella's turn to look between her sister and mother, "Ok"

Taeyeon bites her lip. "Now, what else should we bring with us…?"



She finds a parking spot across the street from Sunny's building. She hadn't noticed before, but the neighborhood looks pretty dodgy, and she doesn't like the look of it one bit and silently prays that her Benz is still in its spot later on. Once the car is off, Taeyeon unbuckles her seatbelt, switches on the interior light, and turns around to talk to her girls.

"Listen, there's something I want to tell you about Sunny's son" Taeyeon feels go dry. She looks into Bella's black eyes and Sophia's brown ones, searches her mind for the delicate words. Just be honest, they're stronger than you'll ever be. "Her son… he has leukemia"

Bella looks away. Sophia keeps her eyes trained on Taeyeon. Moments of silence follow.

"Is he going to die?" Concerned black eyes look back into her mother's.

"I… I hope not, darling. He's just finished a round of chemo and Sunny says he's doing fine" Taeyeon watches Sophia slowly unbuckle her seatbelt. "But he has no hair at the moment. Just wanted to prepare you, ok?"

Taeyeon waits for an outburst or crying fit from one or both of her daughters. Instead, Bella reaches for Sophia's hand, and glances at her younger sister before looking at Taeyeon and very confidently saying, "Yeah, ok"



"Welcome!" Sunny's smile is so warm and true that all three of her guests can't help but return it. She's wiping her hands on a kitchen towel that's hung over her shoulder, "Come in, come in"

"Thanks for having us" Taeyeon ushers in her daughters. "We stopped by the store on our way" Taeyeon says, handing Sunny two paper bags full of stuff "we weren't sure what to bring or what you were making so…"

"She just kept grabbing stuff off of the shelves" Bella announces. "Your hair is really bright"

Taeyeon cringes. "Thanks ever so much Bella, for your wonderful insight"

"Anytime, Mum"

Sunny is amused by the exchange and puts the bags on the dining table next to her. "You didn't need to bring anything, but thanks. And my hair is really bright, you're right, Bella. What do you think?"



Sophia steps forward and hands Sunny the bouquet of flowers. Sunny bends down so she's face to face with a little, freckle-nosed girl. "Thanks, Sophia. These are very beautiful flowers" Sophia smiles shyly and steps back, taking Bella's hand.

"Jamie's just woken from his nap, he was feeling a bit tired after school" Sunny says as she stands, "he's washing up a bit. He was very excited when I told him he'd be having two little girls over for dinner. Sophia smiles at this, and even Bella manages an unforced smirk. "Oh, there's the door, here he comes"

All four of them look to the other end of the room where the door is opening. Out steps a small, frail looking boy about two inches shorter than Sophia and Bella. He's wearing a Korea kit and a light blue beanie. He crosses the room slowly, Taeyeon can feel her heart swell and break all at once. Sunny places the flowers on the table and reaches out her hand to her son, "Come and meet our guests, sweetheart"

Taeyeon smiles as best she can at the boy as Sunny introduces him. "It's nice to meet you, Jamie. I like your kit, Korea is my team, as well" Jamie lets go of his mother's hand to shake Taeyeon's.

"And this is Bella and Sophia, Taeyeon's daughters"

"Hi" he says in a weak little voice.

"Hi Jamie. Do you like Legos?"

"Yeah" his voice a little stronger.

"Good, we bought you some at the store, I picked them out. It's pirates" Bella proudly announces.

"I like pirates"

Just then, Sophia reaches out and takes Jamie's hand. She looks at her sister who instantly says, "Sophia wants to know what color your hair is, Jamie"

"Bella…!" Taeyeon starts to scold her, only to have Sunny calm her with a look that says it's fine.

Jamie almost whispers, "Brown"

"Then you can have the brown-haired Lego pirate, ok?"

"Ok!" The smile on his face is happy and mischievous all at once. "Mama, can we go play now?"

Sunny looks to Taeyeon, who just shrugs her permission. "Yeah, go on and play for a bit, dinner is almost ready, though." She can barely get the last words out before Bella grabs the Lego box from the bags on the table and Jamie pulls Sophia toward the room on the other side of the small apartment.

