
Am I too EXOtic?

Er... I've decided to drop a few F bombs occasionally throughout the story. It wont be over used at all but the S word the B word yadda yadda yadda... I hope that doesn't disturb you guys..


After class, which was pretty boring except for various eye candy boys you had seen, you had went back to the dorm to unpack your stuff and take a nap.  Chanyeol offered to help you but you told him no since you didn't want him touching your stuff and noticing anything ... girly. 

"Which bunk do you want? Kai said he'd take the top one so you either have to sleep on the one under him or on the separate bed" Chanyeol said pointing to each bed with his long arms. 

"uh.. you're taller" you stopped realizing with a bit of excitement *Hes taller!! Woohoo, hope for me yet!* "you should sleep on the separate one so you don't hit your head when you wake up"

He shrugged, as if to say "suit yourself" and went to go lie down on the bed crossing his legs together at the ankles and dozing off.  While he was sleeping you decided to get some homework done since there was a stack of books and papers almost a foot high on your desk.  Cracking your knuckles you started writing the chemical equations out. 

An hour later you were done with everything except...


You didn't even know who in the world spoke it, but it made absolutely no sense to you and whoever did know the language must be a friggin genius.  You were sitting at your desk rubbing your head in frustration.

How can "A" make the sounds "ah" and "A" and there are arbitrary rules that go with that!!???  You let out a desperate frustrated moan, hopeless, completely hopeless.  You pushed away the worksheet in disgust and rested your chin on the table staring at the pile of finished homework.  You started doodling on the margins of your english worksheet random pictures. 


"Yah .. wake up..", you felt someone nudge your shoulder.

You cracked your eyes open. "I don't want to..." trying to make out the fuzzy face. *Oh .. its Kai*

"Get into bed at least.. its 2am"

You frowned, totally not the romantic drama where the guy carries the girl and puts her into bed.  Then you remembered, your state of appearance and reluctantly got up off your desk.  Kai was already climbing up into the top bunk while you face planted into the bottom one almost tripping over your own feet in the process.  You were too tired to shift yourself to a more comfortable position and fell asleep facedown in the pillow.

"Night Junsu..." Kai said peeking his head over the railing to look at you.

"nahgtthoyootwco" you answered into the pillow.

The next morning Chanyeol had to wake you up.

"Come on Junsu, sleeping princess wake uppppp" he said shaking your shoulder roughly.

At the word of princess you bolted up almost knocking your head against his.

"Princess? Do i look like a princess to you?" you did your best to sound insulted like a normal guy would, but you probably sounded more hopeful as if you were hoping he'd say you looked like a delicate little princess.

He quirked his head to the left as if to check you out.  "Nah.. Luhan's prettier"

Your mouth dropped slighlty, *the is Luhan??*  Then you remembered.

"TODAY IS SATURDAY, WE HAVE THE DAY OFF, WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP" you shouted making Chanyeol flinch a little bit as he jumped back.

"shh.. Kai's still sleeping and hes really really grumpy in the morning...gosh.. I was just hoping that we could head over to the floor's lounge or something..." he said sheepishly.

"oh.." you felt a little bad for yelling at him even though he had woke you up at 7:00 am because he seemed a little lonely.  You got up and grabbed some random jeans and a t-shirt heading toward the bathroom to change.

"you know, you can just change out here, it's not like it isn't anything I haven't seen before", Chanyeol stated a matter-of-factly.  You gulped, it was in fact something Chanyeol had not seen before, or at least not very often.  "I have to use the bathroom anyway" you stated proud enough to give a viable excuse for your physical shyness.  After fixing your hair which took suprisingly longer since it stuck up in all directions, usually you just ran a comb through it, you followed Chanyeol down the hall to the lounge area. 

"We can go here anytime we want, just not during class... unless you plan on ditching.." he said.

"Ayooo waddup Kreaasee??!!" Chanyeol shouted out in his usual deep booming voice.

"Ayooo wasssuuuup?" replied another teenage boy who was laying across one of the couches his long legs falling over the side of the armrest.  Like Chanyeol his voice was equally as deep making you feel as if your voice was higher than a chipmunks compared to them.

Chanyeol had pushed your shoulder toward Kris to introduce you. 

"He's a friend of mine.  His name is Wu Fan, but you can call him Kris"

When you got a better look at his face, you realized how handsome he was.  Granted the other boys you had met were pretty good looking but Kris was.. breath taking.  He had medium size eyes, small lips but a sharp nose and jawline that almost looked as if was permanently set in a scowl.  Despite his odd but handsome facial structure you couldn't help but stand their speechless soaking it all in.

"This is Junsu he's our new room mate"

Kris looked at you skeptically, furrowing his eyebrows at you but then again Kai, Chanyeol, D.O, Tao, and Lay had all given you a similar look.  You coughed to try to clear the awkwardness that was building up from you checking him out and him trying to get a better look at your face.

"Is he related to Luhan?"  Kris finally decided to ask after staring at you for about 30 seconds.

"His face is young and pretty looking like Luhan, but he doesn't know who Luhan even is" Chanyeol answered.

"I see..." Kris said while standing up.  He towered over you *almost 190 cm* you thought excitedly *boys at my school were never as tall or handsome as the ones here*.  You admitted after looking at some of the "EXO boys" Minho looked like your average guy but compared to Kris? Minho didn't stand a chance on your scale of Male godliness.  Still mesmerized by the hot features of his face it took Chanyeol to nudge shoulders with you for you to register that Kris was asking you something.

"I'm sorry.. um.. what?" you said trying not to blush.

"I asked if you wanted to come with Chanyeol and I for breakfast.." Kris said staring down at you repeating what he said slowly as if you needed special enunciated korean for full comprehension.

"Oh.. sure" you murmered.  For once you actually felt like you were being treated like a girl.  Ironically it was when that you dressed up as a boy that you felt like boys paid special attention to you, talked to you, made sure you got to class on time and asked if you wanted to eat with them.

"Kay, let's head down to the cafeteria" Chanyeol said once again pushing you with his arm toward the door.  You noticed guys didn't hold hands to lead other guys, they just sorta nudged you in the right direction.  

You walked behind Chanyeol and Kris since you didn't bother to bring your map.  You had to walk quickly to keep up with their long legs as they strided purposefully as hungry teenaged boys would.  You grabbed a plate and filled it with a scoop of rice, a piece of bread and couple slices of some random meat you hoped was either pork or beef. 

"that's all you eat?" Chanyeol asked you not meeting your eyes just simply piling on tons of food on his plate you peered over at Kris's plate to see it the same way.

"It's breakfast.. not a buffet" you said laughing nervously.  Chanyeol just shrugged and walked over to table to sit down.  You sat next to him and Kris sat on the opposite side of the two of you.

"So.. Where ya from?" Chanyeol said between bites of his food. 

"Did your parents make you go to a boarding school or did you want to come here?" Kris asked.

You felt like you were being interrogated by two giants, hot giants...

"Um.. I'm from Seoul.. I just transferred schools and no I wanted to come here." you answered.

"Are you going to do any sports?" Chanyeol said cocking his head at you.

"um.. maybe.."

"Kris and I wanted to do Football, you should try too!" Chanyeol said clapping his hands together.  You winced, the thought of crashing into other people .. or other people crushing into you sounded awful.

".. I'm.. not really that type of person.." you answered trying to get your voice to not waver so much.

"you could always hang out with Lay and Kai and do dancing" Kris snickered. 

You chocked on your drink and started coughing. Chanyeol patted your back to help you get the water out of your windpipe.

"cough, cough, I uh.. don't know how to dance" you said in between gasps for air.

"It's okay, sometimes we tag along with them and just .. sorta copy what they do" Kris answered waving his hand in the air as if to say it really didn't matter.  They continued to ask you questions about your parents, your life, whether or not you had a girlfriend and which that you had said NO a little too soon making them bombard you with more questions as to why you didn't want to talk about her.

"Is she hot? Is she nice to you? Does she know you go here? Were you sad that you had to leave her?" Chanyeol asked eagerly.

"I don't have a girlfriend!!" you sighed waving your arms in the air still trying to convey that statement through his thick head.

"Well... What about you guys?" you asked, getting a little tired of answering random questions and the GIRLFRIEND question.

"Us? Girlfriends? We've been in this school since freshman year... and any girls we do see we have trouble staying in contact with" Kris answered waving his chopsticks around in the air while he talked with one of his cheeks full of rice.

"yeah bro, you're the lucky one here" Chanyeol said patting your back. "We have no idea why you would come to this school, it's soooo boring, theres just guys, and more guys and even more guys and theres nothing to do but study and run around ..."

"You have no idea how horrible it is living at home with your parents and going to a normal high school" you said cutting him off glaring at him "theres total es, total jerks,... and if your just a little bit different" you said holding your index and thumb in a position as if you were pinching something to indicate a little, "then everyone goes out of your way to make your life miserable".  Chanyeol had stopped eating and was wide-eyed at you in your sudden outburst of anger or what you said, you didn't know, but with that you tossed the remainder of your breakfast in the trash and left them in the cafeteria.


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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD