Failing, falling and forgiving

Am I too EXOtic?

(Just to be clear, the football that they are playing is American football.. not soccer.  Btw this will probably be one of my favorite chapters^^)

Your POV

Turns out Chanyeol never takes No for answer.  So here I am standing with to the also reluctant wide-eyed D.O, scary muscular Tao, face Kris, Happy Virus Chanyeol, and lastly jocky Chen.. who seemed to be a little enthusiastic to pummel other boys into the ground.  Neither D.O or I seemed at all interested in football but nevertheless Chanyeol dug out shoulder pads, helmets, and running shoes and told us to go get ready. I kept my underclothes on and avoided looking around as everyone else stripped down and put on the goddamn heavy padding.  *What the hell? How am I supposed to run in this??*

"Do you really want to play?", I asked D.O.

"Does is look like I want to??" D.O said big eyed, "I'm going to be smushed!!".  I couldn't stop laughing despite the fact I was literally going to die a very painful death surrounded by hot guys, in a suit that weighs more than I do and all thanks to Chanyeol.

Thank you Chanyeol, I hope that you break something and come to my funeral in a wheelchair with no brakes.

Kris was wearing his giant shoulder pads and leaning against the fence with one arm holding his helmet, *okay.. that's pretty hot.. STOP IT.. NO FANGIRLING* I mentally scolded myself,

"What the hell are you doing here?" Kris asked his eyes widening when he saw me standing on the field looking a little lost as I was trying not to wince as mental images of me getting grinded into the ground flashed across my mind.

"Chanyeol dragged me here.."

"Goddammit.. you're going to get killed out here.." Kris said facepalming his forehead. "Just.. try to stay out of the way.. I don't want you to get hurt.." he said looking genuinly concerned.

"I'll try.." I murmered. I was pretty screwed as far surviving this.

I stood next to D.O nervously as the coach blew the whistle for us to tackle each other.  Out of corner of my eye I saw Chen rush at one of the scrawny freshman that was standing in front of him.  Chanyeol and Kris had already worked on knocking over some of the other buff guys on the other side of the field.  I jumped back with a yelp and turned to look at D.O who was completely paralyzed.

"RUN! RUN! RUN!" I shouted at him pushing him away from the group of bloodthirsty boys that were wrestling each other down and dogpiling on themselves.  D.O got the hint and rushed away with me hot on his heels.  For a short little guy he could sprint away from trouble fast and I had to really work at it to keep up.  We managed to get halfway across the field before some of the guys noticed we were getting away.

D.O his eyes wider than normal if that was possible pointed behind me as some guy charged in my direction.  I dodged to the side and saw a quick glimpse at his face. * Tao??? The cute boy with the panda eyes??*  I didn't have anymore time to be shocked because after that D.O was tackled to the ground by Tao.  My fallen comrade moaned in pain and flailed his arms around him as Tao slowly got off of him and looked at me with bloodshot eyes. 

"Oh .. oh .. no no no" I said backing up slowly as Tao started to advance.  Tao leaped up to pounced on me but was interruped when Chanyeol came out of freaking no where and jumped on me. 

"AUGGGGGHGHHHGHGGGGHHHH" I screamed as Chanyeol knocked me over sending me flying and taking me down with a sickening THWACK as my body hit the ground.

I landed on the grass hard on my side and I swear I heard a loud *CRACK*.  Chanyeol was laying across me, his helmet bashed against mine.  

"ow..." I moaned weakly.  Tao helped Chanyeol off of me and I still writhed in pain on the ground.

"OH ITS YOU JUNSU!!! I'M SO SORRY!!! ARE YOU OKAY?? YOU DIDN'T BREAK ANYTHING DID YOU??" Chanyeol said after shaking his head from the hit and realizing it was me.  I couldn't manage to say anything in response except for weak whimpers of pain.  The waves of pain shuddered through me like knives burying themselves in my ribcage and I grinted my teeth trying to breathe.

"ah.. ahh~" I managed to get out as I curled up in a little ball trying not to cry from the pain that was screaming in my chest.