Sunny can't help but smile as she compliments, "Your children are so lovely"

"I had nothing to do with it, I assure you. Any good part of them comes from…" She stops herself once her mind catches up with .

Sunny grabs the bags off the table and walks around the island separating her dining room and kitchen areas. Placing the bags on the counter, she observes as Taeyeon silently fights off several different emotions before composing herself.

"Tell me about..." Sunny asks softly, as she unpacks the items.

"I don't want to do that" Taeyeon flatly interrupts. Clearing , she gestures to a dining room chair "May I?"

"Of course, please."



"This is delicious, Sunny" Taeyeon cuts into another jumbo ravioli and sweeps it around her plate, gathering sauce.

Sunny's small round table barely fits all five of them, but they've managed to squeeze in.

"You'll have to tell Emma how to make these" Bella says through a mouthful, "so yummy"

Sunny clears at the mention of another woman's name. "Oh? Who's Emma?" Tries to sound disinterested.

"Our nanny" Bella smiles, ravioli oozing through the gap where her two front teeth used to be.

Jamie laughs out loud, dropping his small fork and pointing across the table at his new friend with the black hair. Sophia attempts to shield her smile with her glass as she takes a sip of juice.

"Isabella Stephanie Kim, please don't be disgusting, Sunny will think you were raised by monkeys" this only furthers the giggles of all three children.

Sunny purses her lips to suppress laughter, trying to be sympathetic, as she can tell Taeyeon is truly embarrassed by her wild child. They hold eye contact for a few seconds before Taeyeon is biting her lip, trying to hold back laughter of her own.

The pressure finally overtakes Taeyeon and she erupts with amusement. All five of them lean back in their chairs as joy fills Sunny's tiny apartment.



"Writing was my favorite subject when I was in school, too" Sunny smiles. Taeyeon observes the exchange and can tell Bella is smitten by Sunny already. Well done Sunny, you've cracked a tough nut in that one.

Bella was always the difficult twin. Even from birth she was a challenge, or liked to challenge, rather. Only ate when she wasn't supposed to. Never slept when she was supposed to. Always sneaky and curious to no end. Always pushing the limits.

Sophia was the exact opposite. Only wanting of endless cuddles and kisses. Only wanting to be read to and sung to. Always obedient. Always kind. Always able to tame her sister.

"Mama, can we be excused so we can play some more?" Jamie's eager eyes are hard to say no to. "I finished all my dinner" he adds with a cheeky grin. "Pleeeease?"

Sunny scans the plates of all three children. Her eyes find Taeyeon's, which have been steadily on her since she finished eating. "What do you think Taeyeon, have these children earned more play time?"

Three small heads whip to face the other side of the table, as six pair of shamefully begging, puppy dog eyes beseech the brunette woman.

"Hmm… I don't know. I think perhaps they should all have another serving of green peas. Don't you agree, Sunny?" Bug-eyed faces whip the other way.

"Oh, you're just cruel" Sunny says smiling and shaking her head. "You may be excused after you've cleared your area and placed your dishes in the sink"

A unified sigh of relief later, three small bodies begin to collect their silverware and slide off their chairs. Jamie leads the way and climbs a small stepstool in front of the kitchen sink. Taeyeon's girls follow in turn and soon the dining room is quiet again, the muffled giggles of satisfied children coming from behind a closed door.

"You're amazing" it cuts through the silence before Taeyeon knows what happened.

Sunny blushes. "Why amazing?" she asks, standing to clear the rest of the table.

Taeyeon stands too, helping Sunny. "I can't remember the last time my girls cleared their dishes, nor can I remember the last time we laughed together" A wave of sadness washes over Taeyeon's face, and just as quickly disappears.

"Incentive is a powerful tool" Sunny offers, trying to keep things light. It's obvious to her from before dinner that Taeyeon wants no part of discussing her past.

They stay quiet for the next few minutes as they clear the table. Their eyes meet occasionally, and both women smile quickly before averting their gaze to something of no importance in the room.

"Thanks for your help, I'll finish" Sunny grabs the last serving plate off the table. "Would you like some tea?"

Taeyeon nods, "Thanks" She wanders around Sunny's living room, as much as one can wander in a place its size. Taeyeon surmises that Sunny's entire flat is the same size as her own bedroom. But Sunny was right, it is cozy. Warm colors are everywhere, and the walls are adorned with frame after frame of photographs, as well as fairly decent art.

Taeyeon scans the photos, trying to deduce who is who in all of them and what relationship they are to Sunny. Her black eyes stop on a centrally located photo; it's black and white and all three of the people in it are very happy. One is Sunny, is an infant Jamie, Taeyeon thinks, and the other is a very attractive woman. She's a bit taller than Sunny, has spiked brown hair, and several facial piercings. She's holding Jamie, while Sunny's arms are wrapped around her waist. They're all bundled up in knit jumpers, Sunny and Jamie in beanies.

"That's Hyomin" Taeyeon jumps at the sound of Sunny's voice next to her, "She was my girlfriend… my partner. I mean, we were to be married but…"

"You all look so happy" Taeyeon interrupts, glancing over at Sunny.

"We were" Sunny reaches out and takes the frame off the wall, studying the picture. "This is the last picture we took as a family; Hyomin was… killed in a traffic accident one week later"

"Oh Sunny, I'm so sorry" you've ruined the evening, ing great, Taeyeon. Taeyeon slides her hand up Sunny's arm, stopping to squeeze around her bicep.

"Don't be" Sunny puts the frame back on the wall. "Hyomin and I, we had six wonderful years together, fifteen months of those with Jamie" she smiles at the photo, "I wouldn't trade that for anything"

The kettle whistle pulls Sunny back to the kitchen. Taeyeon watches her, then turns back to look at more photos. There's several of Sunny, Jamie and a man. "Is this his father?"

"Hmm?" Sunny looks to the frame Taeyeon points to "Yeah, that's him. His name is Sungmin. I grew up with him in Jeonju. He's a disgusting piece of filth" Sunny laughs, "but he has the kindest heart of anyone I know and, well, he's not too bad on the eyes, really" Sunny walks over and places their teacups on the table, then joins Taeyeon by the wall once more.

"That's a matter of taste, I think" Taeyeon jokes with a wink.

"Hey!" Sunny bumps Taeyeon with her shoulder, "my son looks a lot like him. Are you saying Jamie's not the cutest boy you've ever seen?"

Taeyeon suppresses a smile. "Actually, I think Jamie looks a lot like you. He has your eyes" Taeyeon says, looking directly at Sunny, her eyes flitting around Sunny's face, "and your nose…" she adds, tapping Sunny's nose gently with her finger.

"…and Sungmin's big mouth" Sunny laughs, "he'll say anything, anytime. He also has his eye for girls" she continues. "Honestly, we should open the door to that room. He may be only four, but he's inherited genes from two parents who love women"

Taeyeon looks worried for a moment until Sunny winks at her, "I'm going to start on this tea" Sunny steps around the couch, collapsing with a huff, "what a day"

Jesus, you're beautiful. Taeyeon smiles at Sunny but turns back to the photos. Bending down, two smaller frames catch her eye. Rather, the things in the photo catch her eye. It's a hospital room. Jamie's little body lies in a bed much too big for it and he looks half awake, but he still has a weak little smile on his face. There are tubes in his nose and needles in his arm.

"What are you looking at, Mum?" Taeyeon hadn't noticed Bella walk into the room and stand at her side.

Standing straight she answers, "All of Sunny's lovely photographs" she can barely smile at her daughter.

"We don't have any pictures up at our house" Bella says as she scans the wall, her eyes rest on the photos Taeyeon had just been looking at. She points to it, touching the glass "This machine is the same kind that Mummy had in her room, remember?" Looks up at her mother.

Before Taeyeon can answer, Sunny pipes in "Which machine, love?"

Bella takes the frame off the wall and goes to Sunny, sitting next to her on the couch. Taeyeon can only silently look on.

