When He Speaks...

You are Mine

---Hyunseung POV

The space next to me on the bed was empty when I opened my eyes the next day. I felt around it, sighing as I sat up and the familiar burst of happiness from yesterdays events shooting through me. I fell back onto the bed, burying my face in my pillow as I remembered how Jae-I mean Junhyung had carried me back to the car, how gently he was when he carried me upstairs and how he covered me with the blankets, letting me snuggle into his side as we laid there for hours, gazing into the eyes of our re-found love. How Junhyung kissed me until I fell asleep, his thumb making small circles on my arm and his other hand holding me firmly to him by the small of his back. The thought of the way Junhyung's eyes bore into mine with such passion caused my face to turn even redder as I buried my face farther into the pillow.

I froze as I heard the door creak open and the shuffling of footsteps approaching the bed. Trying to even my breathing, I relaxed my body, hearing the low chuckle of my love that sent shivers through my spine. The bed creaked as he crawled in next to me, and a few seconds passed before I felt his arms go around me. Instinctively, I burrowed my face into his chest, curling my fingers into his shirt as I breathed in his scent. "You're awake?" His words were gentle, low. I nodded into his chest, and he chuckled once again. I removed my head from his chest, pouting out my lower lip which caused him to simply smile and kiss my pouted lips. I smiled into the kissed, moving my hands from his shirt to around his neck. I pulled away after a few seconds, and immediately felt myself swept into Junhyung's arms.

"Jaesoonie~!" I whined as he kicked open the door and repositioned me in his arms.

"Ah-ah-ah. What did I tell you about calling me Jaesoon?" He smirked down at me, and I just pouted again, my eyes dropping to my hands. I felt a small smile find its way onto my face as my eyes found the ring on my right hand. Although this had originally bound Junhyung to me, it now held a better purpose. I felt Junhyung place me on the stool in in front of the kitchen counter as he turned his back to me and began to make something. Only now did I notice we both wore the suits from yesterday, too tired when we arrived home to change into anything else.

"Junhyung-ah. What are you doing?" I asked despite knowing the answer, only wanting to hear his voice again.

"Cooking." He replied simply, sparing me a glance before returning to his work. I pouted, wanting more than an one word answer from the younger.

"Wae?" I tried again, but this time I wasn't even given a word but a shrug of the shoulder. I sighed, leaning my upper body on the counter and closing my eyes. The only sound in the kitchen was the consistent chopping of Junhyung's knife. My cell phone began to ring, and I stood up to answer it, putting the reciever to my ear. "Yoboseyo?" I called into the phone, going back to sit on the stool and watch Junhyung.

"H-hyung..." I heard Kikwang's voice sniffling through the phone, and I shot out of my seat, already heading upstairs to get changed.

"Kiki-ah? What's wrong. Tell me." I removed the tie that was already loose around my neck tossing it onto the bed and putting the phone on speaker as I walked into the closet. I heard Junhyung enter the room, and I mouthed Kikwang to him. Junhyung nodded, taking his own tie off and walking into the closet next to me.

"D-d-d-..." Kikwang's words were swallowed by more sobs, and my heart broke at the sound of my dongsaeng crying.

"Kiki? Kikwang-ah? Calm down, Kikwang. We're going to help you, but we need to know what's wrong first. Alright? Kikwang? Do you hear me?" I tried to console my sobbing friend through the phone as I removed my clothes from last night and threw on the clothes I had chosen moments before from the closet. I grabbed the phone and ran out of my room, Junhyung close on my heels as we reached downstairs. "Kikwang, now tell me again. What's wrong?"

"D-dongwoon-ah... H-he's..." I heard the sobs overtake his voice once again, and I didn't need anything else but my dongsaeng's sobs to run for the door, tossing my keys to Junhyung as we left. I hopped into the passenger's seat, buckling my seatbelt as Junhyung sped off towards Kikwang's apartment.

"Shhh. Shhh. Where are you?"  I asked softly, trying to get more than a few words out of him.

"A-a-at the hospital..." He was finally able to say after a few seconds. I mouthed the message to Junhyung, and he made a sharp right turn, jerking me forward in my seat.

"We'll be there in less than ten minutes. Wait in the lobby Kikwang."

I stayed on the line until Kikwang finally hung up, and let out a sigh, dropping my head to my hands. I felt Junhyung's hand on my shoulder, and I sat up straight and entertwined my fingers with his. He squeezed my hand for assurance, and I felt my body relax a little, knowing that no matter what, my Junhyung would be there.

That no matter what, my Jaesoon would be there.


I felt the cold rush of hospital air as I entered the lobby. The pristine white walls glared at me, the floors newly polished. The chairs were all empty, and I felt my heart drop. The receptionist was busy, so I just ran off ahead into the hospital. The security guards began to follow me, but recognized my face immediately and stopped, bowing for their insolence. I didn't care about formalities from guards right now. I needed to find Kikwang. I opened door after door, being as gentle as possible so not to disturb any patients. A frustrated sigh escaped my lips, as I returned to the lobby and finding Junhyung standing there. A shake of his head confirmed my suspicions that he was unable to find Kikwang as well. Falling into a chair, I hung my head and rested it in my hands, Junhyung rubbing small circles on my back. The lobby was silent, a pen could be heard if one were to drop. I slowed my breathing, knowing that when we found Kikwang, I'd have to be calm. The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the otherwise silent lobby.

"H-h-hyung?" My head jerked up at the sound of my dongsaengs voice. My eyes immediately found his, red and puffy. His face was strained with tears, and blood spotted at parts of him. His hair was messy and his clothes disheveled. I took note of the way that the buttons on his shirt were one off and his shoelaces were untied. Seeing my dongsaeng in such a horrible state broke my heart. Releasing my hand from Junhyung's, I took the space between Kikwang and I in two strides, throwing my arms around the smaller boy. I felt his shoulders tremble and tears begin to wet my shirt. "H-hyung... Dongwoon.... He's.... He's...." Kikwang broke down again into tears, and I just held him while he cried. I felt his fingers wrap themselves into my shirt, his hands trembling as they held onto me.

Five minutes later Kikwang had stopped crying and the doctors had moved the three of us into an un-occupied room. Junhyung stood by the door, his eyes closed and his arms crossed over his chest. Kikwang and I sat on the bed, my hand holding his as I made small circles on the back of his hand. His eyes were downcast, the life that once shone in them now dull. I heard him sniffle as he raised his eyes to meet mine. I ran a hand through his hair, and watched as the younger boy clenched his free hand on the sheets, trying to find the words to tell me what was wrong.

"Start from the begginning." I suggested, and after a minute Kikwang nodded, his eyes meeting mine.

"Dongwoon... Ever since the day he was kidnapped with Junhyung-ah, he's been mute. I didn't speak to him that night of the incident, knowing it would take a while for the gravity of it all to hit him full-force. But on the morning the day after, he was laying on the floor of his bedroom, the window broken and glass spread across the floor. He'd taken photos and cut the heads off of all the people in them. When I tried to speak to him, he only looked back at me with dead eyes. His eyes had no life, nothing in them at all. I tried to speak to him.

"Nothing. A week passed, and everyday I'd find more photos littered across the floor, no heads on every person on them. Its like he was trying to cut a face out of his brain, but was unable to find the right one. And then last night... I was hearing things. I heard noises, knocking, the phone ringing. And he screamed. The first sound he'd made in a week was a scream. I went to his room and..." Kikwang's caught in his throat, his shoulders shaking as sobs threatened to overtake his small body.

I pulled the younger to my chest, holding him as he cried into me. My hand rubbed up and down his back in a futile attempt to sooth the sobs that racked his body. His breathing became heavy as he continued to cry. I murmured sweet nothings into his ears, trying my best to calm him. A minute passed and his breathing slowly became even as his sobs developed into simple hiccups. "Th-th-there was someone else there... Someone besides Dongwoon. But they fled, right when I entered the room. I didn't see their face, and I wasn't able to tell their gender. But Dongwoon..." His voice was scared, merely more than a whisper. "S-s-so much blood... A vase had been cracked on his head, his arms were covered in glass shards, a knife was stuck in his leg... H-he was bleeding so much... But he was able to tell me one sentence before he passed out. He told me 'they've returned, hyung... they've come for me.' I don't know who "they" are and he passed out after that. I was so scared I'd lost him..." Kikwang's arms tightened around me, his body shaking but no sobs coming out now.

"I'm afraid, Hyung. And I don't know what to do."

I didn't want Kikwang to know, but I didn't know either.

---Dongwoon POV

The beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound I heard when I woke up. My arms ached as the memories of the nights before all came back to me. Shutting my eyes, I tried to build up a wall to hide all the memories, to not allow them entrance into my mind. They returned anyway, washing away any form of sanity I had been able to find before. The curtains of the window were pulled tight, the only form of light here the flourescent lights hanging above. The chair next to me was empty, the room was empty.


Except for me and my thoughts.

I laid there for who knows how long. My attention was on anything but my memories when the door creaked open and I saw Doojoon's head poke in. A sad smile found its way onto my face as he entered, Junhyung right behind him, and Kikwang being supported by Hyunseung and Yoseob. Hyunseung led Kikwang to the chair next to the bed, and my hand automatically found his, our fingers finding their place in between one another.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly.

I nodded, still not confident of my voice for speaking.

"Fine?" Kikwang murmured, rubbing his thumb gently over the back of my hand.

I nodded, nuzzling my head into his hand, and I heard a low chuckle escape his lips.

"Dongwoon-ah..." Doojoon's voice came from the right side of my bed, and I opened my eyes to see him having pulled up a chair on that side of my bed. He placed boquet of flowers next to my head, his face full of concern for me. "How are you?" I raised my shoulders in response, and Doojoon smiled, his expression suddenly becoming serious. Junhyung came up to stand next to him, both of them looking into my eyes, their expressions grim. I took note of how Hyunseung walked over to the door, taking the key out of his pocket and locking the door. Yoseob made sure the windows were locked. Kikwang's grip on my hand tightened, and I swallowed the lump in my throat, knowing what was coming next.


Don't ask me.


Please. Not all five of you. I can't relive it.


No. No. No.


My mind became oddly calm, a realization washing over me. These people, they didn't want to hurt me. Doojoon had been my hyung forever. Junhyung had watched over me ever since he arrived at the compound. Hyunseung gave me the motherly love I had been deprived of for my entire life. Yoseob, though he's rough around the edges, made me smile like I never thought was possible.

And Kikwang.

Lee Kikwang.

He was the one who made me whole again.


I took a deep breath, opening my eyes and looking at the one by one.

And I spoke.


a/n: So finally was able to post this chapter. >.> Sorry for the long wait~! Next chapter will be a flashback~! More comments = faster updates. ^^


I can't believe it's already been three years since these beastly boys debuted. It seems like just yesterday when they were promoting Bad Girl. Their win with Shock seems like it happened hours ago, Breath's sooner, Fiction's just minutes, and Beautiful Night's just right now. You know how people tell you time flies when you're having fun? I never believed anyone when they told me that. But now, whenever I watch you six boys, I feel like time actually does fly. I've laughed with you, cried with you, gone through your first win, been so proud to call myself a B2UTY through it all. You guys may have all been  "recycled" as some call it, but it was just so you could come together and become the B2ST we all know and love today. The way you guys were knocked down but have rose to the top inspires me so much. I am so proud to be a B2UTY because of my fellow B2UTIES, CUBE, and most importantly, because you guys are truly the most perfect six boys I could ever be a fan of.

Forever a B2UTY in love with Yoon Doojoon, Jang Hyunseung, Yong Junhyung, Yang Yoseob, Lee Kikwang, and Son Dongwoon. <3

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sorry guys... going on hiatus for a few weeks~ be back with more updates n stuff later... bye.


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bohyemi #1
Chapter 39: Damn....just when I find a good story.....but good luck?
Chapter 39: okay!!!! x3
Im-your-father #3
Chapter 39: Why!!! .... Its going to be hard for me to follow your awesome fics!!! I dont know how to use tumbrl ........ Well ill try to keep with your updates.. Ill try!!!! <3
Chapter 39: I will continue readin ur fanfics, because u make awesome stories!!
Chapter 39: Good luck! I'll keep reading on your tumblr
tummyfulloftaro #6
Chapter 39: What will this new tumblr be? send a link~!
Chapter 37: what happened to Dongwoon??
b2utyAngel #8
Chapter 37: i miss this fic so much... thanks for update..
kiki, i know this is hard... poor you
alternateB2st #9
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..
alternateB2st #10
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..