Chapter 34

I'll Be Yours


It could have been shock. It could have been exhaustion. Whatever it was, she passed out as soon as I had her on her bed. I stayed by her side the entire night, watching as sweat began to collect on her temples, then wiping it away with a damp cloth. She mumbled every now and then in English, French, and Korean. I could only understand some French thanks to Kris. I could understand some English, but with her weak voice, only mumbles were heard. 
I wasn't sure when I fell asleep. My dream was so close to what had just occurred it felt as though there was no end to Chaerae's pain. In my dream and reality she was crying and shaking, mumbling incoherent words. When I did wake up, Chaerae was still asleep, her fever had gone down, and she was now curled into a ball, making her almost invisible in her bed. I went to find the kitchen where I started fixing some breakfast for her and I. As I cooked, my mind wandered to everything that had occurred. I wasn't a confrontational person, yet when I heard Chaerae's voice and how it shook, something snapped when I saw him.  I sighed as I slid the eggs and bacon out of the pan onto two plates. I sliced up some strawberries from the fridge and poured orange juice. Just as I was setting everything on the table in the dining room, I heard soft footsteps from the hallway. I turned around to find Chaerae rubbing her eyes while yawning cutely. I felt my lips pull into a smile and cleared my throat to signal my presence. She stopped abruptly, almost tripping on nothing, and her eyes shot open. Her jaw slackened and she seemed at a loss for words. 
"Ch-Chan-" I chuckled and walked to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her gently to the table so she could eat. "You... made all this?" She eyed me curiously as she spooned the eggs into , then taking a bite out of a bacon strip. I nodded as I walked to grab the toast from the oven. That's how she'd made toast for me one day after a long day of practice. She taught me that this was the best way to make toast perfectly. I placed the still hot slices of bread onto a plate and then placed it on the table. She grabbed one and quickly took a bite, her cheeks puffed from the food just previously consumed. 
"It's delicious! All of it!" Her eyes grew wide and I chuckled. For being someone that cooked very well, something this simple making her happy was quite entertaining. Especially from me. I can't cook to save my life. That's D.O's thing. We continued eating talking about the upcoming showcase. We didn't bother talking about last night. I didn't pry. I would wait for her to tell me anything she wants to on her own time. 
She left to get dressed and told me to go wash up. She brought me some clothes, a spare toothbrush, and a towel. "They're my brothers'... They might be a bit short. If not, I have some of Kevin's sweats. They're pretty long." I shook my head and pecked her cheek. 
"Komawo! These will do!" She smiled at me and pouted as I ruffled her bangs slightly. With that she left me to do as I needed. The clothes fit very well, considering her brother must be very thin. It was a bit tight but it wasn't unbearable. I used the towel to dry my hair as I left the bathroom. I found her in the living room, picking up some of the mess from the night previous. I hadn't even noticed the spilled drinks and broken cups. 
"Yah! Don't touch that!" I rushed to her and grabbed her wrists, causing her to drop the pieces of broken glass in her hands. I examined them closely to be sure she was not cut anywhere. When I found no scratches, I kissed each one of her fingers and then her palms.
"Chanyeol... I'm fine." She tried pulling her hands out of my grasp and I thought I saw her cheeks flush. I smiled shyly, slightly embarassed at my own actions.
"M-Mianhe..." She shook her head and then grsbbed my hand, tracing patterns on the back of it.
"Chanyeol-ah... I am sorry I didn't tell you ahead of time. I planned to. That's why I asked to meet you. But Kevin came unexpectedly and he offered to help me move my things. I was kicked out of the dorms. I do not really mind. I can take the bus to school..." Her voice was shaking and a single tear contradicted her words. She would never admit it, but she was hurt that she was thrown out of the dorms. She was hurt that I wasn't there when she needed me and she had to rely on someone else. I pulled her into my arms and her hair gently. 
"It's ok... Everything is ok..." 
Here you go my amazing subbies! I decided to shorten this chapter. I'm going to speed it up here. The sad part is coming soon, sadly (xD). But do not fret! There is some good to it. I hope you liked this bit of dramatic somewhat-fluff. I know I know! I went depressing for the past few chapters.Forgive me for reading some sad stories lately. It influenced a lot of what I've been writing. I'll give you guys another hint to the story line. About a year will pass and I'll skim through the events that occurred in said year. 
Anyway! Have you guys seen my third fic yet? It's the one I had you guys vote for a long time a go. Zelo won! So head on over to my stories! It is entitled The Exchange Student. As soon as I can I will update that fic too! I have exams next next week so I have to study my buns off! Please tell me how my stories are going. I love feedback!
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Spicy cranberries
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{IBY}OMG 100 subbies! I love you all! ^^


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EXO_ChanBaek #1
Chapter 5: O yeah , also this chapter made me laugh coz i realized that troublemaker is ά dangerous mv , u know wat i mean hahahahh trouble trouble trouble trouble makerrr
EXO_ChanBaek #2
Chapter 2: Wat the hell with dat sudden "chu" she was like 1-2 hours know yeolyeol and they kissed , yea you're so straightforward ahahha @authornimmm<3 chuchuchu i love schoolromance
HappinesssDelight #3
Chapter 5: Omo~ *blushing*
HappinesssDelight #4
Chapter 2: What? A sudden kiss? Oh goodness
Hello, your story has also been published on Wattpad by a user named Frosty Aegyo. I suggest you report it because many other stories on AFF have been stolen too by her.
goldqueen7 #6
Chapter 50: Such a beautiful story! I was glad with the switch-up ;) Missed the chanyeol <3
Chapter 50: Nice story author nim~! Daebak!
_-Taeminnie-_ #8
Chapter 44: Amazing story, Author-nim :'3 The story was cute and sometimes little bit scary (Kevin :p).I really liked this and I'll read this again. Sometime, when school doesn't take all of my time :D How can you write so well!? I mean, my own english and I'm not very good story-writer too ;3 But yeah, This Story Was Awesome <3 Write more stories and I'll promise that i'll read them first! Hwaiting! 사강합니다! <3 <3 <3
Mary_EXOtic #9
Chapter 50: NO NO NO NO NO! whyyy?? don't finish's too good ....please make a sequel :) it would be sooo cool ! :D anywaysss... you did a very good job!i absolutely loved your story and it's very cool ....don't stop writing fanfics because you're really good :D you have my support!