Hide and Seek

Am I too EXOtic?

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Homework could wait. 

Seriously, Kris and the rest of EXO was waiting for you outside.  After staring at your dull lifeless history book for about 20 minutes in an attempt to "finish up some homework" you slammed your book shut, hopped out of the chair and sauntered out the door to meet up with everyone outside the dorms.

"Hey guys!!!" you said waving at all the handsome faces crowded in the shade of the building. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting... I just needed to finish some .. stuff" you said awkwardly while scratching the back of your neck remembering how you failed to do homework almost everyday.  It wasn't COMPLETELY your fault, it's just some people KRIS, were constantly on your mind and whenever you started your essay Kris's face was doodled into the margins instead.

"It's okay Junsu, we were just planning on taking the train downtown or something" Suho replied still smiling.  You smiled back and looked around for your favorite giant.  He was leaning against the wall scowling, though not necessarily at you.  He looked up and his face softened and he nodded his head in acknowledgement, but did nothing more.  You frowned inwardly.  Why hasn't he talked to you after the dance?  Did he not like you after all?

You shrugged it off and followed EXO to the train station.  Maybe he was giving you some space. 

"Soooooooo ... " Sehun started awkwardly as he clung on the pole for dear life as the train started speeding down the tracks.  Kai was trying to lean against the door but failing since the subway was too unsteady and he slipped to the side constantly.  Everyone else was seated or holding the rails.  You decided to stand next to Baekhyun, in case any of them fell you wouldn't be squished.  You had considered standing next to Kris and "falling" on him accidentally but decided against it. 

"What's our stop?" asked Luhan, finishing Sehun's question.

"2 more stops then its ours" Kris answered stoically still casting glares and scowls at everyone.  After about 20 minutes of white-knuckle grips on the safety rails we tottered out of the subway.

"BATHROOM!!!" Tao shouted as he ran toward the restroom.  "ME TOO!!" Kai yelled out as he sprinted after Tao.

"hehe lets hide... and watch them try to find us" Chanyeol said laughing and grabbing Baekhyun to go run off somewhere.  (haha baekyeol)

"Wait up!!" you cried out as you stumbled toward all the them since the rest of EXO had agreed to the idea and left you in the swirling crowd of people.  You staggered around looking for someone until someone grabbed your hand and pulled you with them. 

"We can hide here" they said pushing you behind one of the billboard advertisement displays, there was just enough room between the wall and the sign for someone to squeeze in. 

"Phew... thanks .. Lay?" you said confused when you saw his face and he squished in beside you.


"um.. nevermind..." you said, your voice trailing off.  Lay was the last person you would think to have noticed you aimlessly looking for a hiding spot. He hardly ever talked to you and even knew you existed.

You tried to peek out to see if Tao or Kai were out, but your face ended up next to Lay's.  Too close for comfort, you retreated back to sighing against the wall waiting for the two to wander around and find you.  Lay was calm and coolly leaning against the wall with his bangs shaded over his eyes, his mouth set in a grim line, but his eyes were flicked with alertness. 

"Maybe we should go out..." you said after what seemed like an hour of waiting.

"Nah... Chanyeol texted me that they still haven't found any of us."

You fidgeted and adjusted yourself to a new position so you were facing him. "Do you guys always do random stuff like this?"

Lay looked up at you and tilted his head, "I guess so.  We just like going out and having fun..."



A few more awkward moments of silence went by before Lay turned to you and suddenly asked you a question.

"So what's going on with Kris?" he asked quickly as if he hoped you didn't hear him.  You quirked your eyebrows and shrugged.

"What do you mean?" his question had taken you aback and you were unsure how to answer.

"He seems .. annoyed all the time and distracted.  I'm worried something happened to him and he just doesn't want to say anything"

You bit your lip, you had no idea what was bothering him and you were too chicken to talk to him.

"I have something to tell you...promise you wont mention it to Kris or any of EXO?" Lay said quietly.

"sure" you leaned closer to him to hear what he had to say.  It was eating you up inside that you might be able to understand why Kris was ignoring you all the time.

"I saw him talking and kissing a girl during the dance last week.." Lay whispered.

Your eyes widened. You knew he was talking about you, but you played dumb and asked questions anyway.

"Who was she? What did she look like?"

"She was .. I don't know fairly pretty, short hair, blue dress?" he said blankly.

Your eyes narrowed in disappointment *boys and their descriptions...*

"Well.. maybe he likes someone.."

"I guess, but afterwards Chen said that Kris had stormed into the dorm and had done his homework until 4am and then fallen asleep and he woke up still upset." Lay said sighing.

You blinked stupidly at him. "Why?"

"I don't know, Kris wont tell us anything, but he did say something about 'it is never going to work'"

"What isn't going to work??!!" you asked, your voice tettering on the edge of desperate curiousity.

Lay was about to answer when Tao pulled him out from behind the billboard.

"I FOUND YOU!! YOU LITTLE PUNK!!!" Tao said snarling, before mandhandling Lay into a headlock. Lay struggled a little bit, but Tao had a firm grip on him. Tao laughed and let him go. "Just because you are my gege.."

Kai walked over and grabbed your wrist as well and pulled you out from your hiding place.

"I'll find you anywhere" he said smiling mischieviously.





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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD