Undercover Agent a.k.a You

" Soo Jin? " The boys chorused at once amd the two cousins nodded. " I saw her wearing a necklace with pink rhinestones once. Those rhinestones and these were about the same size. " Chen said. 

" I saw her wearing a bracelet with those rhinestones a few times. Check for a missing stone when we go back to school next week. " Xiumin said and the boys nodded. 

* Choi Soo Jin. I don't know where this is going to, but lay a finger on her, and you're dead. * Both Lay and Kai thought. 

The next day, Ju Min woke up to bright sunlight streaming in from the windows. She instinctively covered her eyes to block the sunlight while analyzing the room. * Whose room is this? I'm sure as hell that it is not my room. And whose clothes are these? * Her eyes trailed down to her clothings. 

-Knock- -Knock- 

Ju Min looked up to see Myung Hee's face at the door. " Morning Minnie! Wash up and come down for breakfast. " Myung Hee smiled and left the room. Raising her eyebrow, Ju Min got out of bed and went to wash up. 

Walking down for breakfast, Ju Min looked at all the pictures of Myung Hee and her family on the mantle display. * Such a wonderful family. * 

Ju Min reached the dining room and noticed two adults sitting there. The lady sitting in front of Myung Hee looked up and smiled. " Come and sit down for breakfast, Ju Min. " Ju Min looked at the lady and nodded. 

Myung Hee patted the chair next to her and Ju Min sat there. " It's nice to meet Myung Hee's friends. I'm her mother Mrs. Seo, and this is my husband. " The lady patted her husbands shoulder. 

" It's nice to meet you too, Mr. and Mrs. Seo. " Ju Min greeted. " I like her Myung Hee. She's better than your other friend, Soo Jin, is it? " Mrs Seo questioned. 

" She's only out for attention, mom. " Myung Hee corrected and both parents shook their heads. " Ju Min-ah, do you have any part time jobs anywhere? " Mrs. Seo asked and Ju Min shook her head. 

" Really? I thought all seventeen year olds would want to find a job like Myung Hee. She's looking everywhere for a company to hire her to be a desginer. " Mrs. Seo played with the jewelry around her wrist and it caught Ju Min's attention. Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was the TWA bracelet. 

" I have a full time job at a company near my apartment. I think they will have a designers job there. " Ju Min smiled at Mrs. Seo who smiled back. 

" But what kind of drawing does Myung Hee like? " Ju Min asked. 

" She has a habit of drawing weapons like guns and knives. Other than these, she would usually draw interiors of things. " Mr. Seo answered and Ju Min's eyes widened. She didn't know Myung Hee was this kind of person, she looked too cheerful for this. 

" Does Myung Hee have any siblings? " Ju Min asked, remembering the room she woke this morning. She could easily tell that it was someone's. 

" Yes. Seo Juhyun. But Myung Hee likes to call her Seohyun. " Mrs. Seo smiled. 

" You're actually wearing unnie's clothes, and you slept in her room. Simply because she's away on camp. " Myung Hee explained. Ju Min raised her eyebrows and looked at her parents. Mrs. Seo caught the looked and mouthed the word 'mission'. 

Ju Min nodded and went back to eating.


That same day, Luhan went to the apartment to find it locked since Ju Min was on her way home from Myung Hee's house. * Still not home? * 

Looking at the passcode pad, Luhan had an idea of what her passcode might be. * 0-7-1-0 *


" Bingo! " Luhan muttered under his breath and entered the plain apartment suite. Barking could be heard and Danika ran out into the room. Danika sat down in front of Luhan and started wagging her tail. Luhan bent down and patted her soft fur.

Standing back up, he started to roam around the room while waiting for Ju Min to arrive back home. Somehow, Luhan found himself in Ju Min's study room. On the table, he noticed a manila envelope and picked it up. 

Opening it, the contents spilled out. The profiles, the photo of Exo-M together and the letter about the mission. Opening the letter first, he read the content and his eyes widened. 

* So she was supposed to protect us?! Why didn't she notify us? * Then he remembred the rules of an agent. No revelation of identity. Protect them at all cost. * No falling in love with anyone of...us....* 

Realization dawned on him about his sister's weird behaviour when she was around the Exo-M boys. The way she was bonding without knowing. How she got that huge wound on that day she came to school. The way she blushes when she was around...him. The answers were clear and simple! 

* How could I have been so dumb. She was in love with him the whole time! * Sighing to himself, he realised how messed up his sister's life is, and he was silently thanking God for the accident that caused him to withdraw from the agent company forever.

Of course, he pitied her. Her first love, first childhood friend, first best friend, first everything, and she couldn't do anything but watch as he moved on with life and probably find another girl, while she was still at the company. 

And Luhan knew, that if Ju Min continued to stay in the company, she would never be able to fall in love, and would probably be sacrificing her own happiness. * No. She doesn't deserve this kind of slavery. * 

But he also knew that Ju Min loved being an agent more than her dream job when she was younger. She gave everything up just for this one single job that is now risking her her happiness. He knew he had to do something, and it had to be done fast. 

Hearing a click at the door, Luhan shoved the contents back into the manila envelope, hid it behind his back and went outside to greet Ju Min, who was surprised to see her brother at her house. 

" Xihan ge? Why are you here and how did you get in? " Ju Min asked. 

" I got in through the front door. " Luhan replied with his common logic and Ju Min just rolled her eyes. 

" I mean, how did you know my passcode? " Ju Min asked more clearly. 

" 0710. His birthday. " Luhan oh-so-simply replied as if it was the dumbest question ever.

Ju Min heard his answer and flushed. * Busted. * But she recomposed her flushed self and looked at Luhan. " And, the reason for you being here? " 

Luhan took from his pocket, the pink rhinestone. " This was found at the place where you were pushed into the pool. " Ju Min crossed her arms and looked at him. " And you're so positive that I didn't fall in? " Ju Min blindly asked.

" You're not that clumsly or light-headed to fall into a pool that's more than your height. " Luhan gave her a look and she awkwardly coughed. 

" The boys might have an idea about who pushed you nto the pool. " Luhan said and Ju Min looked at him, expecting him to continue. " We thought that it might be Soo Jin. " 

" Why am I not surprised that you thought it was the . " Ju Min looked at her fingers with a bored expression. " That girl would do anything to have her 'competition' eliminated. " She made quotation signs in the air.

" By the way, Myung Hee's working for TWA. But she will be a designer with no missions. " Ju Min informed Luhan and his eyes widened. " Her mother is an agent anyway! So why not? " Ju Min shrugged and went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water.

" Her mother is an agent? " Luhan looked at Ju Min with wide eyes and she nodded. " But she doesn't work at the main building. Just another one that specialises in design and weapons. " Ju Min sipped on her water and Luhan heaved a sigh of relief. 

" Glad to know. " Luhan unconciously blurted out and his covered his mouth. " Why? Scared your girlfriend might find out your little secret? " Ju Min hinted at his past of being an agent and he shook his head. " She, is not, my girlfriend! Yet. " Luhan said the last part softly. 

" Right… yet. " Ju Min teased. Luhan could only roll his eyes and shake his head.

" Fei Shi. " Luhan called out and Ju Min looked up. " What is your current mission? As an agent. " 

Ju Min paused for awhile, not expecting that question at all. " Undercover. To find out what Teen Top is secretly up to. "  Ju Min said, not fully telling the truth. She was finding out what Teen Top was planning to do, but at the same time, protecting Exo-M. 

" Really? Then what is this? " Luhan held up the manila envelope with a frown. " Why did you keep this from me? Especially after you know that I'm your brother? " 

" Give it back. " Ju Min reached out to grab the envelope from Luhan but he hid it behind his back again. " Why? " He asked. 

Ju Min just stared down at the floor, not saying a word. " Why? You know how important this is when Exo-M is involved. Why didn't you say anything? "

" Were you scared? Did you not trust me? Do you think this was a joke—" Ju Min cut him off, " Yes! I'm scared! For the first time in my ing life, I'm actually scared because I have to protect someone. " Tears were mow lining her eyes. 

" I'm scared, because I don't want to lose anyone anymore! I don't want to be the victim to get information. I hate lying about myself. I espescially don't want you guys to be my bait." Hot tears streamed down her face as Luhan stood with his mouth agape. 

" A bait? " Luhan whispered and Ju Min nodded. " You six are the bait for Teen Top to lure me in and to destroy me. That's why they are collaborating with our parents' rivals.  When you're gone, so will I. " 

​" If he's gone, I'm practically dead to the world. " Ju Min whole-heartedly admitted. " He? Lay? " Ju Min nodded. 

" Are you... In love with...him? " Luhan kept pausing. " I don't know! I really don't know. I might like him as a guy, as a brother, or as a friend. But I don't know if I'm in love with him. " Ju Min cried as she collapsed onto the floor. 

Luhan reached out and caught her by her waist. He hugged her tight as she bawled into his chest. Luhan comforted her by rubbing her back gently. 

" I really don't know... " Ju Min's words came out as muffled sounds due to her crying. Together, the siblings stayed on the floor hugging each other as they wondered what might happen next. 

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 19: Wow suprise2 ,this new truth shocking ⊙o⊙
PunkRock123 #2
Chapter 31: I'm crying
this fanfic is good ^^
bheamendoza #3
Chapter 31: nice story
awwhh its all over now :( i had fun reading this. oh well
continue on writing author-nim! 화이팅!! ^^
Chapter 31: Awww I can't believe its finish already :( that's ok I really enjoyed ur story :)
Chapter 7: nice match..soojin deserve the warning..
allkpopluvr890 #7
Chapter 31: I love this story so much!
kpoperrose #8
Chapter 31: This was really good!!! I liked how tense the drama part was
forgotten_ghost #9
Chapter 31: Aw... I love that ending and I have to admit this series was amazing and had my heart racing.This turned out a lot better than I thought it would. <3 x 10000000000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 31: kyaaaaa it's a great ending but i want a sequel...pretty pretty please author nim.????