Peace Baby!

My Cute Little Vendor 'Jaejoongie'
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Jaejoong turn the knob and slowly slip himself inside their bedroom. Indeed Yunho is there lying in their bed back facing him. He nervously approach the figure. He let out a sniff and hug Yunho from behind.

Yunho lay still. He can hear Jaejoong's sniffing but he disregard it although it pains him to know his love is crying. He just wanted to hear his sorry.

"Baby, please talk to me . . ." Jaejoong rub Yunho's back trying to get the attention of his lover.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to say that . . ."

"I don't care if we're not married as long as you're always here for me its enough!" Yunho smiled but still pretend to be sleeping still.

"Baby . . . Look! You want our baby to be called Moonbin right? Then you win! Lets call our baby Moonbin." Yunho bit his lips to suppressed the laughter. Jaejoong is just too cute to ignore but he likes the moment.

And besides he likes the sound of Jaejoong calling him 'baby'. Yunho giggled silently.


"Yunnie, please wake up!"

"Yah! Why you are so mean to me? I do apologize already!" Yunho smiled and close his eyes but when he felt the bed lighten so suddenly he knows he has to get up and embrace his lover.

Jaejoong sadly stood up and was about to turn the knob when he felt an arm encircled his shoulder.

"I forgive you. I am sorry too baby!" Jaejoong turn around and cried on Yunho's chest as he buried his face to it.

"I'm so sorry Yunnie! I am really sorry!" Yunho rub Jaejoong's back and tighten the hug.

"It won't happen again, right baby?" Jaejoong nod his head madly and Yunho chuckle.

"Stop crying now, you want to go shopping?"

"But i am tired i want to sleep!"

"Then lets just sleep the whole day!" Jaejoong smiled this time as he's being drag to their bed again as Yunho hug him.

"I love you Jaejoongie! You have to trust me !"

"I know! I love you too! And yes i trust you, i trust you with all my heart Yunnie!" Jaejoong received a soft kiss on his temple as he close his eyes and drifted off.


Sunday and Jaejoong was up so early for his morning routine of walking around the mansion. He slowly left the bed with Yunho sleeping so soundly. After giving his lover a peck on the lips he took his coat and strode towards the door. 


"I can see you are so used setting your foot in a marbled floor and eating in a golden spoon. Have you even remember you were once a vendor before Yunho had known you?" Jaejoong was stop upon hearing those harsh words coming from the he just swear he wouldn't like.


He wants to ignore her, but the women strode towards him blocking his way to the main door and stare at him like he was a very disgusting piece of .


"Being raise in a street really has an attitude huh?" Boa curved her fake eyebrows. Jaejoong just snorted.


"I have nothing to discuss with you so please, let me pass i have to take my morning routine if you'll just excuse me?"


"Wow! such a huh? What did Yunho seen in you? you're just a piece of dirty rag he fetch from the street and clothed to make you look like a normal man, you're not even in our level."


Jaejoong gritted his teeth. As much as possible he wants to avoid getting mad because the contractions and his baby is enough to make his head ache. But this girl is just an additional to his so called pain in the .


The insult were too much for him and if he could only slap her, he had done it but he was still trying to compose himself as he thought boa was still a part of this family.


"Why? Can't you even utter a word? What can you-"




Boa and Jaejoong was startled to see Yunho in his disheveled hair but still look so handsome but what had caught their attention was the glazing eyes of Yunho. He was obviously angry as Jaejoong can see the reddening face of his lover.


"Yunho . . ." Boa try to avoid the flaring Yunho but she failed when Yunho advance his steps and held Jaejoong in a very protective way and the direct laser was now shooting to the poor women who started fidgeting in her spot.


"Do you call yourself a friend boa? You can insult me, you can even spit the bitterness of our separation to me but don't you dare hurting Jaejoong and insulting my love right in this very place. He's a part of me that you can never erase, he's a part of me that you can't ever change! Now i regret to love someone like you in the past. What we had is something that we can forget and would only engraved in our memory, a memory that can be forgotten. But Jaejoong and my son is something special that I'll cherish now and the coming tomorrow. They're my future! So stop insulting him like you ever knew him! Stop everything boa before i forgot you're a dear friend to our family."


Jaejoong was all in tears when Yunho face him and cup his cheek.


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Chapter 38: Huwaaaaaaa the ending issssss teary happinessss
Re reading again and again miss u and how r u its me madz?
Chapter 30: I want some watermelon too \(◎o◎)/
Euncha3 #4
Chapter 2: I'm back again, re reading it all over again, I just can't find my self bored with it.. I love this story so damn much ;-)
I just read your interview and..... (≧▽≦)
cutepenguin #6
Chapter 40: Forever waiting for the sequel. Lol
me_aga #7
Chapter 40: re-reading again and again..
i want to read the sequel but when I search the title why I can't find it.
can you please give me link for the sequel.
thank you
yjgirl #8
Chapter 1: re_reading again :-D :-D
Chapter 5: Wehehe re reading evrything again <3
bhavana #10
Chapter 40: omg lovely ,romantic story..thnk u so much author for writing it..