There are dorming issues?

Am I too EXOtic?

After the hectic weekend you were eager to go back to class.  Chanyeol who had almost every class with you insisted on carrying your backpack for you so you wouldn't reinjure yourself.  No matter how much you protested he just shook his head and slung it over his shoulder and followed you to class like an obedient little puppy.  Thankfully it was the last class and after this you could go lie on your bed and give your ribs a break from being in sitting position.

"Alright class.. HALF of you guys failed the final.. and the other half managed only a C average and up.  Only 4 of you got an A" Professor Jung stated.  He didn't announce who got what score but he did pass back the results. Chanyeol shot two arms in the arm when he got his paper.


You kept your paper facedown on the desk *I don't wanna look... I don't wanna hell.. I have to see* You reluctantly tilted up the corner of the paper.

A+ 100%

Your eyes widened. "YEAH!! WOOHOO!! SWEETNESS!! I'M A ING GENIUS!!" you shouted at the top of your lungs practically jumping out of your seat.

"Mr. Lee.. I know that you got a fantastic grade.. but kindly refrain yourself from make other students jealous." Dr.Jung said rubbing his temples.

*Aw like hell I will, this is the best news I've gotten since I came here* although that wasn't completely true you realized when you glanced over at Kris, HE was the best news you had seen/heard/dreamed about but you didn't feel like publicizing that in your brain.  You craned your neck upward to see his paper. Smartass got an A too....

"Since finals are over I will dismiss class early so you can go rest or study.  However those who failed and wish to retake the test you may stay during class for a brief review and we will take the test again tomorrow." Dr.Jung said studying the class carefully.

"class is dismissed, congradulations on those who passed" he said tonelessly as he pushed his glasses further on his nose.  Chanyeol immediately ran over to you and hauled you to your feet.  "LET'S GOOOO!! YEAAAAH" he said skipping out of the classroom and knocking into a few boys along the way.  Kris and you followed after him to make sure he didn't trample anyone over in his happy dance.

"Look.. Chanyeol.. Junsu..we need to talk" Kris started.  Chanyeol ignored him and continued prancing down the hallway. Kris sighed and jogged up to him grabbing him by his ear.

"OW! HEY! LET ME GO!! !! !!" Chanyeol said flailing his arms around trying to swat at Kris.

"Chanyeol, lounge, now" Kris growled.

"okay okay.. " Chanyeol grumbled as you and him followed Kris.

"That was kinda of harsh" you said punching Kris's arm lightly but playfully.  You rubbed Chanyeol's hurt ear, "Don't be so mean to him, he's just ... happy"  Chanyeol stuck his tongue at Kris but he ignored him and kept walking.

You sat on the couch opposite of Kris and Chanyeol slumped next to you.

"Alright.. so what's going on? Are we doing a or something? Cuz I don't have any condo- " Chanyeol started babbling.

"WHAT???!!" you started freaking out, *what??!?!?!? I've read dirty fanfictions... and okay I've watched a rated M scene once in a movie, but I seriously have no idea what to do*

However you stopped panicking once Kris rolled his eyes and said tonelessly, "Chanyeol, we have to talk about .. Junsu.. or Sunhee".

"What do you need to talk about me for?" you said cluelessly.

"Even though you are pretty well disguised as a guy.. you are still a girl.  Despite the fact that you hide it pretty well I can still see you're uncomfortable with being around guys .. all the time 24/7" Kris said. *Actually the reason why I look uncomfortable is because you and your hotness is making my hormones trip out all the time* you wanted to say.

Chanyeol cleared his throat and in a deep voice attempted to sound sophisticated, "yeah, um... we were kind of worried that you feel a little ... weirded out by staying with us.  So me and Kris talked about giving you your own dorm room."

You stared at them blankly, "I don't mind... besides Kai is barely ever around and Chanyeol is good friend.... Unless.. you guys feel uncomfortable being around me..."

Chanyeol shook his hands in front of him, "no no no, it's not like that.. we just wondered if you wanted .. more privacy.. or something.." he trailed off awkwardly. 

Kris sensing the awkwardness that was forming on your blushing face and Chanyeols studdering voice shook his head, "It's just an option, out dorms can hold 4 people anyway so Kai can move into Lay, D.O, and Tao's dorm and Chanyeol can room with Baekhyun, Luhan and Sehun  if you wanted.

"No!" you said shaking your head. "It's fine, I like dorming with Chanyeol and Kai."

"Sure? I snore sometimes" Chanyeol said.

"What do you mean sometimes? I can hear you from my dorm!" Kris exclaimed flicking the side of Chanyeol's face.

"Really? I never noticed..." you said lying, Chanyeol snored so loudly you often had to wear earphones to sleep or put your pillow over your face.

"Either way..offer still stands. " Kris said nodding toward you.  He had an expression you couldn't quite read.  Concern? Annoyance? Boredom?

"um.. thanks"  you said slowly.

"Well... Kris and I have to get ready for Football practice..I'll see you later then" Chanyeol said getting up slowly and stretching.

"D.O's taking pretty good care of Lay, so I'm going to check on Kai" you said as Chanyeol worked on massaging his sore shoulder.

"Don't hurt yourselves" you added.

"We won't, don't worry about us" Kris said waving to you and leaving the room.

You returned to your dorm and called out to Kai.

"Kai? Dance machine! You okay?"

You heard a husky voice, "I'm fine.. I just wish that Noona would let me go to class already." he shifted positions so he was looking at you.

"Hey can you come up here for a second, I need your help with something."  You climbed up the ladder slowly and stood on one of the rungs.

"Can you get these sweatpants off of me? I'd do it.. but my shoulders are so sore Chanyeol had to help me get dressed." he said tugging on the waistband of his pants.  You blushed and groaned inwardly *do I have to? ...*  You tugged on the bottom of his pants and managed to get them off leaving Kai in his plaid boxers and you blushing like a .

"You want some new pants?" you asked him and tried to avoid looking.. there....

"No it's okay, real men wear boxers to sleep.  God I feel so lazy.. I've been sleeping all day.." Kai said frowning.  His big swollen lips pouted out.

"Want to go to the lounge and play video games or something?" Kai asked his ears perked up hopeful.


"Kay.. " he said moving toward the ladder.

"need help?"


"you sure, you look wobbly"

"I'm fine" he snapped.

"Kai's getting old folks!" you announced to the dorm.

"shut it!"

You laughed as the two of you headed toward the lounge. 

"So.. mariokart? Lego indiana Jones or what? he said rifling through a stack of games.

"Doesn't matter.."

He pickd Super Mario brothers and you guys spent a happy hour jumping on each other's head and kicking around turtle shells.

"Aww.. why do I always lose.." you whined as Kai for the hundreth time "kicked your "

"You do realize that the point of the game is to kill me right?" he said once again pushing you into a random hole in the ground.

*I hate this game....*


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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD