Home Sweet Home

Perfect...Truly Perfect
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It had been less than a week since Mei Li went back to Canada to live with her mother and sister again. Sure, they welcomed her, but Mei Li knew they were curious and shocked as to why she came back.

She did feel a little bad since her dad had saved so much money to let her go to Korea before, but it definitely wasn't a waste. It was probably the greatest thing that ever happened in her life – meeting EXO – which is why they didn't get why she came back – especially since her mother knew about her having a boyfriend there.

Mei Li had told her about Luhan over the phone several times, but she didn't exactly say he was famous or anything. She said that he sings and dances, but her mother probably interpreted it as being a hobby.

Besides that, she only knew his name.

She had also wondered how Mei Li could afford to buy a ticket back to Canada. She knew Mei Li got a job as a translator, but Mei Li didn't say it was for a famous idol group. Mei Li was also confident that her mother hadn't seen her on Chinese shows with them either. She usually watched Chinese dramas, not variety shows.

"Jie jie! You never told me you're the translator for EXO-M!" her little sister shrieked, running down the stairs with her laptop.


Oh great. Spoke to soon. "Huh? Oh, yea," she forced a smile, "you're their fan?"

"YES! I just started to become an exotic!" Anne grinned.

She sat down beside Mei Li on the couch and placed the laptop on her knees so they could both see. "Let's watch them on Kiss The Radio together!" she exclaimed, furiously clicking buttons.

Mei Li nodded and Anne called out, "Mom! Come here and check this out!"

"Mei Ann!" Mei Li tried to shush her.

"Did you know jie jie is the translator for a famous idol group?" she hollered.

"WHAT? I'm coming!" her mom scurried over behind them and looked down at the screen. “Oh my! You translated for these boys?" she gasped.


"Uhm...yea," Mei Li smiled sheepishly.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Well, I did."

Her mother scoffed, "You didn't mention anything about six handsome boys! No wonder you could afford a plane ticket back."

"Shhhh!" Mei Ann commanded, staring intensely at the screen.

Oh gosh, you better not be an overly obsessive fan. Mei Li hoped.

"So introduce yourselves, please!" Eunhyuk said. “But of course, we know who you are already."

"Ahnyeonghaseyo, I'm EXO-M's leader, Kris," Kris started off.

Wow, they're on a korean show for once – or well, radio. Do they not have a replacement translator or something? Maybe I should've said something to President Lee even though I wasn't their official translator. I hope he doesn't get mad at them or hate me. He was already nice enough to let me go to China with them, let alone be Luhan's girlfriend. Mei Li sighed. Well, ex-girlfriend.

"Ahnyeonghaseyo! EXO-M's

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 77: I love it!!!!! luhan~~~~ uri luhan~~~
Chapter 77: finished reading this story again ><
FanficToNonFic #3
Chapter 70: awwwwww the ending is so sweet !
The story is nice and well planned but there are minor errors :)
Chapter 68: Aw, this chapter is so cute!!
chocolatemuffins #5
Interesting! :D
Chapter 70: It's done?! Pouts..bu. it was so nice
Chapter 52: Dongjun u jerk... Good thing EXO M came...I missed the EXO k now~ XD
Chapter 41: O my god... The mothers are already pairing kris and mei!!
I dot wanna mother like that to be honest..too hyper
Chapter 29: Aww the poor maknaes~ sehunnie and Tao..don't cry
Chapter 28: My heart is hurting..huhu