Getting ready

Am I too EXOtic?

You woke up in a different bed.  This is like that time in a drama where the girl wakes up in the guy's bed because the guy took her home after she was in the rain, almost got mugged, or her home was too far away.  Sadly the situation was neither of the three drama situations making you groan into the pillows.  Not only had you embarrassed yourself in front of the restaurant, your parents, your school, your best friend, your crush you could add your aunt to that list too. 

"ugh.." you said still groaned as you stood up.  Your legs were sore from running and you looked in the mirror to see your hair in such a disarray you wondered if a bottle of condition would get it back to normal.

"hey sweetie" you aunt said walking into the room after hearing you woke up.

"Wha-... what time is it?" you asked being interrupted by a big yawn.

"It's only 7:30am" you aunt said stlll smilling.

"Where's appa?" you were on friendly casual terms with your aunt and uncle so they told you to skip the honorifics.

"he's at work, and I took the day off to help you out" she replied.

You froze, "I didn't mean to be any trouble.. I ah.. just .. had a mental breakdown yesterday..." you said awkwardly remembering yesterday and feeling a pang in your heart knowing that Miyoung and Minho could have .. gotten it on last night.

"No, no!" your aunt exclaimed waving her hands in the air.  "I want to take care of you, and your mom said it was alright" you knew that your mom probably said something more along the lines of "good ridance" but your aunt used a nice euphemism so you wouldn't feel so bad.

"um... should I go to school then?" you asked awkwardly running your hands through your tangled hair in an effort to prepare for school.

"Do you want to honey?" she asked tilting downwards.

"No.. not really" you admitted.

Your aunt bit her lip in deep thought.  You leaned against the counter wondering how you could escape this whole mess, become a different person, move out of the country, anything.  That's when it hit you.

"I GOT IT!!!" you exclaimed clapping your hands together.  "I can go to your school, Daewon high school!!!"

She gave you a funny look as if you had announced that the earth was flat. 

"Sweetie.. Daewon .. its an all boy's boarding school" she said nervously trying to break the news to you.

You waved your hand carelessly, "I know I know, but this is a chance for me to start off new, I can dress up as a boy, just act normal, go to class, concentrate on studying and then graduate!"

The corners of lifted a little "that's true, you are tall enough" she said chuckling, "I'm sorry dear.. but it might be pretty easy for you to er.. dress up in that fashion.."

You hid your inner pain *great, it's easy for me to crossdress*.  You beamed like it was the greatest idea in the world, "Hwaiting!"

You aunt dragged you back into her clean spotless room and sat you on a chair. 

"I give the boys at the boarding schools haircuts all the time" she said your long hair. "Would you like a wig though, your hairs so long and beautiful"

You hesitated, it was probably the most feminime thing about you, and she was about to snip it off.

"No, Just cut it please.." you said biting your lips and shutting your eyes.  Your aunt took the scissors and made a careful snip on a small section of hair.

"If you don't want to.."

"No, just do it" you said more confident this time.  "I wanna look ike Ga-In" you said giving a sheepish smile.

She laughed, "I can do that"

You still shut your eyes though and peeked open midway to see that your hair was cut just below your ears.  After finishing up on your bangs you opened your eyes wide and ran your palm against your new haircut.

"Is it okay..?" your aunt asked nervously hovering near you.

"Ne~.. just what I wanted unnie" you said smiling.

You went to the bathroom to scrub off any left over make up and run your hands through your short locks.

"Not too shabby" you said to your reflection winking.

Once you came out your aunt was looking through a closet.  She threw boxers, large t-shirts, jeans, socks, a school uniform, shoes, a couple of blazers and a button up dress shirt on the bed.

You gave a weird look and waggled your eyebrows pointing at the pair of boxers on the bed.

She put her hands on her hips trying not to giggle. "Don't judge me!! A lot of the boys get rid of old clothes and I've kept them for charity"

"ah.. I see are being well donated"

"Oh be quiet you and go try these on" she said pushing you toward the bathroom.

An hour later you had developed a new name, new wardrobe, new walk and a new voice.

"Alright JUNSU, would you like to dorm with someone or stay at our house?" unni said using my new name while tapping her nails on the counter.

"Uh.. I'll stay in a dorm.. it'll be weird if I just go to your house everyday.." you said in a slighlty lower voice pitch.

"If you have any .. feminime issues .. just come over to my house alright?  I'll find good roomates for you" she said winking.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Next Day >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Your uncle had suprisingly been okay with the idea especially after he looked up your excellent school records.

"I expect nothing but the best and I'm sure you'll bring pride to our school!" he said nodding to you and smiling.

"Yes sir!" you said bowing at 90 degrees and leaving his office to find your dorm.

Lucky for you the school was fairly well labeled and the map was helpful and you found your way to the dorm in no time.  *Here goes nothing* you thought to yourself before knocking on the door.

"Come in!! It's open!!" a deep voice shouted from inside.

You gulped and turned the knob to see a tall boy standing on a chair in the middle of the room.  His voice was gentle looking and he had bright excited eyes that scanned your over quickly.  You coughed and pulled back your shoulders to make it look more believeable.

"You are...?"

"Junsu, er.. I'm new..." you said awkwardly still trying to deepen your voice.

"I'm Chanyeol, welcome!" he said smiling brightly.

"Um.. what are you doing?" you asked him since he was still standing on the chair looking down at you.

"huh? oh.. I'm trying to put in this lightbulb since Kai couldn't reach" he said snickering.  After delicately screwing in the bulb he jumped down off the chair and properly shook your hand.

"So.. what classes do ya have?" he asked trying to take your schedule out of your hand.

"Chemistry .. ew.. English... ew... Korean ...ew.. Calculus ... double ew.. History ewwww... and Mandarin.. ew..." he said sticking his tongue out further and further after each "ew".  "No PE?" he asked.

"uh.. no.." you answered, you uncle had excused you from the PE since you had enough credits and to save from locker room awkwardness.

"aw.. thats like.. the only class I will participate in" he said laughing.

"Heeeey, whos this?" someone asked as they entered the room.

"Hey Kai, this is Junsu, and that's Kai" Chanyeol said pointing back and forth at you and Kai to make sure you got the idea.

Kai titled his head to side peering past your bangs, and you worried that he had noticed something but he only said "Well I've got more competition"

You blinked blankly "What?"

"Your handsome, if and when we meet some girls, I'll have more competition" he said simply shaking his head.

"um.. sorry" you said trying to understand what was going on in his mind.  He laughed and slapped you on the back, "I like him, lets introduce him to the rest of EXO"

"What's EXO?" you asked still confused by what was going on.

Chanyeol looked up.. or more like down.. at Kai.

"You go ahead, I have to fix my hair first" Chanyeol said pointing to his springy curly hair that was twisted in different directions.

Kai shrugged and pushed you toward the door.

"EXO is just our group of friends, we like to have a group name"

He opened the door to one of the dorms and pushed you inside.  You almost shrieked and covered your eyes but at the last minute regained your composure remembering to treat it like it was normal.  It was pretty early in the morning meaning everyone was still getting dressed and 3 people in front of you were shirtless and running around grabbing their toothbrush, razor, towel and what not in a flurry to get ready.

"That's Tao" Kai said causally, pointing to the boy who's straight black hair was neatly combed, his eyes seemed to be piercing and he was a little taller than you and a least 3 times as muscular making you gulp.

"That's Lay and that's D.O" he said pointing to a boy with big eyes and another boy with a emotionless face.

You waved awkwardly near the door while they murmered something along the lines of "hi, whats up".  Your face was trying not the blush until they finally remembered to put shirts on. 

"I have chemistry first" Kai said to you "we can go together"

You nodded stiffly trying not to feel too awkward.  *ugh.. this was a mistake...I am going to die of hormonal overload, awkwardness, or just plain embarrassment eventually*



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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD