Goofy leader... Suho?

Am I too EXOtic?

After dancing with Kai the two of you decided to go see if any of EXO wanted to go eat with you guys in the cafeteria for dinner.

"We should invite Suho-hyung", Kai suggested as he knocked on the door of Kris and who knows who elses dorm.

"Who's Suho?"

"He's the oldest and leader of EXO-K or the korean side of EXO.  The Korean members Baekhyun, Chanyeol, me, Sehun, D.O. and Suho were here first.. but then one year all these high-scoring, sports scholarship, rich CHINESE kids came here and we call them EXO-M." Kai explained as he rapped impatiently on the door.

You looked at him quizzically, "So.. Tao, Kris, Luhan, Chen, Xiumin and Lay are all Chinese and not originally part of your original group of friends?"

"Well.. Chen and Xiumin are Korean, but they were closer with EXO-M it seemed like.  I mean we are all very good friends and all but we did grow up differently." Kai reassured you.

"I see.."

Kris opened the door and gave his usual scowl at Kai and you, "What do you want?"

Kai rolled his eyes and stood on his tip toes to try and see, past the giant lingering in the doorway, if Suho was in the room, "We wanted to ask Suho-hyung if he wants to join us.. or Xiumin.. NOT you.  Junsu said that you scare him."

"I didn't say tha-.." you started, but Kai cut you off.

"Where is Suho anyway?"

"I don't know.. wandering around the hallways?  Flirting with noonas? I don't baby-sit him" Kris said curtly before shutting the door.

"He's always in such a bad mood all the time.. moody, bipolar..."

You doubted that Kai knew what bipolar actually meant but you shrugged unhelpfully and followed him to the cafeteria.

"Suho is a much more fun leader..more fun then KREAASEE" Kai said over enunciating Kris's name.  You begged to differ since you found Kris absolutely fascinating, but then again you hadn't met Suho yet so you couldn't judge yet.

"He's probably in the arcade..." Kai said tapping his chin in thought.

"There's an arcade?" you asked cluelessly.

"Yeah.. where else do you think I spend most of my free time?" Kai said laughing.

"In the dance room?"

"Usually..but if I'm not there I'm in the arcade." he said skipping his way down the hallway.  You had to jog lightly to catch up.

"HYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNG!!!! HYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNG!!!!" Kai shouted loudly over the noisy beeping games in the arcade room.

"WHAAAAAAAT??? I'M BUSY SHOOTING THESE THINGS!!!" someone shouted from one of the shoot em up games.  Zombies flicked back and forth over the screen and clawing on the glass to kill your character.  Bullet shots rang out and nailed several of them to the floor where the started decomposing fast.

"THIS IS SUHO-HYUNG!!" Kai said pointing to him.  The teenage boy was shorter than Kai by a few inches and had short brown hair that clung onto his sweaty but perfect white milky skin.  "THIS IS JUNSU, HE'S MY FRIEND" Kai yelled at Suho and pointed to you.

Suho paused the game and looked up and down at you. "HI!! DO YOU WANT TO PLAY??"

"..SURE" you shouted hesitantly.

"JUST PULL THE TRIGGER TO SHOOT AND THAT BUTTON TO RELOAD" he said pushing the reload button for you to get started.  You looked at Kai and he just shrugged, leaning against the game's counter and waiting for you to shoot something.  Suho shot the zombies easily and progess with your character tailing after him.  You weren't a very good partner since even after you shot the enemies they didn't stay down.  After continuing to miss for a half hour you were done and you put the gun down in annoyance.

"I CAN'T HIT ANYTHING!!" you shouted over Suho's precise, well-aimed virtual gunshots.

"THAT GUN DOESN'T WORK!!" Kai shouted over to you laughing.

"WHAT??" you were outraged, Suho and Kai had been trolling you the whole time.  Rolling your eyes you walked out of the noisy arcade rubbing your head from the splitting headache the games noise had made in your head.

*oh yeah.. I love Kris WAAAY better than Suho..*



Once again another filler chapter.. mainly to introduce Suho.  Heres a gif and a picture to make up for it^^  Kai <3  YEOLLIEEEE




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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD