Day 28

My Teacher's A Hottie

"So, you got the plan? Let him down easy," Zelo said again as we were at my locker getting my books for our next class.

"Jello, I got it. It's not complicated, I just feel bad."

"Then don't do it and just accept him then break up," Jongup said and I gave him the 'are you ing stupid' look.

"That's even worse, like Zelo, if you didn't like Sunmi and you just said yes to her because you felt bad then broke up wouldn't that make you even worse of a person?"

"Yeah, but I like Sunmi," Zelo said.

"Really? I didn't know," I said in a sarcastic voice then closed my locker and began walking to the science lab for biology. I always thought that disecting frogs were just something TV made up to make it interesting, but no, I was wrong. We disect frogs in class, just ing amazing. As we entered the room it reeked of dead frogs, no matter how hard Mr. Choi tried to get the smell out it wouldn't go away. I sat down at my lab table and unfortunately my partner was Park Chanyeol himself, I don't think he knew I was his date homecoming though. I put my books in the shelves underneath the table, I looked at the dead frog at our table and I was ready to hurl any second. My stomach was weak when it came to coming near dead things, the stench of the room just made it worse. The windows were open and Mr. Choi had sprayed air freshener everywhere, but the stench fought off the air freshener and refused to exit out the windows. The bell for class to begin had ring and Chanyeol had walked in with Kyungsoo and Baekhyun behind him the second it rang. It was weird, Kyungsoo was probably the only one in their group of friends I didn't have a problem with. He was nice and adorable like a penguin, he was my lab partner last year and we were cool with each other. On my birthday he always brought me cookies he baked, that boy was unbelievably amazing at cooking and baking. The reason why i also got cookies was because our mothers were friends and we saw a lot of each other as children, but the visits decreased and I only saw him in school. Kyungsoo smile an waved to me and I waved back, we weren't exactly friends, but we knew everything about each other and enjoyed the company of each other.

"Hana," Chanyeol said as he sat next to me.

"Chanyeol, what a pleasure to see you," I said in a bored tone and fiddled with my pencil in my fingers.

"So, my sister tells me your the girl I'm taking to homecoming," he spoke up and I stopped fiddling with my pencil letting it drop onto the table.

"I'll pick you at your place at 6," he said and I was shocked that he didn't throw a fit. Mr. Choi began to explain where to cut the frogs and what to do with the tiny body. I looked at the worksheet he gave us last class and everything looked so difficult. He finished talking and told us to began.

"You can cut it first," I managed to say to Chanyeol and he nodded. He took the knife and cut it down the stomach of the frog, right when he did that blood oozed out. Something Mr. Choi told us would happen, you know thy feeling you get when you feel like throw up is stuck in your throat and your gagging? I had that feeling right now. Chanyeol gave me a weird look but bridge it off and continued to cut the frog. Mr. Choi was walking by to see how we were all doing and he stopped at our table.

"Chanyeol let Hana cut it too," he said and Chanyeol nodded giving me the tools. As soon as I took them in hand my hands started shaking, Mr. Choi was still standing there to make sure I cut the frog. My hands were still shaking and I gulped, I did one cut wrong and blood squirted in my face. That triggered it, I leaned over to the garbage can next to our table and threw up. A lot. I ran to the bathroom needing to still puke and the frog's blood still on my face. I went to the nearest bathroom and unfortunatly it was out of order. I ran to the next closest bathroom and ran right into to someone.

"Oh my god move," I said and harshly pushed them out the way, but they stopped me.

"Hana? W-why is there blood on your face?" The voice said, the owner of the voice was Yongguk. Dear god, I can't keep it in. I inhaled through my nose and I could smell the blood, at that moment I threw up on Yongguk's shirt.

"Mr. Bang-" a student said peeking their head out the door of the classroom and when he saw the sight he was horrified.

"Seonyeop, please find the nearest staff worker," Yongguk said calmly.

"Y-yes," he stuttered and quickly left to find a janitor.

"Sorry," I said and Yongguk refused to look at me, his position hadn't change and he seemed disgusted to even look at me or the puke on his clothes and the floor.

"Go to the bathroom," he said and I carefully walked to the bathroom. I entered and looked at myself in the mirror, the blood was smeared on my face. Luckily there wasn't any puke on me except for a little on the end of my shoe. I washed my face and the end of my shoe and walked back out to see Himchan being escorted by the same student towards Yongguk.

"Thanks Seonyeop," Himchan said and sent him back into the class. Seonyeop gave me one last look and he was a little pale, he had a weak stomach too, but he knew how to keep it in unlike me.

"Dude, what happened?" Himchan said looking at Yongguk.

"Ask. Her," he said and Himchan looked at me.

"Ah well, how do I put this?" I said embarrassed to tell him what happened.

"Hana, there you are," another voice called and it was Mr. Choi.

"Oh Mr. Kim, Mr. Bang. I just came to see where Hana," he began but stopped when I moved a little to the side revealing the incident that happened.

"Mr. Choi why wasn't Hana is class?" Himchan asked.

"We were dissecting frogs and Hana cut it wrong making the blood squirt in her face. When that happens she threw up and ran out the room. i let her go since she was heading in the direction of the bathroom," Mr. Choi explained and I covered my face in shame.

"Thank you for explaining, you may go back and resume your class. I'll go to the office and get a janitor and make sure Hana gets better since she still looks a little pale," Himchan said and Me. Choi nodded and headed back in the direction of the science lab.

"Hana, Hana, Hana, you always had a weak stomach," Himchan scolded me almost forgetting about Yongguk until he spoke up.

"Himchan, I still need to get cleaned up," Yongguk said.

"Right, I'll cover your classes and you can go gt cleaned up in the locker room. Hana you go to the office and explain your story, then just hang there until you feel better," Himchan said and I nodded. I still felt like throwing up truthfully, the smell of puke was getting to me and I true my hardest not to hurl.


"Nice job Hana," Zelo said patting my back as we were walking onto the soccer field for practice.

"Seonyeop told me how he saw you puke all over Yongguk," He said and I groaned.

"Yeah, the whole school knows already," Hyunki said and I groaned even louder.

"What's with all the groaning?" Coach Joo shouted at me.

"Hana threw up on Yongguk!" Zelo shouted and I could tell he was trying to hold in laughter.

"I had ing frog blood on my face! You know I can handle stuff like that, also I wouldn't have thrown up on him if he didn't stop me in the hallway and let me go to he bathroom," I said in my defense.

"Whatever Hana, you threw up on him anyways," Zelo said and started running. Great, now I know Zelo is going to hold this against me.

"Oh my god Jello, stop," I said stretching out the 'stop' in an annoyed tone.

"No thanks," he smiled and continued running. I'll get you back Choi Junhong, and you'll never see it coming.


"Daehyun! Hey, um can I talk to you?" I asked as I was helping him clean up after practice.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I-" I began, but I was cut off by someone shouting.

"HEY! JUNG DAEHYUN," an annoying girl's voice shouted stomping towards the field. I knew her, she was Daehyun's ex and she was unhappy on how things ended.

", Miyoung what do you want?" he asked afraid of what type of fury would come this time.

"You think you can just ignore me? I go to the same university as you, I call you everyday, but you don't answer! That's what I want. for you to answer me," she said angry, she'd been wanting to get back with Daehyun since the day after they broke up.

"Miyoung, how many times do I have to tell you we're over."

"But Daehyunnie, I miss you," I shouted and clung onto Daehyun's arm, , I have to help him.

"Um excuse, what are you doing to MY boyfriend?" I finally spoke up and her eyes basically shot out of their sockets.

"WHAT? DID YOU JUST SAY BOYFRIEND?" she shouted in my face angrily.

"Y-yeah, that's right. Jung Daehyun is my boyfriend," I said filled with confidence.

"URGHH!" She screamed frustrated and furiously stomped away.

"Wait so you'll be my girlfriend?" he asked with hope, oh how could I reject him like this.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend," I said and he suffocated me in a hug.

"Dae, you're killing me right now, literally," I squeaked and he let go.

"Sorry, it's just I'm so happy right now," he smiled then picked me up and started swinging me around. He then put me down and kissed my forehead. I myself was still trying to process what was happening to react at the fact he kissed my forehead, again. This isn't how I planned things.


"I'll reject him easily, don't worry Jello nothing will go wrong," Zelo said mimicking my voice as we were driving home.

"His angry girlfriend showed up and kept urging to get back togethe, what else was I suppose to do?"

"Um I don't know, just tell her off and then tell him that you don't want to date him."

"Oh thanks, that would've been helpful 20 minutes ago!"

"Hey, this is your fault. You don't even want to date him and you said it's mean I date people you don't have mutual feelings with and then break up with them."

"Shut up! I know what I said!"

"Then why didn't you take that into consideration!"

"I don't know! Why are you so mad over it?!"

"I don't why I'm so mad over it! Maybe because Daehyun is my friend and you are too!"

"Junhong I don't know what to do!" I cried out, I only called him Junhong when I was serious.

"Well I can't help you so you have to figure this out yourself, but now I'm sure news spread about you and Daehyun like wildfire because you know how Seonyeop is with his big mouth. At least will forget about the puke incident," he said. Honestly I'd rather have people talking about me puking than about me dating Daehyun.

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Chapter 33: Damn girl it has been 2 years? In 2013, I just started my Diploma school. In 2015, now I'm in my final year for Diploma school. I'm graduating in a couple more months. Where have those times gone to?! Haha but I'm still glad I have B.A.P back in my life. I can't imagine losing them again, ever.
and i am STILL not over the plot twist...
Chapter 33: a bit dissapointed at the last part..but really enjoyed the story..great one!!! XDDDDDDDDD
Hana is soo cool.
syayuuri #4
Chapter 32: Awww. Cute story but i hope you can do it on Himchan
Chapter 32: What what happened in the last chapter I'm really confused
Chapter 32: Soooo cute! I seriously wish this was real! ^^
Chapter 32: My feels.... I wish it were reality >.<
Chapter 32: Lol omg what a cute chapter!! When she sneezed was epic!! Lol