Chapter 36

I'll Be Yours



"If you tell anyone about this all of you are going to be thrown out of here and your chances of debuting will disappear in the time it takes me to call my father. Understood?" 


Those words were on my mind every day. Could I ruin our chances of a debut? This has been set in motion for so long! I couldn't sacrifice everything we have worked for these past few years and crush the dreams of all of the other members that have been in training for years and years. I can't. Even if its for Chanyeol and his girlfriend. I love Chaerae. She's been able to brighten the already happy virus even more than he was. We never thought that was possible. But when she came his smile became even wider, his steps lighter, his laughs heartier. It was as though she made him a version of the already Happy Virus a completely higher upgrade. She was always encouraging and she never took him away like his past girlfriends had. She never wanted him to pay for anything. Whenever he did, she would buy him something later or come cook for us. And by us, I meant all TWELVE. When the M members were here learning the choreography with us, doing photo shoots, and how the showcase was going to happen she would come over and cook. She also cooked with D.O and he enjoyed it. He loved her cooking just as much as he loved his own. 


How could I hurt her? For my own selfish desires? Wasn't I supposed to be one of the rational ones? I could never hurt anyone! Much less my best friends' girlfriend! Aish! How could I do this to them? It's my fault for being an idiot and having no control over the situation. I dragged my feet to my first class, which I shared with Suho and D.O. 




I could not find her anywhere. Not in the practice rooms of the music building, nor in the practice rooms of the dance building. I searched everywhere I possibly could, even going to the rooftop where we sometimes went to have lunch alone together. I decided to stop running around aimlessly and went to our shared second period. Maybe she had been in class this whole time and I never knew.

While walking-or more like sulking- I heard the whispers of other students and became more and more depressed.


“She must have really cheated on him.”


“He should have expected this. She’s a foreigner.”


“He should have just gotten with Sunny.”


“I don’t get it! She wasn’t even that pretty either!”


“He could do so much better!”


I gritted my teeth as I entered the dance room and was met with the stares of everyone in the room, including Kyungsoo Songaegnim. I ignored everyone as I made my way to change quickly. As soon as I was done I rushed out to look for Chaerae. I waited outside the girls’ locker rooms only to be met by none other than Sunny.


“Oppa! Omo! I saw the photos earlier? Are you okay? You always have me oppa! How about you leave her? She’s obviously nothing more than a cheater!” She scoffed and flipped her hair dramatically. “ I always knew she was no good for you. You should-“


“You should shut your mouth.” Kai sauntered up to us wit his eyes blazing. I thought I saw a small figure behind him, but there were tears in my eyes. I bit the inside of my cheek and pushed myself off of the wall. “You know absolutely nothing about her. So I’d watch my mouth if I were you.” I nodded my thanks at Kai and began walking to the rest of the guys whom had shown up with him, worried stares on me.


“Ch-Chanyeol oppa…” I felt a small tug on my shirt and heard the small voice I’d been longing to hear. I instantly turned around, and indeed there was a small form huddled behind Kai. She had one hand clutched on his jersey shirt and the other on mine. My eyes widened when I saw the tear stains on her puffy cheeks and the redness in her eyes. My heart cringed and just as I was about to speak, Kyungsoo songsaeng spoke.


“Alright class! Let’s get started!”



 I couldn’t talk to her at all throughout the class. Kyungsoo saeng had us separate into two different rooms to work today. He had us practice our gender-separated dances for the showcase since we hadn’t touched on them at all for a while. I kept glancing back and forth at the door that led to the second largest practice room in the building almost every minute that went by. I felt the same uneasy feeling I had felt earlier and I didn’t like it one bit.




Once again I was cast aside by the girls. Every time it was time for my part in the dance they stopped. Not even the temporary dance instructor allowed me to practice. I found it ridiculous. I was the featured part and they just ignored me. I took it with my head held high. Kai’s earlier words strengthening me.




I sniffed as my tears finally came to an end. I don’t know how long he let me cry only whispering words of encouragement and comfort to me. I hadn’t realized how caring Kai really was until now. Usually it was Chanyeol whom was the one comforting me and making me smile when I was sad or upset. He would always just try to keep me smiling. He hated to see me cry, so I forced myself not to cry in front of him.


“It’ll be okay… Just keep your head held high. Chanyeol will know the truth. You have us. Don’t think about the jerks. You’re amazing. You’re the best dancer I have seen come here for a long time. And your rapping is amazing! I have never heard someone be able to keep up with that giant and his raps. Don’t let them bring you down.” He continued my back as hiccups began and then slowly died away. How could I have ever thought that this person was nothing but a self-centered jerk?




“Hey you!” My eyes looked up from my shoelaces to the most cruel girl I have ever met. I hummed for her to continue and returned back to tying my shoe.


I heard a couple of scoffs and more footsteps approach me. “YAH! How dare you hum at me! Do you not know who I am?!” I nodded and then stood up, my chin raised, and met her gaze. Three other girls had come up behind her, one a little more timid than the others.


“I know who you are. What is it?” I tapped my foot nonchalantly. I would not let them discourage me and make me feel inferior. I believe in Kai’s words.


“Either you break up with Chanyeol or both of your dreams will end in a second. I won’t have some foreigner like you take my Chanyeol away from me. If you don’t break up with him, I will get my father to call SM and cancel Chanyeol and the others from ever hitting the stage in a debut. And I will kick you out of here indefinitely. Make your choice. You only have today.” I gulped as she walked away, the others following her, one of them very familiar from somewhere I could not remember. She eyed me longer than the others and I saw guilt flash in her eyes. I disregarded this as I sank to my knees. She wouldn’t really do that would she? She wouldn’t keep the boys from debuting… Would she?


I my tears and typed into my phone a message I never wanted to send but had to. I am sorry Chanyeol. I don’t want to ruin anything for you. Please forgive me.



I avoided him as much as possible. I guess this had to be done. I would do it for the twelve most caring people I have ever met. I don’t care about myself. I only care about them. I ate alone behind the old practice rooms, a place I knew no one went to. I sat away from Chanyeol when I could, and if I couldn’t, I skipped the class. I even avoided Kai, despite the fact that I should be thanking him for the comfort he offered me this morning. I would separate myself from them. It was the easiest way to do it. I couldn’t just leave them right after spending time getting to know them. But isn’t that what you’re doing anyway? I questioned myself as I quickly left campus. I was so into my thoughts I didn’t really know exactly where I was going at all. I was sure I was headed home but I wasn’t that sure at all. When I finally started to realize I could not recognize anything around me I was in a large crowd of people. I panicked slightly as people began pushing past me and scowling when I just stared at them. I gasped when I heard the sound of the subway train pull up beside me. Where am I?!




I rang the doorbell for the umpteenth time with no answer. Why didn’t she tell me the new security code?! I groaned and pulled out my phone to call her again. Still no answer. After she sent that text to me, I had been going crazy. My heart broke the moment I read the words. Normally I would just leave the girl who left me alone. But Chaerae was different. She was so much more important. Where is she? I slumped down and sighed. I will just wait for her here. She will come home eventually right?


I heard footsteps and my eyes shot up. Instead of seeing her, I saw Kai standing there, a strange look on his face. What was he doing here? Why was he here at Chaerae’s home? I stood and looked at him questioningly.


“What are you doing here?” We spoke at the same time surprising one another. I blinked and then cleared my throat.


“ I came to talk to Chaerae. She’s been avoiding me all day long. I just… wanted to verify what I saw.” He was silent. I eyed him once again. He was looking behind me, searching each window. “She isn’t here. I have been trying to call her too. No answer.”


“It isn’t true. The pictures. Do you trust her?” He slowly spoke his eyes regarding me closely. I nodded with confidence and there was a ghost of a smile on his lips and a sadness flash through his eyes. Just then his phone rang causing him and I to jump. He answered it without looking. “Yoboseyo?” He paused, and in the time that the other person spoke, his eyes widened. “OEDI?” He put it on speaker and I was met with the frightened voice of the girl that stole my heart.


“The subway station in Gangnam. I don’t know this area. Please come help me!” Her voice shook as she spoke and my heart clenched.


Another voice joined hers. “Hey baby! Wanna play the guitar for me? I’ll pay you in something special!” It was a man’s voice and my skin began to crawl. She was alone in a busy subway station and a man was trying to attack her! I didn’t stay there to hear her scream my name. Though I didn’t hear it, I could sense it. I rushed to the road and hailed the first taxi in sight by jumping in front of it. I didn’t realize that Kai was right behind me and hopped into the taxi with me.


“Gangnam, on the double!” We both shouted to the more than upset driver. Though we didn’t give a specific address he complied and sped off to Gangnam. Kai was trying to call her but to no avail. My heart was pounding in my chest and my breath was coming in gasps. I looked at my phone again and I knew the words weren’t true.


From: Chaerae (Jagiya <3)

I don’t love you anymore. I love Kevin. I’m breaking up with you. Don’t look for me.



Aigoo, please don't kill me. I had to do this. So in Chaerae's point of view they are broken up. But will our Channie accept it? I don't think so! Kekeke~ ^^

I hope you enjoyed this extra extra extra long chappie. I tried to make this main event as short as possible but to no avail. OTL~ All of it was still kind of abbreviated though. In just one more chapter time will fly by and this story will progress further on. I hope you will all stay here for it! ^^ 

Anyway! Have you guys been rewatching the MV so we can reach 2.5 million views over the weekend? GO DO THAT NOW! If we do EXO will give us a "gift"! We only have a few hours left! KAJA!

As always, thank you to everyone of you wonderful subscribers! Without you I wouldn't be writing here! Comments are much loved and appreciated! Please upvote! And if you do I will use you as a character in this story! I need at least 3 of you! But the more the merrier! ^^ Also hello to new b=subies! Please enjoy this story!

Until next time my amazing subbies! KAMSAHAMNIDA~ *bows deeply*

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{IBY}OMG 100 subbies! I love you all! ^^


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EXO_ChanBaek #1
Chapter 5: O yeah , also this chapter made me laugh coz i realized that troublemaker is ά dangerous mv , u know wat i mean hahahahh trouble trouble trouble trouble makerrr
EXO_ChanBaek #2
Chapter 2: Wat the hell with dat sudden "chu" she was like 1-2 hours know yeolyeol and they kissed , yea you're so straightforward ahahha @authornimmm<3 chuchuchu i love schoolromance
HappinesssDelight #3
Chapter 5: Omo~ *blushing*
HappinesssDelight #4
Chapter 2: What? A sudden kiss? Oh goodness
Hello, your story has also been published on Wattpad by a user named Frosty Aegyo. I suggest you report it because many other stories on AFF have been stolen too by her.
goldqueen7 #6
Chapter 50: Such a beautiful story! I was glad with the switch-up ;) Missed the chanyeol <3
Chapter 50: Nice story author nim~! Daebak!
_-Taeminnie-_ #8
Chapter 44: Amazing story, Author-nim :'3 The story was cute and sometimes little bit scary (Kevin :p).I really liked this and I'll read this again. Sometime, when school doesn't take all of my time :D How can you write so well!? I mean, my own english and I'm not very good story-writer too ;3 But yeah, This Story Was Awesome <3 Write more stories and I'll promise that i'll read them first! Hwaiting! 사강합니다! <3 <3 <3
Mary_EXOtic #9
Chapter 50: NO NO NO NO NO! whyyy?? don't finish's too good ....please make a sequel :) it would be sooo cool ! :D anywaysss... you did a very good job!i absolutely loved your story and it's very cool ....don't stop writing fanfics because you're really good :D you have my support!