
Am I too EXOtic?

Chess against Baekhyun, what were you thinking?  He had only moved his rooks, a few pawns and one knight and he already had you in check and killed off your queen, not to mention a few other pieces.

“What the hell Baekhyun??” you cried out when he skillfully took out one of your bishops and put it on the side of the board.

“I can explain what I did if you want.  All I did was ahjfniocwauriawsksiarewyaormcfjalsd”

You blinked at him blankly not understanding a word that he was saying.  You assumed it was some sort of nerdy chess grandmaster strategy.  

You picked up your rook attempting to move it in front of your king.  Baekhyun winced and flinched a little.

“What now?” you sighed.

“I just.. um.. wouldn’t do that..” he said vaguely.  You did it anyway, not that you had an chance of winning.  Baekhyun was about to take out another piece of yours, but the door to the lounge suddenly burst open making him drop the piece and a few other pieces ruining the game.  The room was filled with an overexcited deep voice of the panda maknae Tao.


“Tao... calm the down, I don’t understand anything you are saying”, you groaned rubbing your head.  Luckily Luhan was also with Tao and he explained in a much calmer voice.

“This Friday is the Fall dance and our school is inviting other schools to come so.. yes there will be girls here”, Luhan said finishing awkwardly.

Baekhyun lifted his head in slight interest, “What school are they inviting?”

“the one just a few blocks over from here, Seoul High School I think?” Luhan said biting his lip in thought.  You froze, *Seoul??*

“There’s going to be too many boys and not enough girls..” Tao whined.  

You shook your head and covered your eyes.  *This can’t be happening, I thought I escaped all of this.  I can't see them together... No.. I don't like Minho anymore .. argh... I can't go*

Tao seemed to notice your lack of enthusiasm and poked your shoulder.

“Are you okay? Do you have a girl phobia or something?” he asked curiously.

You took your hands off your face immediately, “No” you answered curtly “Not at all”.


“Hold still...” Luhan said as you squirmed while he tied your tie.

“It’s choking me... “ you whined.  You had tried to weasel out of going to the dance, but everyone else was insistent that it’d be fun for you and if you made excuses they would tease you endlessly about being afraid to talk to girls.  You didn't think could stand the sight of seeing Miyoung and Minho together, but this time you had 12 friends on your side.  As long as you avoided the two of them you figured you could pretend it was just a regular party.

Tao straightened up his shirt and brushed his hair so it was slicked off to the side.  Baekhyun was... well... he was fighting D.O on something.

“DON’T COME NEAR ME WITH THAT CRAYON!!!” Baekhyun hollered as he ducked behind the couch.

“It’s eyeliner...and it WONT hurt you now hold still or i’ll color your eyes!!!” D.O threatened as he started brushing it over Baekhyun’s eyelids.

“It looks stupid” Baekhyun sniffled when he saw himself in the mirror.

“You look hot, now go find a nerdy girlfriend will ya,” D.O said waving Baekhyun away since he was done.  After doing final looks on Tao, Suho, Lay, Sehun and you D.O and Luhan ushered you toward the hallway to meet up with the other members.

“You guys look good.. nice job Luhan and Suho”, Kai said as he carefully examined all the younger boys and you.

“Go get em tiger!” Chanyeol said patting Tao’s over excited head.

“Why am I doing this again?” Sehun sighed while checking his watch.  

“It’s our school’s dance, it keeps up our reputation.. plus we get to see dressed up ladieesss”.  Kai answered flicking Sehun’s forehead.

"Wait.. hold on I forgot something..." D.O said quickily as he rushed back into his room.  When he came back out he was holding a small box.

"You guys.. Suho, Baekhyun, Lay, Xiumin, Luhan, .. and Chen" D.O said awkwardly opening the box to reveal flat black sponges.

"What are those?" you asked innocently.

"Yeah, D.O what are those??" Kris said snickering.

Tao and Chanyeol giggled behind you.

D.O glared, "Nothing you guys need... now go away.."

You frowned*.. what..?*

Kai noticed your bewilderment and laughed pulling you away.  "Only short people need those." You glanced backward to see them stuffing their shoes with insoles. Chen shot you a menacing glare and you cowered backward and straight into Kai.

"Don't be so nervous, you haven't seen Daewon High School parties" Kai said winking at you.

What Kai had said was true.  You had NEVER seen a party like this.  The main hall had silver and blue balloons littering the ceilings, the lights had been shut off except for a dim light that sent small beams bouncing off the glitter staining the floors. Boys in suits and tuxes were standing around the tables chatting and waiting for Seoul High to arrive.

Tao jumped up and down giddily, "I can't wait! I can't wait!"

You shifted nervously foot to foot, what exactly were you going to do here? Dance with girls?.  Sighing you leaned against the stairwell railing as several of the EXO members explored the room. You didn't see Kris anywhere, disappointed you slumped against the wall.

"Why did we dress up? It's not like its a formal party or anything.." Sehun complained.

"We don't want to look underdressed compared to everyone else" Luhan said patting Sehun's head, which made him scowl and slouch like a little kid stuck at a banquet with chatting adults.

"Gentlemen!!!" you heard your uncles voice and perked up your ears.

"Gentlemen!!!, Seoul High has arrived!!!!" the loudspeaker emitted. Whoops and cheers filled the room. Instantly girls and guys flooded the room and someone had hooked up kpop songs to speakers.  Fantastic baby filled the room and bounced off the walls making your feet vibrate off the floor.

Tao jumped excitedly toward a petite asian girl that you were pretty sure was Subin from your history class.  You moved further back into the shadows.  *I hope no one recognizes me*.

The boys were mingling with the girls and you could see several angry faces of the Seoul High boys as their girlfriends swarmed around Daewon High.

Kai gestured toward you to join him and you reluctantly headed over, no use just waiting for it to end.

"Hey Junsu!! Let's go dance!!"

"No.. thanks.."

"Fine... go sulk in the corner next to Sehun" he said sticking his tongue at you and heading toward the dance floor.

You took his advice and leaned against the wall near Sehun.

"Don't feel like partying?" he asked when he saw you heading over him.


"You should go talk to some girls...this is a rare oppurtunity..." he said rolling his eyes.

"Why don't you go?"

He shrugged, "I'm not interested"

Luhan strolled up to the two of you with cups of punch.  "I th-think.. someone spiked it this year.." he said in a big goofy smile.

"Want a cup??" he held one out to the two of you.

Sehun took it and downed and returned to scowling, completely unphased. You took it hesitantly and drank it slowly, the diluted alcohol wasn't enough to make you drunk or even tipsy but you did feel your nerves relax a little.  A girl you didn't recognize with a short strapless red dress sauntered up to you and Sehun. 

"Boy's wanna parttyyy?" she asked her voice husky and slurring.  You ignored her out of habit, assuming she was talking to Sehun, but she took your wrist and led you out to go dance.

"Wait-wait whaaaa-" you started as she dragged you forcefully and put your arm around her waist and she leaned into your shoulder.

"Excuse me, but his girlfriend is over there." a deep voice said behind you.  The girl pulled away from you and pushed you away as if you were some sort of player. You turned around to find your rescuer.




"I figured I'd save you from some awkwardness" he explained.

"Oh.. thanks."

"Want to go somewhere else?"

"Like where?"

"Anywhere" he said pulling you away from the crowd of dancing people.


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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD