A Weird Dream Again

Dream World

I came back late from that day, so when I fell asleep and got myself into the dream, I was actually surprised of how I was ''awake''. Still, I hadn't learn anything in the past two nights, and i was told I would learn something everynight...


Same door again, and as I put my hand on the handle, Kira poped out of nowhere and told me I could die in the dreams.


-You opened it twice already!

-I know, but I'm not real, I can't die. Not like you.

-Just let him do whatever he wants to do, Kira, said Hikio, annoyed.



Kira growled and crossed her arms, annoyed as well. I looked at her, then Hikio, then her again. I was still holding the handle, and though I really wanted to look inside, or even peek, I still only placed my ear against the door, soon imitated by Kira. Noises from the game again...Was there anyone inside? I couldn't hear anyone. I looked at Kira, like if she had an anwser, but she only shruged. I started to hear sounds again, but this time, it wasn't laughter or poeple simply talking, it sounded like...




Moans, grunts...Wait...I could hear myself inside...And Ama?...


What the?


-Looks like you're having fun inside, said Kira, smirking.

-What the hell is going on, I asked, whispering.

-This is one of Ama's secret, said Hikio.

-For a straight A student, you can be kind of slow sometimes, added Kira, smirking.

-I'm not slow...


I just didn't want to believe it. Ama...had those kind of dreams? With me in it?...Did she have a crush on me? Probably, if she had those kind of dreams...But she knows that I have a crush on someone else...


Oh god, she had a crush on me all this time and she listened to me fangirling all over the place? Did I hurt her? She's my childhood friend, my best friend, and I was so caught into my own love story I didn't even think about her feelings at all...Though she's the one asking all the time how things are. I feel bad...I really bad...


-You can always stop, remember? If things are getting to hard for you, just say so and it will stop, said Hikio.

-If you are a chicken, of course, added Kira.


I groaned. I was not a chicken, though that was way more than I had bargain for. I stared at Kira who was smiling widely, like the insane woman she was, and I pushed her aside, ignoring the dirty sounds coming from the room.


-I am not a chicken.

-I hope so.

-I am not.

-If you say so.


She kicked the door open, kind of gave me a feeling of déjà vu, and yelled, making the imaginary me and Ama jump.




I woke up, my heart beating against my chest like if it wanted to get out. I looked at my window, thinking. I felt bad for Ama...It was three in the morning, I still had a few hours of sleep, but my mind was racing too much to lay down right now and dream again. I shook my hair with my hands, groaning. The only thing going on in my mind at that moment was ''How am I supposed to face her now?''


I ended up falling back asleep until my alarm rang next to my head. I punched it down, making it stop, and stood up, the dream I had still vivid in my mind. I got prepared for school and walked to Ama's house, my fingers taping my thigh, nervous for some reason. For her, it was just another day, but for me, it felt like everything changed. Ama opened her front door, going out with a giant smile on her face. I smiled back, surprisingly.


-Hey Ama. Sleep well?

-Yeah, kind of. Something in my dream made me jump and I woke up around three in the morning.

-What exactly?

-I...don't remember.


Yeah sure. I bet you remember, but you don't want to tell me. I can understand, no worries. I won't hold a grudge against you for hiding the fact that someone screamed time in your dream.


-So, your week-end, she asked. How was it?

-It was awesome!

-Give me all the details! All of them!


I hesitated a second, but told her everything, except the dreams. She was like usual, and that was what was freaking me out the most. She was completely natural, there wasn't even a hint that she might have the smallest crush on me, and it took me that dream, telling it to me explicitly for me to realise it. I am not that dense, i've seen girls around me act like totaly differently when I was around, I could see the few hints they would give, but this was way to hidden for me to even realise there might be the slightlest chance for it to happen. I never though Ama was that good to keep secrets.


What else was she hidding?


I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know anymore.


-What did you do of your week-end, I asked her.

-I've hang out with friends and let them stay to my place. You missed Val, isn't it sad?

-Oh yeah, I'm so sad right now.


I smiled sincerely. Maybe I could do something to make her happy with someone else. It may be a little selfish, but if I don't do something, I'll end up making a mistake and actually make her realise that I now knew about it, and that would make me the worst ever. So, it's half selfish, let's say.


-Baby K?


-If your friends are going to be a part of the show, aren't they going to come to practice? Or at least do an audition?

-The auditions are next week, so they'll be there then, surely. Why?

-Just curious.

-Since when are you curious about people you don't know?

-Since I learned you were friend with other guys. Asians, I guess.

-Yeah so?

-Maybe they are hot, who knows?...Are they?

-I don't know your tastes, so I can't say. Want pictures?

-No need. I'll see when they will come. Val can tell me too.


I shruged. If one of them was in her taste, then that would help me...


Once we were at school, Val almost threw papers in my face, smirking. Before I could ask why, she was already explaining to me that since the auditions were soon, I had to practice instead of coming to the comittee reunions. Again, before I could ask anything, considering I didn't even fill the form yet to hand it over, she told me she had a talk with Hyukjae about it.


-If you have any form to give me, that'll be nice, since Hyukjae wants to know how many people will be there for the auditions.

-I have one in my bag, I answered, groaning as I looked at the schedule.


-Do you have some, I asked, curious.

-I have one, actually. My sister is good at finding people, considering how many of her friends can actually do something on stage. I have to leave you two, I have papers to collect around the school.

-How is it you're doing this so passionately, asked Ama, amused.

-I have nothing better to do, and you two were slow as hell this morning.


She took a small pause before adding :


-And he saw me first, before going to his girlfriend.


Ouch. I can almost pity her.


-I'll leave you two alone, I got stuff to do. Later Ama, later Kyukyu!


Almost. We waved her goodbye. I wonder if Ama knows about Val's crush...From her lack of reaction, I'd say no, but since that dream...I don't know anymore.





I have some chapters done already, but I want to keep some for when school will crush me again with stuff to do, so... Sowy I'm slow TT3TT

Rated M because of Kira's yelling (sorry that it rates itself like this, I give you false hope >w<)

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Chapter 30: Ughh...I'm really really confused right now.
Do you mean you write this fic based on life of real people around you,your friends actually.Then that friend of yours started dating someone,So because your friends' life (aka base of this fic)changed you can't countinue this story anymore.
Did I get it right or am I wrong?
Chapter 29: Oh, Kyu. "It wasn't my fault I was so good." Model of modesty, I see xD
Chapter 28: I'm slower than you, so... xD
cchuboi #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for update!
Chapter 27: thank you for the update.
Chapter 19: why is that hyukjae hates kyuhyun?
Chapter 10: hahaha..now i'm getting more confused..
Chapter 6: now i'm confused about kira and hikio..
Chapter 5: yeah kyu...
what did you get yourself into...

Chapter 2: i don't know if the dream is a good one or a bad one...