"Oh man.. .. OMG.. we have to go to the nurse your bleeding!!" Chanyeol shouted trying to help me up, but his touch only made it worse as his movements jostled my ribs even more.  Tao and Chanyeol eventually managed to get me up as I clutched my torso in agony.

"I'm so sorry man.." Chanyeol said murmering into my ear as he walked me over the bench.  D.O limped over next to me and slipped my helmet off.

"Are you okay? Does anything feel broken" D.O asked me. His voice was gentle sounding, but I couldn't answer him, it hurt too much to try.  Kris had noticed what happened and ran over.

"What happened??!! Are you hurt??" Kris said pushing everyone out of the way and trying to move my arms which I had glued to the front of my chest afraid that if i moved them my ribs would just give out.

"S-Stop... I-it hurtss.." I managed to croak out, tears were welling up in my eyes but I pushed them back by shutting my eyelids tight.

"Dammit Chanyeol!! Why would you do that??" Kris said pushing Chanyeol making him stumble back.

"I'm Sorry!! I was just playing around!!" Chanyeol said backing up and casting you sorry eyes.  It wasn't really his fault since that was the point of the game, but I blamed him for it anyway since whatever was wrong was hurting like a and I couldn't think rationally.

Kris pushed Chanyeol pretty far backing him up against the fence and said something I couldn't quite make out. Chanyeol's eyes widened and he looked at me and then back at Kris and he slumped against the wall holding his face in his hands and rubbing his fingers through his hair in frustration.

D.O dragged me away and I was soon stumbling after him to the nurses office.  Thankfully unni was the school nurse, so you could be examine without any awkward explaining.

Reguar POV

"D.O what happened to your leg?? Oh my god!! What happened to you Sun-JUNSU!!???" your aunt said rushing toward you to lead you onto a cot.

"I'm fine, my ankle is just sprained ..  but I think some of Junsu's ribs might be broken.." D.O said massaging his own injured leg.

"Get some ice on that, theres some in the fridgerator over there" your aunt said pointing to the other room.  When D.O left the room she turned to you quickly.

"What happened???"

"Chanyeol tackled me when we were playing football" you answered through grinted teeth.

"Take this" she said handing you some pain killers and glass of water. "Football?? Are you trying to get yourself killed??"

"Chanyeol wanted me to try...." you said trailing off.

*Ahh.. pain killers .. my new best friend*

"Agh.. that boy... lay down for a minute and let me see your chest." she said pushing you down lightly.  You did as she said and she removed your shoulder pads and pushed your shirt up and ran her fingers down your ribcage.

"Ow!" you cried out as she ran her finger down the left side.

"I think a couple of them might be fractured... but it doesn't look to serious" she said.  You peeked down at your chest it was layed with blue and black bruises that went down past the left side of your torso and down to the hip and near your mid thigh.

"Am I okay then?" you asked, you suddenly felt tired and wanted more than anything to go back to the dorm and sleep.

"Stay here for awhile so I can keep an eye on you, you can take a nap here if you want, the pain killers make you drowsy" she said pulling your shirt down.

"Thank you unni... I think I'll ..." you passed out before you finished your sentence.

"My poor baby.." she said the short locks of your hair off your face.


3 hours later you woke up and took in a sharp breath as the pain in your chest registered in your brain.

"Ah~..." you squeaked.

"Junsu?" you heard a deep voice say.

"Ne~?" you said rubbing your eyes as you tried to see the person sitting to the side of you.

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you.." you recognize the voice as Chanyeols and blinked a few times so you could see his face clearly.

"It's okay, that's the point of the game after all! " said laughing nervously.

He said frowning and biting his lip. "I feel really bad now..."

"You shouldn't feel bad" you laughed but then gasped in pain as your ribs protested sending black dots to dance in front of your eyes. "You probably made the team since your so good at the game" you said half smiling and wincing.

"I just tackled a girl to the ground and broke her ribs, how am I not supposed to feel bad? Kris told me..." he said quietly. "I'm sorry..." 

"It's okay, I don't blame you for anything.  Kris told you?? Kid can't keep his mouth shut for his life...Cheer up will you? Did you make the team or not?" you said patting his head affectionately.

Chanyeol beamed big smile at you, "Me, Kris, Tao and Chen made the team!!!"

"That's great!! Tell them I said congrats" you said clapping happily.

'Yeah, but I was gonna help you get to the dorm so you could rest for a little while.  Do you think you can walk?" he said holding his arm out for you.

"mhhmmm" you said through your lips and took his arm gratefully as you wobbled your way out of the bed.  You leaned heavily on his arm and shoulder while walking but he didn't seem to mind. The dorm was empty and you laid down on your bed gratefully.  Even though the pain in your ribs had subsided you felt sore and achy all over.

"Do you want something? Are you hungry, thirsty, .. bored?" Chanyeol asked you as he knelt beside your bed and staring at you attentively.

"I'm fine. Get some sleep, it's late" you said pushing his forehead laughing.

Chanyeol swatted your hand away playfully and smiled, "now that I know you are a girl I can finally say that I think you are really pretty."

You tried not to blush "Oh, you!" you covered your grin and pushed him away.

"Nighty Night Yeollie..."

"Goodnight Junsu.. wait.. what is your real name?" Chanyeol said sitting up on his bed.

"Lee SunHee."

"Pretty name" he said flopping back down and whispering it to himself, but you were already asleep and you didn't hear him.


You woke up, wincing at the pain but it wasn't so bad.  Glancing at Chanyeol's bed to see he was still sleeping, his chest rose and fell with each breath and his curly hair stuck up proudly on his forehead.  You couldn't hear Kai above you though.  It was only five thirty in the morning on a Saturday morning so where could he possibly be? You laid back down.  So Chanyeol and Kris knew your secret and they wouldn't say anything.  You sighed in relief, you were safe for now.  After laying around for a half hour you decided to get up.  You got dressed as quietly as possible and left the room closing the door as slowly as possible so Chanyeol wouldn't wake up.  You tip toed down the hall and into the lounge where you could play video games, read, or get a drink or something.  You almost jumped a foot in the air when you saw a pair of feet at the end of the couch. You peeked over to see a chubby faced but cute looking guy reading a magazine on the couch.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked when he noticed you.

"um.. nothing.. what about you?" you said awkwardly sitting on one of the arm chairs and pulling out a random book from the pile sitting on the coffee table.

"I'm Xiumin, you are..?" he said flicking his eyes over at you.

"I'm Junsu"

"Are you part of EXO too?"



You had no idea what to say after that so you opened the book pretending to be interested.  *Ugh.. what the hell..?* the book contained more dirty words, and cheesey love lines than a , matured rated ty fanfiction, you flipped the book over to see the title.

Kisses at Midnight

You can't be serious.. this must be one of Sehun's books.  In disgust and slight embarrassment when you realized the front cover was a hot guy with abs more defined than Bi Rain in NInja Assassin and a girl with cleavage the size of your head passionately making out and .. love.

"You like Romance novels?" Xiumin suddenly said losing interest in his magazine as he dropped it on the pile on the table.

"Sometimes.. they are okay..but this isn't my book.." you said trying to clear things up and not look like a total .

"So how's classes going?" he asked politely.

"I'm doing pretty well in them I hope, but it's a lot of work."

"I'm glad someone can ace them" he sighed "the only thing I'm really good at is singing, dancing.. and screaming... "

"Screaming?" you asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah.. like rapping .. loudly" he said helping you out.

"Oh.. You'll have to show me sometime"

"I can show you right now, ZUI HOU WO NU--" Xiumin started shouting at the top of his lungs.

"AUGH!! not right now!! We don't want to wake everyone up.." you said startled by his peaceful face and his sudden voice change.  You admitted the whole screaming thing actually sounded pretty cool, but the least thing you needed was the whole floor to be woken up.

"ah.. that's probably a good idea"

"yeah.." Unfortunately you had stopped Xiumin too late and someone had already been woken up.  The lounge door opened and then slammed shut.



Tell me in the comments who you want that person to be!! Btw sammy86067 and Tihlee, your comments make my day  ^^. I'm glad to know someone's reading my story :D


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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD