You're my Lady

Am I too EXOtic?

YAY ASIAN FANFICS GOT MY CHAPTERS BACK!!! unfortunately ... I don't know if I can or if it is even possible to get my messages, comments, or subscribers back again :( ... but nevertheless if you stopped at chapter 10 after the website crashed then you can continue reading from right here .. and please comment, subscribe if you subscribed previously or want to subscribe!! I love you!!! <3 and I will be updating more frequently now.. however school as also started a few weeks ago so I'll be more busy ... but I'll update as often as I can!! :D

Kai had woken up and come to the conclusion that you were indeed a girl.  He said that he always thought your face was a little too pretty for a boy's but like the rest of EXO he had passed it off as "You look like Luhan".  He also didn't want to "change teams" if you get my drift.. However now that he had concluded you were a girl he wouldn't stop asking you questions.

"So when you first met me, what did you think of me?" he asked from the top bunk.  It was just after class and the two of you had dropped onto your bunkbeds for a break while Chanyeol was probably running laps or crashing into people..whatever they did in football practice.

"Um.. you were blunt.. but kind of nice, especially since you helped me find some of my classes" you said.  He leaned over the railing to look at you.

"Blunt? doesn't that mean stupid?" he said frowning.

"No it.. " *then again.. you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed..* you sighed " it means that you just blurt out whatever you feel like.. honest".

"Honest.. that's good I guess" he said mulling over your words. "So how did you get so tall?"

You snorted, "why looking to grow a few inches?".

"well... Chanyeol is constantly teasing me about being short.. or shorter than he is." He whined.

"Your fine, besides if you grow too tall you'll dance awkwardly" you reassured him.

"DANCE!! that's an excellent idea!" he said lowering himself down the ladder.

You sat up, "aren't you supposed to be taking a break?"  He waved his hand dismissively, "Yeah, yeah, yeah.. I'll do slow dances for just an hour.. it won't kill me."

He grabbed your wrist and pulled your off your bed. "Come on, I want an audience".  Kai pulled you behind him eagerly like a little kid showing his parents the toys in a toy store.  He unlocked the dance room hastily and left you standing awkwardly by the door as he messed with his iPod looking for a song.

An odd guitar sound filled the room and you furrowed your eyebrows. *What kind of song is this?*  Kai was standing in the middle of the room holding his jacket that he had shrugged off.  He stepped delicately but purposely holding the blazer in his hand as he smoothly held it almost like he was ballroom dancing.  You gasped, you were a poor writer, the only way you could describe it as he held a ratty hoodie in his hand and twirled around with it. However you were speechless, the boy would take swaying weightless steps and hold the sweater as if it were his lover.  Rolling his body into a graceful wave into the material as if he were hesitant but determined to show affection toward it.  Kai never once changed his stoic innocent facial expression but the emotion and passion was set by his movements.  *Sad but not regretful* you thought.   He continued to glide in his elegant dance until the song ended and he froze with his arms out stiffly.  (watch the dance here if you'd like)

You blinked rapidly at the boy in front of you.  *Whoa.. it should be illegal to move like that, it's  .  That airhead can DANCE*

Kai seemed to notice that you were completely awestruck and he did his famous smirk, showing off his luscious pink lips.

"Like what you see?"

You couldn't do much but nod before you registered what he said. "That was.. amazing.." you said breathlessly.

He waved over to you, "come here, dance with me".

"I-I.. don't know how" you said taking a step back.  Realizing you weren't going to walk toward him he grabbed your wrist again and pulled you infront of the mirrors.  You struggled.  Dancing next to Kai would make you look like a hippo drowning, no ingeneral dancing was never one of your strong suits, you usually tripped over your own feet.

"Just follow me" he whispered into your ear.

"easier said than done..I dance like an idiot" you muttered.

"I'm an idiot" Kai said pointing at himself "and I dance pretty well, so you must be fantastic"

You waved your arms in frustration, "I mean.. I CAN'T DANCE"

"Everyone can dance" he said simply and shrugging. "Here how about.." he looked at the ceiling for a possible answer.

"Close your eyes, and I'll close mine so it won't matter" he said closing his eyes innocently.  You were about to ask what was the point but he already started the music and had gently pressed his fingertips on your eyelids to shut them. 

(Click here for the song they are dancing to here if you want, it is "My Lady" sung by EXO-K)

You felt him pull your hand and put it on his shoulder as his arm circled your waist.  He held your right hand as he moved slowly, probably for your comfort.  He brought you closer so your foreheads nearly touched and you peeked open your eyes to see his closed, he had kept his promise.  Despite the fact you were the same height, you felt tiny in his arms. He swayed his hips a little bit and you attempted to follow him, probably making yourself look like a hula dancer with a broken pelvis. 

"relax, don't think about it" he whispered into your ear.  He pressed himself even closer against you forcing you to lose the rigidness in your spine.  His left hand moved to the side of his face and your right hand, entangled with his followed.  He pushed forward and took at step back and you did the same, almost like a mirror.  He came forward again and did a body wave rolling it down to your knees causing you to gasp.  Even though you couldn't see him, he was seducing you with his movements, drawing you closer and pushing you away until you swayed back up to him.  You continued to step through the dance with him until the song ended.  Kai opened his eyes and looked at you thoughtfully.

"I've always wanted to try dancing with someone like that" he said grinning.

"Why haven't you?"

He rolled his eyes, "Yes, Lay and I would totally dance like this."

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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD