
Am I too EXOtic?

No Freaking Way

"See me after class, F-" was scribbled into the margin of your latest math test.  *What?? F-??? Is there even such thing as an F minus??? I've never gotten anything lower than a C on a test in my life!!!*

"I'm screwed" you sighed to yourself as you slumped further into your seat and rested your head on your arms.  After waiting for the next 5 minutes of class to fly by you slowly shuffled to the front of the classroom to talk to your teacher. Hesitantly you placed the failed test paper on his desk, "you wanted to see me seonsaengnim..".

He looked up at you and tilted his head to get a better look at your paper.  "Ah yes... I wanted to talk to you about your grade in my class..".  He stopped whatever he was doing and motioned for you to come on the other side of his desk to look at a small pile of homework and quizzes that you had taken within the last few weeks.

"You were one of my top students, but lately I've noticed that your scores have been dropping significantly."

You bit your lip and looked down at the ground, "I guess... I've been a little distracted.."

He adjusted his glasses on his nose and sighed, "I'm willing to throw the lowest scores out, but I'm afraid your final grade still comes out at a C- and I know you can do better than that."  You nodded slowly, soaking all the information in.  You were going to fail ALL your classes.  A few other teachers had already had a talk with you about your grades and you were unable to tell them that you've been too busy day dreaming about Kris to focus and work.  Pathetic right? 

"Lucky for you, I've talked to one of my best students and in exchange for an internship that I was offering to students he's willing to tutor you for free in all subjects.  Your other teachers have agreed to raise your grade back to its normal standing if you can score well on the upcoming midterms.  We need your scores to help us in the school's district exams.  Do you think you can do it?"

Your eyes lit up, "Absolutely seonsaengnim!!" your voice squeaked up in excitement and when you saw your teachers confused face, you corrected your voice, "I mean, I will work hard." You bowed and began to scuttled out of the classroom as your bewildered teacher called after you. 

"Baekhyun is meeting you after classes to start tutoring today!!". You stopped just outside his door. *Baekhyun??* But you didn't have anymore time to think about the weird geeky EXO member tutoring you for the next few weeks, before someone shouted for you.

"YAH!!! JUNSU!!!!" You turned around quickly to see a group of boys that were in your class.  They strode up toward you as you as you tried to recall their names.  The "leader" had a short black blunt haircut that just went right over his piercing eyes.  The other 5 walked confidently up to you.

"Hey, what are you doing just staring at me? Do you have any idea what you've done??" the tallest one scoffed as he took a step into your bubble of personal space.

You blinked confused, "What??"

"You heard me, we could lose out on a school scholarship because you of you bringing down the class average!" he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Who are you? What are you talking about??" you said playing dumb, maybe they'd get so annoyed with you they'd just leave.  Unfortunately they took your question and took another step forward.

"I'm CAP and that's all you need to know." he glared at you and pushed you backward hard and you stumbled backward.  He only came up a few inches above your shoulder, but he shoved you to the ground and gave you a savage kick to the side.  Hissing out in pain you tried to stand up.

"What the hell??" you cried out as you swatted at the other boys who prodded you with their feet.

"Leave the school, everything's gotten worse since you came here." CAP said as he yanked you to your feet and pulled you after him.

"Let me go, what are you..." you struggled and pushed against his arm, but his friends slapped your hands away.  CAP dragged you into the bathroom and pushed you against the tile wall and aimed a punch at your face.  Your eyes widened and you dodged to the side.  You remembered Baekhyun's warning "so stick around with us and you can avoid the bullying that goes on around here".  *He wasn't kidding... the competitive survival of the fittest is NO JOKE here*.

Before CAP could throw another punch at your face, you threw up your hands "WAIT!!". To your suprise he stopped.


"I actually have some tutoring to go to now...can we continue this later?"


"I'm serious. I have a tutoring session to get to..."

CAP gave you a weird look but sighed and gave you one last slap across the face before letting you go.  The slap stung and your eyes started to tear up.  Nothing would change.  No matter where you went, nobody wanted you.  You ran your hands through your hair and watched the water stream out of our face.  It was a "I feel sorry for myself mode" and you couldn't stop. 

"Hey... you should get out of here before CAP comes back...."

You looked up, one of CAP's pipsqueak friends was back.  You thought his name was chunji or something like that.

You scoffed at him, "Leave me alone".

He walked over to you and pulled you up. "You're kind of a cry baby, you know that? Come on, go back to your dorm or something, CAP is still mad, but he wont bother you there .. especially around EXO"

You sniffled and tried to be stubborn but you ended up going back to the dorms since he wouldn't leave you alone in the bathroom and his presence made you feel like crying even more.  The dorm was empty and you threw yourself on the bed feeling exhausted and worried.  Why did you always get yourself into these messes?

It will get better!! this was kind of a filler for more stuff..... would you guys like a new love interest? right now the potential candidates are Kris (obviously), Chanyeol, and Kai.  I'm thinking of adding one or two more later... but it depends on what you guys want ^^.





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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD