Living Hell

You are Mine

---Dongwoon POV

"All cellmates signed up..." The voice droned on and on. Even as we made our way through the east wing, the voice droned on and on, piercing through my skull. I groaned silently, causing Doojoon to turn his head slightly backwards and raise an eyebrow in concern. I shook my head, motioning for him to look forward. I wasn't going to mess up today. I would be the best one today. I had to get a good master.

I just had to.

The guards divided us up by gender, the males heading through a door on the left. We were squished into a room, every single male into one room. The lights dimmed, and everyone grew eerily silent. We all turned our attention to the monitor in the front of the screen. A small buzz came from the monitor, the picture currently blurry and out of focus. Slowly, the picture began to come into focus, revealing an attractive young woman in her early twenties. A smile plastered on her face, you would think she was an owner. The only proof she was a pet was the ring on her left hand. Pets had it on their left hand, the owners putting it on their right.

"Welcome, everyone. Today is the day you have all been waiting for, I'm sure." Her voice was fake. Anyone with ears would be able to tell, it was fake. Her smile was fake, her happiness was fake. She was fake. "Today is the day where you will showcase your talents for all the owners to see. I'm sure you know of some owners of recognition will be here today." Her face was replaced by three photos of three very attractive young men. Everyone knew who they were. They were practically Kings in this world. Two of the photos faded out, leaving one on the screen.

"This is Lee Kikwang-ssi, as I'm sure all of you already know." Her voice was high, crisp. Full of praise. Still fake. "His father is the dean of our prestigious Cube University. His mother is a leading scientist at Cube University. Lee Kikwang-ssi is highly excelled in both sports and academics. He will be choosing third in the Harvesting. If you are lucky enough to catch Lee Kikwang-ssi's eye, I am sure your life will be fufilled, despite being a pet." The photo of the man on the screen alternated. It was still Lee Kikwang, but different shots of him.

God. He is handsome. I immediately regretted thinking that, blushing furiously at the thought. I am a man, and I like girls. Right?

Finally the photos of Lee Kikwang faded, replaced by a photo of a young man with dangerously orange hair. I felt Doojoon stiffen on the left side of me. "This is Yang Yoseob-ssi. You should also know of him." The voice came out, with fake praise. Lies. It was so fake, it hurt me to listen. "His father is the commisioner of the police force. He controls and fights all the crime on the streets. His mother owns all the broadcasting stations in our wonderful city. Yang Yoseob-ssi will be the second one to choose at the Harvesting. If you are chosen by Yang Yoseob-ssi, you are also lucky." A slideshow of Yang Yoseob flickered on the screen. I spared a fleeting glance at Doojoon beside me. His face was unreadable, and an emotion flickered through his eyes, but what was it? Desire? Need? Hate? I couldn't tell.

"The last of the owners of recognition is Jang Hyunseung-ssi himself."

Yang Yoseob's picture faded, replaced by a beautiful man. His doe eyes seemed to stare into your soul. Red hair swept perfectly over his face, framing it. His long fingers were covered with rings. All except a single finger on his right hand. The finger for his ring. His smile seemed tight, forced. His waist was slender, his legs long. He was gorgeous. Almost god-like. I felt Junhyung go rigid on the right of me. His face was a mix of hatred and loss. I couldn't see clearly as I had to turn my attention back to the monitor.

"Jang Hyunseung-ssi is the son of our wonderful leader. He will follow in his father's footsteps, leading us into the future. Jang Hyunseung-ssi was at the top of his class in high school, and is expected to continue onto University in the near future. He is the epitome of what we hope will be a bright future for our world. If you are the one lucky pet to be chosen first by Jang Hyunseung-ssi, I promise your life will be an easy one." I glimpsed at Junhyung, and noticed his fist clenched tightly at his side. If one thing was for sure, it was that Junhyung wanted anyone to choose him but Jang Hyunseung.

"I wish you all the best of luck in the competition." The voice faded, and the room was left in complete darkness. The floor began to shake, and we felt ourselves being lifted. A light became clear above us, and a collective gasp was heard from the group as we were brought to the surface. The cheers were loud throughout the crowd, the stomping of feet and whistling could be heard for miles. We all turned in unison to the box that held the ones we wanted to impress. The owners. And sitting front and center was Lee Kikwang, Yang Yoseob, and Jang Hyunseung.

It was time. Our living hell had started.

And I planned on outshining everyone.


a/n: Aish~ Last update for tonight. I should update tomorrow. Thank you all for your wonderful comments and for suscribing~ <33 Thank you~ <33

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sorry guys... going on hiatus for a few weeks~ be back with more updates n stuff later... bye.


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bohyemi #1
Chapter 39: Damn....just when I find a good story.....but good luck?
Chapter 39: okay!!!! x3
Im-your-father #3
Chapter 39: Why!!! .... Its going to be hard for me to follow your awesome fics!!! I dont know how to use tumbrl ........ Well ill try to keep with your updates.. Ill try!!!! <3
Chapter 39: I will continue readin ur fanfics, because u make awesome stories!!
Chapter 39: Good luck! I'll keep reading on your tumblr
tummyfulloftaro #6
Chapter 39: What will this new tumblr be? send a link~!
Chapter 37: what happened to Dongwoon??
b2utyAngel #8
Chapter 37: i miss this fic so much... thanks for update..
kiki, i know this is hard... poor you
alternateB2st #9
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..
alternateB2st #10
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..