I've Fallen

You are Mine

---Junhyung POV

I knew why I had punched Jiyong. I knew why I had felt my heart break when I saw him forcing himself upon Hyunseung. I knew why I was still thinking about it. I knew why I had wanted him to eat his words about Hyunseung being a . I knew why I had held Hyunseung for the longest time while he just sat there and cried his eyes out to me. The reason for all the stuff I did was simple.

I had fallen in love with Jang Hyunseung.

I knew that very well as I watched his peaceful sleeping figure on the bed. I had brought him home, texting Doojoon to tell the others we wouldn't be able to make it to the movie tonight. I told him I'd explain tomorrow why we wouldn't be able to make it, but to just go on ahead without us. I reached for Hyunseung's hand, making small circles on the back of it with my thumb. He'd fallen asleep after he was done crying, and he hadn't woken up since. I leaned over, pushing a small strand of hair away from his forehead, his face still beautiful after crying. I dropped my hand, still holding onto his hand while I closed my eyes, remembering our past.

"Hyung..." I whispered, a small smile forming on my face. "I remember that one day in winter, when the snow was finally melting. You had complained that we never built a snowman together, and I remember telling you we would build one the next winter. We never saw the next winter together, did we? And then there was that other time when you insisted on buying me new clothes, and you made me try on everything in the store. In the end we only bought one pair of jeans, and the clerks were furious. They thought we were just two punk kids who wanted to make life harder for them. I still remember the way we laughed until we cried when we left the store that day."

I leaned over and brushed my lips across his cheek. "I remember why I fell in love with you. And I'm ready to fall again." I mouthed, placing his hand back onto the bed as I stood up from where I sat. I opened the door quietly, not wanting to wake him up with any unnecessary noises. I shuffled down the stairs and into the kitchen, flicking on the lights as I did so. I walked over to the fridge, looking for something I could make Hyunseung. I sighed, closing it and opening up a cupboard, luckily finding a can of tomato soup. I heated it up and and poured it into a bowl, grabbing a water bottle as I made my way upstairs. I slowly opened the door and noticed Hyunseung beggining to stir.

I entered the room and he opened his big doe eyes and turned my way. A small smile appeared on his face as he sat up, noticing the food in my hands. I placed it on his bedside table before getting the bed tray and putting them on that and giving it to Hyunseung. He smiled up at me, his eyes still sad and broken. I assumed they would be, after what his hyung did to him.

"How are you, Hyunseung?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. I was scared that if I spoke too loudly, he'd curl up and hide.

"As good as someone who's hyung just tried to r*pe them could be." He murmured, bringing a spoonful of soup up to his mouth, his eyes fluttering closed.

"I'm so sorry, Hyunseung. I shouldn't have ever left you alone. I feel awful. Something felt off from the first time I met him. I'm so-"

"Junhyung-ah. Stop blaming yourself. Please." Hyunseung interuppted me, looking me in the eyes. I nodded dumbly and Hyunseung let out a sigh. "Jiyong... I always looked up to him. I met him a year after I made the mistake of letting Jaesoon go away... He was strong, and I needed strength at the time. He made me feel whole again, but he left to go to America a year after I met him. I never loved Jiyong as a man, but I did love him as a hyung. He was always so kind to me, and when it was his turn to get a pet, he refused, saying he had no need for one. I looked up to him so much, but he... He tried to r*pe me Junhyung-ah... He almost suceeded... I don't know what I would've done if he had suceeded, Junhyung... I was so scared... But you were there. You saved me. Thank you..."

Hyunseung was crying by the time he finished speaking, tears leaving trails on his cheeks. I didn't know what to say to that, so I just pulled Hyunseung in for a hug, wrapping my arms tightly around his shoulders. I didn't know what to say to him.

"Yah, Hyunseung... You're not attractive when you cry." I whispered in his ears. "So stop crying, ne?"

Hyunseung let out a small giggle and smacked me on the shoulder. "Yah. Why are you always so mean to me?"

"I'm not mean. I'm truthful." I said, reaching out a thumb to wipe away the tears that still fell.

"Thank you, Junhyung..."

I nodded and put the now empty dishes back onto the night stand, placing the tray they had been on under the bed once more. I stood up and started to leave the room, but was stopped by Hyunseung grabbing onto my hand. My cheeks flushed as I slowly turned to face him, my heart thudding in my ears. "Hyunseung?" I whispered, noticing he was blushing furiously as well.

"I-I'm only going to say this once, so listen closely, ne?"

I nodded, barely hearing the words as he spoke them.

"I love you, Yong Junhyung." He whispered, his eyes level with mine as he spoke the words. He swallowed hardly, and dropped his eyes back to his feet. I felt my knees go weak under me, the words I'd always wanted to hear coming out of his mouth.

I leaned over, and slowly met his lips with mine, kissing him. It was soft, sweet. He tasted like a mix of cotton candy and bubblegum. I pulled away after a few seconds, leaning my forehead on his my eyes level with his. He was blushing, happy tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

"And you listen to me. I love you, Jang Hyunseung."


a/n: Ahhh~ >3< My Junseung feels are off the chart  after Weekly Idol. Thank you all so much for reading~! Don't forget to comment and suscribe~!! ^^

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sorry guys... going on hiatus for a few weeks~ be back with more updates n stuff later... bye.


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bohyemi #1
Chapter 39: Damn....just when I find a good story.....but good luck?
Chapter 39: okay!!!! x3
Im-your-father #3
Chapter 39: Why!!! .... Its going to be hard for me to follow your awesome fics!!! I dont know how to use tumbrl ........ Well ill try to keep with your updates.. Ill try!!!! <3
Chapter 39: I will continue readin ur fanfics, because u make awesome stories!!
Chapter 39: Good luck! I'll keep reading on your tumblr
tummyfulloftaro #6
Chapter 39: What will this new tumblr be? send a link~!
Chapter 37: what happened to Dongwoon??
b2utyAngel #8
Chapter 37: i miss this fic so much... thanks for update..
kiki, i know this is hard... poor you
alternateB2st #9
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..
alternateB2st #10
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..