
Am I too EXOtic?

"SEHUN LET ME GO!!"  you cried out exasperatedly.  He stopped towing you along and dropped your arm.  "sorry... but I really want to make sure you're okay .. and to tell Luhan something"

"Did Teen Top used to pick on Luhan or something?"

"Yeah...but we don't really know why... They stopped after awhile though." Sehun said and then turned his back to you and continued walking.

"Wait, wait .. Sehun.. slow down.."

He turned to face you again "Sorry...I just need to check on Luhan.."

"What aren't you telling me, what's between you and Luhan?"

"We're good friends, and I don't like seeing him get hurt"

"How did you get so close to Luhan"

"The whole story?" Sehun said warily, his blank fish eyes boring into your own corneas.

"Every detail, to what he was wearing the day you met him" you answered.

He let out a deep breath and kept walking and you widened your stride to keep up.  Walking wasn't too hard but you had to work hard to keep yourself from doubling over.

"When Luhan came to Daewon, he was pretty.. broken. I didn't talk to him much because I was worried he'd snap at me or something.  I figured he had some really bad past or tiger parents so I kept my distance.  He was always doing his homework, getting the best grades for valedvictorian.  Trying out for all these sports and playing the piano... I was pretty sure he didn't want to talk to some lazyass like me so I left him alone..."

You nodded, that did sound like Luhan.

"I friends with the rest of EXO of course and Luhan knew Kris, Lay and Tao but it seemed like he was always kind of apart like he didn't quite belong.  Then after school one day while I was retaking a test.. because I failed the final..." he coughed, "I heard noises outside, like yelling and stuff.  Not the cheering type either, so I asked to go to the restroom real quick to check out the noise and I saw Teen Top standing around some poor kid against the lockers."

Your eyes widened, but you already knew "It was Luhan.." you said.

"Yeah... The poor kid had a bloody nose and everything... " He snickered "I always wondered why he changed to PE clothes in the bathroom, he had bandages and bruises all over him.  I was pretty popular and I told Teen Top to basically get lost.. they know that I could have Tao in the hall in 5 seconds to come kick their asses" he laughed dryly. "I helped Luhan up and took him to noona to get stitched up.  He was silent the whole time, but he sniffled a little bit.  It was funny because after that I ran back to my class and my teacher was pretty pissed that I had left for nearly a half hour and suprisingly 5 minutes later Luhan had walked in the classroom and explained that I had to help him because he had fallen down the stairs and injured himself.  The teacher loved Luhan as a student and invited him to stay in the class while I resumed taking the test.  I was going to fail again, but Luhan winked at me and would surreptitiously hold up his fingers to tell me what bubble to fill in."

He smiled, which was strange for his face since his face hardly ever changed emotion. "Luhan was a really good guy all along ... I just was too close minded to talk to the 'nerd' and I would ignore him.  He and I would talk a lot about where we came from, funny videos, our favorite actresses and idols. I asked one day about his past and he explained it all.  The whole thing about his parents giving him up and being disappointed in me.  It was rough for him, so I never asked again."

Your face dropped when you remembered Luhan explaining it to you. You and Sehun were the probably the only ones who knew about his past.  "Sehun. . ."

"Luhan deserves the best, he's the nicest and most talented person I've ever met.  He's just always in such torment that I wish I could do something, and he hides it all the time." Sehun interrupted you "I want him to be safe, and you remind me so much like him that I want to protect you too.  I'm probably freaking you out right now, but there's something about you that I can't put my finger on.  You remind me of Luhan so much, but at the same time ... it's different..." 

You bit your lip.  You admitted that you always thought it was the other way around.  Luhan felt obligated to take care of Sehun because he reminded him of a younger sibling or something but it was the opposite.  Sehun wanted to take care of Luhan.  Sehun put his arm around you and hugged you closer.  "If anyone bother's you, ... don't be like Luhan okay? Just tell me, or anyone.. I don't want you going through what Luhan had to deal with for so long just because I was too stupid to care or listen.  You're a good person Junsu.  Good people shouldn't suffer."  






So... I wanted to explain some stuff between the relationship of Luhan and Sehun.  It's not or anything, but I would think of it as Sehun wants to help Luhan emotionally and Luhan wants to be the best friend possible to Sehun.  Currently Sehun really likes Junsu, because she reminds him of Luhan, but he feels that it's different some how but doesn't realize that Junsu's a girl.  To be honest I feel like there isn't a lot of fluff and romance going on here, but I wanted to make the story a little deeper than the usual boy likes girl, girl likes boy and then 11 other boys like girl. 

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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD