Save Me

You are Mine

---Hyunseung POV

Something was wrong with Junhyung when he go into the car. I could tell by the silent glares he kept sending Hyung's way. Junhyung had claimed the back seat, and Jiyong kept telling me about his visit to America, one of the few countries that stayed strong after the war. He told me how their society had developed far past the ours, that South Korea had become one of the less-advanced societies of the world. I feigned interest as he talked, my mind preoccupied with worries about Junhyung. He wasn't sick, right? He better not have caught a fever, or I'll scold him about forgetting his jacket that day a week ago when it was freezing outside.

"Yah, Seungiee~" Jiyong complained from beside me, his hand reaching for mine, a pout on his face. "Listen to me."

"I am Hyung." I lied, sparing a glance in the rearview mirror at Junhyung. His head was resting on the window, his eyes closed. Maybe he was just tired.

We arrived at the mall, where Yoseob and Doojoon had already arrived. I watched as Junhyung exited, his eyes gaurded now more than ever. I sighed, and turned off the ignition, letting myself be dragged out by Jiyong.

"Yoseob-ah~ Where's Kikwang and Dongwoon?" I called out, as we stopped in front of Yoseob and Doojoon.

"They've already gone inside. They said that they'd meet us up at around five and we could all go out to see a movie together." Yoseob said, his hand reaching for Doojoon's as he dragged his pet in the mall. "We'll give you guys a call later, alright?" They entered the mall, leaving me standing alone in the front of the mall with my pet and my hyung.

Oh boy.

---Doojoon POV

"Yah! Yoseobie. Why aren't we hanging out with Dongwoon or Hyunseung today?" I whined as Yoseob dragged me into the mall by my hand. Yoseob let out an exasperated sigh as he pulled me to a fountain where we sat on the edge of.

"Doojoon-ah. Are you really that dense in there?" Yoseob asked, his and coming up to knock on my head. I swatted it away, drawing my face into a frown. Yoseob groaned, leaning his head on my shoulder, realizing I really didn't understand what he was talking about. "Junhyung-ah and Jiyong-hyung both like Hyunseung-hyung."

"W-what?!" I exclaimed, my eyes growing wide as I lifted his head off my shoulder to look him in the eyes. "Jinjja?!?! They both like Hyunseung?"

"Aish! Keep your voice down." Yoseob complained, clasping a hand over my mouth. I continued to spew nonsense into his hand, nothing making sense anymore.

"Yahh. Here I am, completely clueless about everything." I said, linking my hand with Yoseob's. A small smile formed on his face whenever I showed small displays of affection towards him. A faint pink blush appeared on his face, his hair covering his expression. I pulled Yoseob up with me and he followed, the smile still apparent on his face. We hadn't confessed to each other yet, we couldn't yet. He was still my owner and I was still his pet. But we knew each others feelings. We knew them by the way that Yoseob had cooked at home almost every night instead of going over to Hyunseung's for dinner nightly. We knew them by the way that I snuck in his bed so we could sleep next to each other. We knew them by the way we would watch movies, our hands mindlessly going to one another's.

We knew we loved each other, but we knew it was against protocol to love each other.

"So where do you wanna go?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence we had been sharing with one another.

"Hmmmm..." He mused, looking around the mall. "Ah! I know where!" He smiled, dragging me up to the second floor and into a pet shop.

Wait. A pet shop?

"Yoseob-ah... Why are we in a pet shop?" I asked, and Yoseob merely giggled, dragging me to the back of the store where there were a bunch of puppy shiba inus. I suppressed a laugh as Yoseob pressed his face up against the cage, his eyes smiling as he looked at the puppies. He reached into the cage and took a little one with tan on its top fur and a white belly. He muttered sweet nothings to the puppy as he rocked it back in forth in his arms.

An idea just came to my mind, and I covered my mouth, however the giggle came out despite my attempts to supress it. "What?" Yoseob asked, his face forming into a cute pout as he did so. "What is it, Hyung?"

"Nothing, nothing. It's just you guys are like twins, Yoseob." I mused, a happy smile plastered on my face.

"Anio~!!" Yoseob pouted, sticking his tounge out at me as he did so.

"It's the truth." I said as I reached to scratch the dog behind his ears. The puppy began to wag its tail, and Yoseob's pout immediatly turned into a smile.

"Doojoonie, I think the puppy likes you." Yoseob smiled, his eyes sparkling as he looked at me.

"Jinjja? Do you like me baby?" I asked the puppy in a baby voice, and the puppy barked contently at me. "Sorry baby. I can't take you home though." The puppy began to whine, and I took it from Yoseob's arms and placed it back into the cage. Reaching for Yoseob's hand, we walked out of the pet store, Yoseob giving my hand a squeeze as we did so. I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks as we continued walking through the mall, until we stopped in front of Yogurtland and shared a medium yogurt.

I'm not sure how long we sat there and talked, but it didn't really matter to me to be honest.

I could talk with Yoseob forever.

---Jiyong POV

I watched as Hyunseung ran from store to store, trying on mutiple items before deciding against them. I watched as Hyunseung pulled Junhyung along with him to a larger store that was loud, noisy, and flooded with people. I followed them inside, watching as Hyunseung picked out different items, his eyes lighting up as he found something he really liked. He actually looked kind of beautiful when his eyes lit up like that. It almost made me regret what I knew I was about to do. Almost. I watched as he entered a dressing room, Junhyung preoccupied with something else at the time.

Now was my chance.

I snuck up behind Junhyung, placing my hand over his mouth. I felt his body tense as I dragged him to a dressing room three stalls away from where Hyunseung was. I threw him into the dressing room, gagged him, tied his hands behind his back and his legs were tied as well.

"Sorry cupcake. I'm going to get Hyunseung first."

Junhyung's eyes lit up in recognition as he figured out what I was planning on doing. He struggled to stand up, but I had already left the room, locking it behind me. I walked to the dressing room Hyunseung was in, opening the door and closing it behind me.

"H-hyung!" Hyunseung said, obviously flustered by my sudden appearance. He stood there without a shirt on, only in a pair of jeans. I slowly started making my way towards him, clamping a hand down on his arm.

"Shh..." I whispered in his ear, his eyes widening in fear as I did so.

---Hyunseung POV

Save me... Junhyung...


a/n: ^^; Don't kill me for making GD a bad guy.Thank you so much for reading~! Don't forget to comment and suscribe~!

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sorry guys... going on hiatus for a few weeks~ be back with more updates n stuff later... bye.


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bohyemi #1
Chapter 39: Damn....just when I find a good story.....but good luck?
Chapter 39: okay!!!! x3
Im-your-father #3
Chapter 39: Why!!! .... Its going to be hard for me to follow your awesome fics!!! I dont know how to use tumbrl ........ Well ill try to keep with your updates.. Ill try!!!! <3
Chapter 39: I will continue readin ur fanfics, because u make awesome stories!!
Chapter 39: Good luck! I'll keep reading on your tumblr
tummyfulloftaro #6
Chapter 39: What will this new tumblr be? send a link~!
Chapter 37: what happened to Dongwoon??
b2utyAngel #8
Chapter 37: i miss this fic so much... thanks for update..
kiki, i know this is hard... poor you
alternateB2st #9
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..
alternateB2st #10
Chapter 37: Poor Kiki, but a deal to the devil is not easy to be broken... Thanks 4 d update..