
My Black Rose

     JaeHwa set her alarm about one hour before her regular waking time.

     "I have extra time to look good today." JaeHwa sprang out of her bed, trying to make everything as silent as usual without waking anybody up. After shaving her legs, styling her hair as perfect as possible, perfecting her make-up, and put on her uniform; she started walking to school.

      Twenty minutes after JaeHwa left, Jongup started to get ready.

     "Wait, it's quiet here," he walked to the bathroom. "Too quiet." He opened the door and no one was there. He went up to JaeHwa's room. Her room was clear and barely messy and her backpack was gone. "She left early.... but for what?" Jongup rushed through his routine and as he was getting his breakfast ready, he found the note on the fridge. 


 "I left early because Krystal wanted to meet up for a project we are doing together. (: annyeong ~ ! 

-JaeHwa <3"

    Jongup stared at the note for about five minutes. "Oh. Okay." Then he went back to making his breakfast. 

     JaeHwa found her way to the rooftop stairs. The roof had a swinging bench covered with vines of flowers. Rose petals were scattered across the floor, and little folded paper hearts hanging from the rooftop shade. JaeHwa looked around the area and looked out the view of the trees and hilltops from behind the school.

      "Wow!" She looked around the place some more and found a big folded paper heart right on the bench labeled, "Jae-bun." She unfolded the heart carefully and the note said, "turn around." She did just that, all to find Jongin standing behind her with a bouquet of white roses, her favorite.

     "I honestly didn't know what to do... I didn't know how I could possibly make you think otherwise of me. With a little help, here it is. I hope you like it." Jongin looked at the area around them, smiling at his idea.

     "I love it, Jongin. I really love this.... I love you." Jongin and JaeHwa smiled widely and shared a long kiss. "I love you too Jae, I've always had." 

     JaeHwa blushed while smelling the bouquet and held his hand. The two smiled at each other again and descended the stairs. 

     While going down the stairs, Jongin heard a click as if someone pressed a button on their phone. He knew someone was not around them as he had made extra sure that he and JaeHwa were the only ones in the area. He knew it wasn't her since she was holding her bouquet and his hand. Jongin just shrugged it off and looked at the happy JaeHwa.

      There was only a few people out in the hallways since it was still pretty early. The two stopped by JaeHwa's class to leave her stuff there. While walking to her desk, Jongin leans onto the doorway.

     "You are just going to hurt her again." a faint voice whispers in his ear. He jumps and turns around quickly, examining the area around him. After a few seconds he shrugged it off again and turned back to the door way. He jumps again just to process that the girl in front of him was JaeHwa.

      "Why are you so jumpy?" A worried look came upon her face.

      "Uhhh nothing Jagi." Her look became a smile and he took her hand and started walking around the hallways.

      Youngjae came to school early to turn in an assignment he missed. After turning in his work and left his backpack in the room, he headed for the music room to look for his music sheet. After finding the sheet, he headed for the cafeteria. At the door, he stops in his tracks.


Well, then I haven't updated and I finally am back. You guys saw the new episode of Supernatural ? or that new Pretty Little Liars halloween special? 


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Kanpop #1
wow! the face slap though! girls can be so cruel!
Chapter 11: Lol I love their secret name's for them
Update soon~~!!!
I want her to be with youngjae not jerkface lol even if jerkface is hot joko is sweet