"This machine, here. It's for chemotherapy, right?" Sunny nods. "My Mummy had that too"

"Oh?" Sunny looks to Taeyeon who's gone completely pale. Sunny furrows her brow, "Taeyeon, are you alright?"

Bella looks up at her mother and informs Sunny, "She doesn't like us to talk about our Mummy" she says, "she gets really angry and sad when we do"

Sunny is torn. She wants to respond to Taeyeon who is clearly in need of a hug, or a strong drink, by the looks of her. But then, she doesn't see the harm in allowing Bella to continue.

"Why did she have chemo?"

Bella glances at her mother who is still frozen to the spot. "Mummy had leukemia, just like Jamie" she says, looking down at the photo. "She died"

"Bella! That's quite enough" Taeyeon reaches out and snatches the frame from her daughter, placing it back on the wall. "Go and get your sister" she says in a raised tone, "we're leaving" Taeyeon picks up her purse and sees that her daughter hasn't budged. "Now" she says sternly, with an icy look in her eyes.

Sunny wraps her arm around Bella's shoulders "Taeyeon…"

"Bella, I said now"

The little girl stomps to the room where Sophia and Jamie are playing, tells her sister it's time to go.

Sunny stands and walks to Taeyeon, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder. Taeyeon pulls her shoulder away quickly, shaking her head and warning Sunny with her eyes. "Please don't" , Taeyeon. Pull it together.

Sunny retreats just as all three children enter the room.

"Mama, why do they have to go?" Jamie runs to his mother's side, "we didn't eat the chocolate cake" he whines.

Sunny picks up her son and rubs his back "I know, love, but Taeyeon… isn't feeling very well, so they need to go. I'm sure we'll have them over again, yeah?"

Jamie lays his head on Sunny's shoulder. Eight pairs of eyes focus on Taeyeon.

Taeyeon can feel the stares and looks anywhere but at them. Sunny waits for Taeyeon to say something…anything, but after a full minute of silence, she realizes this isn't going to happen.

"Say goodbye to your friends, Jamie" Sunny says in a hushed voice.

"Bye" lifts his head up slightly, looking down at the girls.

Taeyeon clears .

Bella sighs, "Bye, Jamie. Bye, Sunny. You're really nice, and I like it here"

Taeyeon pushes her children out the door, and with one quick glance back at Sunny, they're gone.



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Chapter 62: I’m not disappointed. I just too immersed with the story, and feeling insecure as well as Dandyu
Chapter 61: I like it author, a lot! I would mind to stick with you :) And probably, i will print out the pdf so i can read it like a book.
Chapter 60: Hi author! I’m not mad at you because same author, same! Me either don’t want this story to end.
Chapter 59: First, i’m telling you that i was smiling while commenting. Hehehe. Thank you sincerely for the whole eight months you spend on writing this story. You never fail to make me cry, laugh, and smile when i read all the chapter. I really enjoyed my time reading! My pleasure! It’s the most beautiful “Start Over”. Thank you for the messages, i will try to being proud of who i am, and who actually am. Well, i don’t want to say goodbye to “Not Anymore”, rather i would like to say see you again instead :)
Chapter 58: Yes. She loves you. Sunny loves you, Taeyeon. It’s a sure thing.
Chapter 57: No, you don’t need to apologize author. You’ve work really hard to make this fic. It’s not easy to keep up the story, but you make it! From the chapter 1 until now, you’ve gone through so many idea. Good job and thank you so much!
Chapter 56: It’s look like now… or never.
Chapter 55: I think this update is important. Because i read important words… “for Sunny” and “for our future”.
Chapter 54: Oh i almost forget that every meet have a goodbye, cause i don’t feel like this story to be end :( soon or not. But if it was your desicion author, then fine… i will really miss this story, miss jamie, bella, sophia, and Dandyu of course :(
Chapter 53: This fic deserve more upvote and subscibe, because of the great story itself. I almost tear up as Sunny while i read Taeyeon words… but thanks, Taeyeon correct it so she don’t hurt Sunny feeling