There's no overdoing it.

Am I too EXOtic?

Luhan had developed a bit of an "over-protective older brother syndrome" so you found it difficult to escape his watchful eye especially after he heard that Kris had made a move on you.

"No more hanging out with them alone anymore!! They're sneaky little pricks!!" Luhan shouted at you after you announced that you were leaving the lounge to go attend one of Kai's personal slow dancing shows that he would put on for you in the late evenings.

"Well.. come with me then!" 

"I have homework to do... don't you have some studying to do too!!??" 

"I finished hours ago Luhan... I'm leaving .." you said marching out the door. "LEE SUNHEE!!" you heard Luhan shout, but you closed the door and continued fastwalking down the hall making your way to the dance room. Luhan didn't follow you, but that didn't stop you from tossing paranoid glances over your shoulder.  You tiptoed down the quietcorridor as if you were trying not to wake someone.  *aish... CAP better not jump me in the hallway ..*  A low groan came from further down the hallway causing you to let out a shrill shriek.  Small whimpers of pain and movement on the ground was coming from the other end of of the hall and you debated with yourself whether you should go check it out or run away like the fricken roadrunner.   There was a chair near one of the doors of a classroom and you grabbed it and held it in front of you to throw at whatever was in pain.  You walked closer.  The small whimpers of pain drove daggers into your back.  They subsided into a low studdering hum like someone trying to stifle themselves after stubbing their toe on a table leg. 

"A-Are you okay?" you asked to whoever was crumpled on the ground.

"I-I'm .. o-okay"

You jumped and drop the chair and ran the rest of the distance toward the figure that was curled up on the ground.

"L-Lay .. oh my god .. what happened to you!?!??!" 

Lay's eyes were covered by his long side bangs but you could still read the grimace of pain on his face.

"Waist .. injury.."

You hoisted him off the ground and let him lay on you lap as you bombarded him with questions.  You could see his eyes tearing from the pain but you were powerless to do anything to mitigate the torn muscles in his back.

"I'll get Luhan .. or Kai.. or Kris or uhhh who do you want me to get, what happened!?! Can you walk? I'll get nurse-noona..!!"

"No-no .. don't worry them.. I'll be fine... it's happened before.. I just need some ibuprofen or something" Lay said through clenched teeth.

"I'll go get it.. its in your dorm!? Or can you make it back?" you asked as you started to lay him back on the ground.

"Its on my nightstand.  I'll be fine. Take your time."

You were pretty sure Lay was being sarcastic but you ran anyway and sprinted into Lay's room and grabbed the bottle and came back. Lay was able to sit up while leaning against the wall when you came back.  "Thanks he mumbled as he popped off the cap and swallowed a few of the pills without water.  You waited with him for a few minutes until he managed to stand up and you walked over and let him lean on your shoulder.

"Thanks Junsu.." he said smiling wanly. You could tell he was still in pain, but he wanted to get back before any of EXO worried about him.

"What happened?"

He shrugged, or tried to. "Dancing.. I don't know."

"You're overdoing it"

"If it's something you love, there's no overdoing it." Lay replied.

"That sounds wrong.." you said giggling, but coughed to deepen your voice again.

Lay didn't notice your voie change but he frowned and sighed. "You know what I mean..."



Okay .. Filler... but I thought I'd introduce some more of Lay too. What EXO members (or other bands in a cameo) do you want to see in the next chapter?





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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD