Battle Between Boys

Perfect...Truly Perfect
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[CONTENTID2]Battle Between Boys[/CONTENTID2]


Mei Li and Dongjun gazed deeply into each other's eyes. Just watching them made Luhan’s fists clench.

"I'm trying..." Mei Li mumbled.

Dongjun stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and he pulled her up. He opened one of the cupboards and pulled out a band-aid. He peeled it and took her hand in his, wrapping it around the cut on her finger. "Thanks," said Mei Li.

Dongjun grabbed the broom and cleaned up the mess on the floor while Mei Li went back to working the cash register, as a handful of new customers were coming in.

Luhan and the others took their seats back at the table and ate all of the food they had ordered. Luhan ended up losing his appetite, so Xiumin finished his for him. They stayed at Starbucks longer than they had expected, simply talking.

Soon enough, Mei Li and Dongjun's shift was over and they were preparing to leave.

"Well, we're going to go now, so I'll see you guys next time," Mei Li said with Dongjun next to her.

"Oh, how are you getting home?" Lay asked her.

"Dongjun's driving me," she answered.

He can drive? Another note to self: get a driver's license.

"You should come over to Kris's house again," Luhan suggested, not wanting her and Dongjun to leave together alone.

"Yea, noona!" Tao and the others nodded in agreement.

"I don't sister will be home alone then," she hesitated.

"Forget her, she's old enough to take care of herself," Tao snapped.

Luhan could tell Mei Li was a little shocked at his comment, since the maknae was always so cheerful and bubbly towards her. "Admit it, you like her," Xiumin .

"Pffft, are you kidding me?" Tao scoffed.

"Say what you want, but we saw how mad you got at those thugs," Kris stated.

"Well yea! You were mad too! We all were!" Tao exclaimed in defense.

Dongjun raised his eyebrows at Mei Li, "Thugs?"

"I'll tell you next time, it's a long story," she told him.

"You didn't get hurt, did you?" he asked her with worried eyes.

"Nope, I'm fine," she replied.

He smiled, "Good."

Luhan controlled the urge to roll his eyes and gag at the interaction. Call him hypocritical, but he was disgusted.

"You were so protective of Anne. Even when Mei Li was there too," Chen pointed out.

"Because Luhan was there to protect Mei Li anyways!" Tao blurted. "He'd never let anything happen to her."

Realizing what he just said, Tao shifted around uncomfortably, scratching the back of his neck.

Babo! Keep your mouth shut!

"Anyways...yea. You should come over. My mom keeps asking me where you are," Kris looked at Mei Li.

"Uhm..." she bit her lip, contemplating. "Are you okay with it?" she faced Dongjun.

"Uh...sure...why not?" he forced through clenched teeth.

"Why do you need his permission?" Luhan snapped.

Mei Li was taken aback by his rudeness, but answered, "I don't. I'm just being considerate. We were going to hangout at my house after work."

At your house? I haven't even been to your house yet...

Luhan was about to argue back, but Mei Li turned away from him. "Do you want to come with us then?" she asked Dongjun.

Hey! Who said you could invite him!

"If that's okay with you, Kris," she added.

Luhan expected him to say no, but instead, "sure" was his answer.

What? WHY!

Luhan looked at Dongjun, waiting for his reply. Surprisingly, he glanced at Luhan and smirked. "If you want me to, then sure," he told Mei Li.

"Yay!" she grinned cutely.

This guy is purposely pushing my buttons. Luhan closed his eyes briefly, calming himself.

"So what's your address, Kris?" Dongjun asked him.

"Oh yea. Do you want one of us to go in your car? Although, they don't really know the place yet," Kris asked.

"No thanks, I got a GPS. I'll be fine with just Mei Li," Dongjun answered.

"I think one of us should go with you two just incase,” Luhan insisted.

Dongjun’s eyes got darker. "We're fine."

Luhan ignored him and asked Mei Li, "Want me to join you two?"

She hesitated, "Uhm...doesn't matter..."

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 77: I love it!!!!! luhan~~~~ uri luhan~~~
Chapter 77: finished reading this story again ><
FanficToNonFic #3
Chapter 70: awwwwww the ending is so sweet !
The story is nice and well planned but there are minor errors :)
Chapter 68: Aw, this chapter is so cute!!
chocolatemuffins #5
Interesting! :D
Chapter 70: It's done?! Pouts..bu. it was so nice
Chapter 52: Dongjun u jerk... Good thing EXO M came...I missed the EXO k now~ XD
Chapter 41: O my god... The mothers are already pairing kris and mei!!
I dot wanna mother like that to be honest..too hyper
Chapter 29: Aww the poor maknaes~ sehunnie and Tao..don't cry
Chapter 28: My heart is hurting..huhu