Climbing the family tree . . .

Am I too EXOtic?

Click here for my sincerest apologies.  

Okay.. if you didn't click it then... I'm sorry >__< I really thought I would be able to update earlier but I've been going to sleep at 1am lately because of school and other things :( ... but now I have a few moments to update!! No promises I'll be able to finish the story ASAP .. but I'm continuing it for now.

Here's a quick summary ... because even I forgot what was going on... (unless you feel like rereading again, or remember what happens... :)

Lee Sunhee the five eleven giant at her school is rudely rejected by her crush Minho and later catches her best friend Miyoung and Minho making out in an alleyway near her parents restaurant.  While crying about the loss of her best friend, crush, and parent's disappointment in her, she runs to her favorite aunt's house.  Where her aunt and uncle help her disguise herself as "Junsu" so she can start a new life focused on studies dressed as a boy at Daewon High school, an extremely prestigious all boy boarding school.   She rooms with the happy-go-lucky Chanyeol and dopey dancing machine Kai.  She also unintentionally joins the elite group called "EXO" which contains the highest achieving students.  Unfortunately she falls in love with Kris at first sight, but while he seems into her at points he grows detached again and returns to his normal grumpy self.  Also in EXO is Baekhyun the geeky genius, Lay the overworking dancer and performer, intimidating but caring Tao, lazy indifferent Sehun, mature Luhan, motherly D.O, goofy leader Suho, hilarious (and awkward) Xiumin, and cold unhappy Chen.  AND theres football, a dance, some random hide and seek game, ....and FAILING!! That's right .. Teen Top's CAP gives you a stern warning not to screw up the schools reputation because there's been kids in Daewon since it was made and have been trying to get into EXO. The fact that you joined a month ago, easily got into EXO, and might lose your grades pissed him off.  Tao insists your related to Luhan, but you keep telling him thats impossible because you're Korean and Luhan's Chinese...  Oh and the people that discovered you were a boy are ... Kris, Chanyeol, Kai and a few others have suspicions .. Now on with the story!!





School, tutoring, daydream about Kris, Sleep... lather, rinse, repeat.... The highlight of your day was basically laying on your bunk bed and doing nothing, but wondering about why Kris didn't talk to you.  You had already circled the date that football season would end so he and Chanyeol would be able to spend more time with you... but that date was weeks away and every second with him not wanting or willing to talk to you was torture.  A sharp rap on the door caused you to jump up slightly and sit up.  

"Aish..." you moaned when you hit your head on the bottom of Kai's bunk.  Another knock sounded and leaped to the door still rubbing your head.

"What....", you said staring at Tao annoyed.

"You have a brother!!!" Tao shouted and grinning like an idiot while jumping of and down and clapping his hands like a seal.

You blinked at him dumbly.  You guys had already gone over this.  Luhan = Chinese and Sunhee = Korean. 

"Tao.." you started trying to keep yourself from screaming.

"No, no, you don't understand... We found Luhan's birth certificate and compared his real parents with the ones on the computer system, Luhan was adopted when he was 2 because his parents had to give him up in China.  His parents already had a son, and China only lets you have one child" Tao explained.

Your eyes widened, *that's so sad ...* but then narrowed, "..and what were Luhan's parents names?". You were pretty sure that your aunt Jihee had registered you under different parent's names.  

Tao whipped out the paper and read off the names "Lee Jeaki and Lee Mi-Ja"

You froze.  Those names.  Were your parent's.

"Lemme see that!!" you snapped and snatched the paper away. Sure enough your parents were printed at the top of he page.

"What ... How did you get this!!??" you shouted.  It wasn't possible.  You had a living brother that your parents never told you about?

"Luhan and I were just curious about his parents and we filled out the forms and his birth certificate was sent in the mail!" Tao shouted back.

"but.. how.." you started "Lu-Luhan.. where's Luhan??" you asked desperately.

"He's in his dorm.." 

You ran past Tao and pounded on the door.  Tears were starting to form.  You had a brother!!?? Luhan opened the door and you crashed into him and pushed him back in the dorm.  Lucky for you no one else was in the room.

"Junsu .. what.." Luhan asked, slightly confused.

"We're siblings.." you sniffled.

Luhan's eyes widened. You sat on the edge of one of the bunk beds and fidgeted with your hands and the birth certificate that was clenched between two of your fingers.

Luhan looked at you and glanced downward. "I know...I knew the moment I saw you.." he started. He gulped and sat in a chair himself opposite of you.

"I was our parents .. 2nd child..".  You sat in silence listening, but inside your mind a flood of images were going through your head.  You parents yelling at you and being upset about something deeper than the fact that you had dropped the dishes.  Your father's words "I wanted a son". Your mother crying over a picture of a boy.  You even remembered your father cursing in mandarin when he thought you weren't looking, but you didn't piece this together earlier.  You never remembered all the events and now that they were slapped in front of you like an obnoxious advertisement, the fact couldn't be ignored. The tears in your eyes were more from shock and realization than actual sadness.

Luhan started explaining anyway to keep you from having a meltdown. 

"I was born in China.." he cleared his throat and kept going "Dad's Chinese by the way..and .. Their first child.. was a son."

You nodded and clutched the crumpled paper in your hands tighter as he explained.

"Our older brother was 6.  His name was Cheng-Gong. He was a prodigy too.  He learned how to play the piano, skipped a grade, helped our parents around the house, and apparently... he looked just like me. Unfortunately we were in China with the one child only rule.. And I was born"  he grimaced.  You walked over across the room and sat next to him.

"I was a mistake.. and I wasn't the best son" he admitted. "I was a baby who cried a lot, and could barely crawl when I was over a year old.  Our parents didn't mind, but when the law forced my parents to pick between me and our brother... well.. They figured I was too young and wouldn't remember our family that well anyway and I was a weak child.." You peered at Luhan and his eyes were jaded and watery but no tears escaped.  You reached around him and rubbed his shoulder.  You had experienced the same feeling of unwantedness in your family but your parents never gave you up, they had always gotten upset with you, but they did want the best for you.

"And ... I grew up in a Chinese family.. until I heard that our family moved to Korea.. I heard that our mom was going to have a daughter.. and they didn't want to give up another child.  Giving up me was too painful." he turned to look at you and his mouth twitched "I didn't like you at first.. I was jealous that our parents loved your more than me, but now that I saw how broken up you were and how they treated you... it made me feel sorry for you.. and I admit that growing up in a different family might have been better."

"Luhan... I know where they are..." you started, but Luhan whipped around to look at you in horror.

"I KNOW. By seeing my face... I would only cause them more pain... I wasn't taken to Korea when they moved... because I reminded them too much of the son they lost... Cheng-Gong .. he died... a week before they left for Korea. He was sick.. and the hospital couldn't do anything for him. Our parents felt as if they had picked the wrong son.. the weaker son."

His hands gripped the seat of the chair and he turned his head away from you. "I-I .. I'm glad they at least kept you... I worked so hard.. to get the good grades, learn the piano, violin, speak Korean.. anything.. just so they could look at me and feel as if they still had at least one good son... and one good daughter.." Luhan closed his eyes and the tears finally leaked out.  "my family in China .. gave me up when I turned 18 and decided to go to Korea...Lee Sunhee .. your the only family I have left... don't leave me too."




Sorry .. no love scenes here.. but I really wanted to explain the relationship between Luhan and Sunhee.. and why he kinda ignored her.  Next chapters get more into the romance ;)











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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD