I Always get what I Want

You are Mine

---Doojoon POV

I still remember when I first met Kim Kibum. How could I forget? I was eight at the time, and having lived all my life in the compound, I hated everyone and everything, especially the owners because they took my mother away. She had me in the compound when she was merely sixteen years old. It must've been hard on her to raise a child in here. Anyways, it was in the courtyard of the compound, and the guards told us all to be on our best behaviour because there were going to be some future owners coming to see us. They always did like dropping in at the randomest times. I didn't want to associate with them though, so I decided to walk around the hallways, looking for a place I could just take a nap.

That's when I met Kim Kibum.

He was sleeping on a bench that was hidden behind most prying eyes . His eyes were closed as soft brown hair covered his forehead. He didn't have a wristband all inmates here at the compound were given, so I knew he was an owner. I wasn't in the mood to talk to any of them, so I had planned on walking away that day. I had planned on never even speaking to the sleeping boy. But he saw me as I turned to walk away, and he decided it would be me who would do his bidding inside the compound right then and there.

"Hey. You!" He called out to me, making me freeze in my tracks as I turned to face him. He had a sinister smile placed on his face as he motioned for me to come to him. I crossed my arms over my chest, not wanting to take orders from some stranger. "Come over here." He said a little less nicely this time, and the voice in my head told me to obey an owner whenever they're speaking to me.

"What do you want." It wasn't a question when I said it to him.

"Oh you're not very nice, now are you?" He sneered, all the niceness from his voice earlier gone.

"I'm in a crappy mood. Now what do you want?" I snapped, irritation clear in my voice and actions.

"Kneel." He said, not liking how he was sitting and I was looking down on him.

Obey when an owner tells you to do something. The voice commanded, forcing my legs to give out under me until I was on both knees and my gaze was trained on the floor directly in front of me.

"I don't know what you want, but you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." I muttered, clenching my fists by my sides.

"Hahaha! Finally, a kid in here with some spunk who isn't completely broken." The boy's laugh was high-pitched and it hurt my ears to listen to it. "Do you know who I am?"

"No." I replied simply, not looking him in the eyes.

"Look in my eyes when I speak to you." He growled, his patience obviously wavering by my insufferable defiance to him. I raised my eyes to his before the voice could come back. "You don't know who I am, do you?"

"I already said-" I was stopped mid-sentance by a foot coming up and knocking the wind out of me. He I fell forward so that I was lying flat on the ground. He knelt by me and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling me by the head up so his mouth was next to my ear.

"Listen here, you little . I am the son of the man who runs this compound, which means I can see you whenever the hell I want to. But you see, my father... He's corrupt. He's involved in the wrong type of business. Me, being his son, had obviously learned his ways. I may be young, boy, but I've seen a lot of things in this world, that you never want to see. Too bad you don't have a choice. My father trafficks drugs, the bad kind. The illegal kind. The stuff that'll make you so high, you'll do anything. But you see, we need a man inside this compound to distribute the stuff to the older inmates who were on this stuff when they were taken in here. They've been going insane without their drugs. We need someone young, stupid. So I've chosen you. You'll be our inside man. I'll visit you weekly to give you the stuff, and you'll distribute it to them. Without the guards finding out of course. My father gets richer and you get the privallege of being able to talk to me, araso?"

That's how my relationship with Kibum first started. For the first four years, up until I was twelve, that's all I did for him. I smuggled in drugs. But I began to notice a change in Kibum. His eyes would linger on me for longer than needed when he gave me the stuff, and soon enough, I became his lover. He would visit me more often, sometimes he would visit me five days in a row. He told me six months after I became his lover that he'd told his dad he no longer wanted to inherit his dad's gang, so he'd started his own up. And that I was his right hand man, and that I would become his pet when I got out of the compound. I was weak and didn't deny him, until I was thirteen. By then, I'd known Dongwoon for three years and Junhyung for two. I had wanted out for some time now, but I knew the conseqeunces for wanting out.

I told Kibum the next time he needed me to be his lover. I told him that I hated him, that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. That I wanted out. Kibum went on a rampage obviously. He punched me multiple times, kicking me when I was down. He flipped tables and he yelled that he would get me. That he always gets what he wants. I thought Kibum was gone, because all the older inmates said he had fled to Europe. I thought he would finally leave me alone. I thought that Kim Kibum had forgotten all about me. I thought he wouldn't need me anymore.

He obviously thought differently. He'd remembered me, and he'd come back to make me his lover and right-hand man.

Too bad I have no love for him anymore.


I took a deep breath as I looked around the room, taking in everyone's reactions. Dongwoon nodded at me, Kikwang had his eyes closed as he leaned on Dongwoon's shoulder, shuddering at my memories, Hyunseung had cowered into Junhyung, while Junhyung just looked at me and tightened his grip around Hyunseung. Yoseob though, his eyes were full of pure fury. He'd clenched his fists together in front of him, his mouth drawn into a frozen snarl. I never thought that Yoseob could look deadly with his baby face and full cheeks. I'd thought wrong.

"Don't worry Doojoon." Kikwang's words pulled my attention from Yoseob to him. "We won't let Key take you." He said firmly, earning a chorus of agreement from everyone else in the room. I smiled and opened my mouth to speak when my phone vibrated, indicating I had a message. I pulled it out and opened the message.

It was from Key.

It stated "I always get what I want."


a/n: Thank you all so much for reading. ^^ Remember to comment and suscribe~!

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sorry guys... going on hiatus for a few weeks~ be back with more updates n stuff later... bye.


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bohyemi #1
Chapter 39: Damn....just when I find a good story.....but good luck?
Chapter 39: okay!!!! x3
Im-your-father #3
Chapter 39: Why!!! .... Its going to be hard for me to follow your awesome fics!!! I dont know how to use tumbrl ........ Well ill try to keep with your updates.. Ill try!!!! <3
Chapter 39: I will continue readin ur fanfics, because u make awesome stories!!
Chapter 39: Good luck! I'll keep reading on your tumblr
tummyfulloftaro #6
Chapter 39: What will this new tumblr be? send a link~!
Chapter 37: what happened to Dongwoon??
b2utyAngel #8
Chapter 37: i miss this fic so much... thanks for update..
kiki, i know this is hard... poor you
alternateB2st #9
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..
alternateB2st #10
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..