I can't forget...

Am I too EXOtic?

*Of course Minho and Miyoung would be here, they were the most popular couple in the Seoul High school now...* you thought miserably as you turned your head away to avoid looking at them.  However unable to control your own curiousity and you glanced back just as Minho was nuzzling his nose onto Miyoung's.
*Ugh.. disgusting...* you made a face and rested your head on Kris's shoulder.
"What's wrong?" he whispered into your ear when he noticed that you were starting to drag your feet across the floor.
"I-I.. need a break" you studdered as you pulled your arms away and stalked off away to the nearest table.  You put your hands over your face willing your anger and frustration back.  You weren't going to cry at least, you were too angry for that, but you felt sick to your stomach knowing that you were forced away from your home, family, school, and friends just because of those two people happily dancing in the center of room.  Your own friend didn't even care enough to try to flirting with her new boy toy to worry about your sudden disappearance.
*Did I mean anything to her? And what did I ever see in Minho anyway??  Hes such a conceited jerk...* you ranted inside your head.  Kris had followed you wordlessly and sat down beside you with a cup of punch.
"Drink something, no alcohol I promise" he said giving a weak smile.  He knew you were upset, whether it was about his crappy dancing or something else though he wasn't sure.
"Thanks" you said as you took a giant sip and then dropped the cup unceremoniously on the table.
"Come on, we have to talk..." he said gesturing for you to follow him.  Even though you didn't really feel like talking, you away from the Min couple eventually. The two of you sat outside on the front steps of the school, the noise of the music and talking from the dance could be heard faintly from where you were.
"I saw Minho and Miyoung" you blurted out and then covered your eyes with your hands.  Kris was silent as you pressed the palm of your hands on your eyeballs.  He reached over and smoothed out your short hair, his fingertips grazing your scalp.  You heard him shrug off his coat and put it on your shoulders.  You weren't really that cold, but it felt you feel more protected if anything.
Finally after about 5 minutes of silence Kris spoke, "Why do they matter?"
You forced your eyes to settle on his, they were open and so dark and reflective you could see your own face fighting to fall apart.  "I guess.. I'm just jealous that they are so happy together... and Miyoung seems even happier without me.."
He moved closer to you and cocked his head to the side, "you aren't happy being with us?" he looked a little hurt.
"No!" you corrected him, "I .. I can't explain it.. I just can't stop thinking about them-" But Kris had cut you off.  He had moved so fast that you didn't have time to react.
He pressed his lips against yours and had moved his arm on your shoulder to draw your closer.  You eyes widened, but then your lids started to drop and your heart pounded against your ribs. *So this is what it feels like..* your lips curled in a smile as he continued to prod your lips with his tongue.
As much as you enjoyed the sensation you had to breathe and pulled away reluctantly and opened your eyes slowly.  Blushes built up on your cheeks but you grinned in a total daze.  Kris smirked at your reaction, "Are you still thinking about them? Maybe I should do something else to take your mind off of them...."
You laughed and slapped his arm playfully.  The two of you continued to talk outside for the rest of the dance laughing, smiling and knocking shoulders.
Little did either of you know someone was watching and frowning at the two of you.

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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD