Princess's and Aegyo

Am I too EXOtic?

After storming out of the cafeteria leaving Chanyeol dumbfounded at your lashed out anger you figured going back to the dorm wasn't a good idea.  You weren't quite ready to apologize or explain anything so you went to walk around the school instead.  Alright.. you DID want to go back to the dorm, maybe to sleep for another hour, but instead you were running up and down the halls completely lost. 

"I have noooo sense of direction whatsoeveeeerrrr", you shouted into the empty hallway.  There was also no one in the hallways to ask since it was Saturday and most of the boys were out and off campus in the city or visiting family.  Tired of running around you slumped down on the stairwell rubbing your face with your hands in frustration.

"Have you transferred dimensions?"

You immediately stopped massaging your face to look up at the quirky but gentle looking face in front of you.  Like most boys at the school he was fairly attractive except for the obvious derp look in his face.

"What?" you said open mouthed and eyebrows scrunched making you look like your IQ was 2 digits. 

"Usually when people transfer dimensions they have headaches and look a little lost..." the boy said bending down to your sitting figure and peering at you with curious eyes.

*Okay.. what the freaking hell...this kid is weird...*

"um.. I'm just lost... but I'm pretty sure I'm in the same dimension..." you said slowly.

" that case", the boy stood up and offerred you a hand to pull you up. "I'm Baekhyun, you are...?"

"I'm Sun- Junsu" you said quickly correcting yourself.  *Aw... hes shorter... but cute hair* You patted his fluffy hair thoughtfully while he eyed you weirdly.  Realizing what you were doing you pulled your hand away, "You had dust in your hair" you said lamely. 

He cleared his throat, "So.. what or who are you looking for?"

"My.. dorm.." you realized how stupid you sounded that you couldn't even find your OWN room.

"The dormhouses are down this way" he said pointing to the other side of the school. "I'll walk you there so.. you don't get lost again.."

"Thanks" you mumbled, grudgingly following behind him.

"What floo-?" he asked turning to face you and running into a water fountain in the process. "Ooofffff" he cried out hugging his stomach where he had run into the fountain.

"Are you okay?", you asked in a high pitched squeak, turning him around to face you in concern.

He groaned, "I'm fine.. I just wish that I still had time to prepare my six-pack for collision and protection mode before banging into something".

You rolled you eyes, *this kid ... *.

"Anyway.. like I was saying.. what floor are you on?"


"3?? Me too!!" he said jumping up and down in excitement. "Who are you rooming with?"

"Chanyeol and Kai"

"Are you part of EXO?", he asked still skipping slightly toward the dorms.

"um.. I don't think so..maybe.. I guess..", despite rooming with some of "EXO" you didn't know if you were in their cliche or whatever.

"Well if your on our floor you're an EXO" he said beaming at you as if he had figured out the meaning of the universe.

"That's fantastic" you said in deep monotone, clearly not understanding what EXO really meant.

Sensing your cluelessness he stopped walking/skipping to explain, "EXO are the ulzzang's, the smartest, most atheletic, talented .. basically the elite of the school here... since you were assigned to our floor you probably have good grades or something so stick around with us and you can avoid the bullying that goes on around here."

"Bullying.." you said running your tongue on each syllable.  You left your old life to escape the nightmares and he was telling you that you traded hell for another one?? No wonder yesterday Kai had followed you to some of your classes to make sure you were doing okay.

"Let's just say, 1000 guys in a prestigious school with high standards.. can get a little .. competitive.." he said trailing off at the end.

Your eyes had gone as wide as D.O's and mouth hanging down in slight disbelief.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much though..just make sure you don't slack off or the whole school gets made at you for bringing down the class average." he said in a singsong voice as if he had annouced that the cookies were done in the oven instead of practically pronouncing your death sentence.  You gulped, you were screwed and there was absolutely no one else to blame except you .. and maybe your aunt since she encouraged you and your stupid ideas.

"Hey... spacing out is bad for your prefrontal cortex.." Baekhyun said waving a hand in front of you.

"huh? oh.. sorry.." you said snapping out of your worries.

"Do you want to meet some of my roomates since you are part of EXO now?" he asked wringing his hands together.

Even though you technically didn't decide to be in EXO you nodded anyway since going back to your dorm and watching Kai snore wasn't particularly interesting.  Baekhyun unlocked the door and it swung open to reveal two boys laying side by side on the floor.  One of them was reading a magazine about Men's Health? He hardly looked old enough to be in high school, let alone look at about male tips on muscles and stuff.  The other one looked a little bit older and he had a that had one of those romantic bodice-ripping covers on it.  You yourself had a small stash of them hidden under your bed at home, but you didn't think boys read them.

"Hey Sehun and Luhan, this is Junsu, he's new here and part of EXO" Baekhyun said dragging you into the room.  You recognized the name Luhan and judging by the way Chanyeol had described him, he was probably the one with the pretty doll-like physical features.

"Hey Junsu" Sehun said giving you a small salute of acknowledgement then returned to reading his novel.  The pretty waved at you shyly and put down his magazine to stand up and introduce himself. 

"I'm Luhan, welcome to EXO" he said shaking your hand.

"Um.. thanks.." you couldn't place it, but he looked familiar to you.

He tilted his head, eyeing you carefully, but you had gone through the first awkward stare process with Kris, Kai and a few others so it didn't phase you anymore.  You kind of wished that they would see through you a little bit, but sadly they didn't sense anything out of the ordinary and treated you as one of the guys.

"So where are you from?" he asked after he finished inspecting you.

"Um.. Seoul High school"

"Really? I wanted to go there..." he said pouting a little bit.

"It's awful.. this school is way better.." you said flatly.

Baekhyun sensed the awkward social tension that was builing up around you and swung his arms over the two of your heads and steered you toward the rug to sit down.

"Wanna play a game or something?" Baekhyun said magically pulling out a deck of his cards shuffling it on his lap.


"Sehun? wanna play?" Baekhyun asked.


Baekhyun gave each of you five cards "Poker" he said rearranging the five cards in his hand.

"I don't know how to play..." you murmered and scratching the back of your head sheepishly.

"Oh.. goldfish then?" he said sounding a little disappointed.  Luhan nodded but you shook your head, "no we can play poker, I'm a fast learner".

Two hours later though you had yet to prove your statement after not winning one hand of poker.  Discouraged you made an excuse and headed back to your dorm saying you had homework to do.  You walked in your dorm, Kai was gone but Chanyeol was sitting at his desk doing homework, or at least that's what he looked like he was doing.  He was twirling the pen on his long fingers and staring at the paper occasionally scribbling something random on the paper.

"Hey Junsu" he said not looking up at you.

"Hi... um sorry I kinda .. walked off like that.." you mumbled.

"S'okay" he said finally deciding to face you. 

"What are you working on?" you asked deciding to change the subject.


You made a face and picked up your own unfinished worksheet. "You wouldn't happen to know how to do this would you?"

"Does it look like I do? I'm pretty sure those things that people write in English are called "ladders"  he said sticking his tongue out and smirking.

You laughed and facepalmed yourself, "I think its "letters"

"Oh.. that one" he said resting his fist on his cheek.  "We could ask Kris for help"


"Yeah, the tall and good-looking one but not as tall or good-looking as me one" he said crossing his arms proudly. "You were staring at him oddly today.."

"I was not!!" you defended yourself. "It's just that, I've never seen someone so tall before.. "

"Well.. either way, he knows english"

"How??" you flapped your arms wildly in the air. "This language is impossible!!"

"He grew up in Canada for awhile so hes pretty fluent, but if we want him to help us we might have to recruit Tao"

"Tao? The other TALL one, with the .." you made motions around your eyes as if to convey the word "Scary".

"yeah quite frankly his gaze used to scare me too, but he has this aegyo act that will convince Kris to explain to you" he pointed at you "the smart one, me the clueless one and Tao .. he'll do Tao's after he sees the buing buing~"

You blinkled stupidly at him, "Tao, aegyo? In the same sentence? With no negatives?"

"Come on Tao has english too so hes probably going to see Kris sooner or later anyway." Chanyeol said already walking out the door.  You quickly grabbed your worksheet and pencil to follow him.  Chanyeol knocked obnoxiously on the door of their dorm.  D.O opened the door his wide eyes peeking up at the two taller people near the doorway.

"We need Tao"

D.O nodded and called for him as if it was a normal thing.

"Tao!" D.O had a suprisingly strong deep voice compared to the timid boy you thought he was.  The big scary kid in the back of the room walked slowly to the doorway with his hands in his pockets.  Chanyeol however was not intimidated at all and was still smiling brightly "bring your English homework we're going to see Leader-hyung". Tao wordlessly nodded and went to retrieve his papers and followed you to Kris's dorm.

"Kris, Kris, Krisssieeee, Kris, Kris, Kris" Chanyeol said while pounding on the door.

"What the hell?? What??" Kris swung the door open and glared at the three of you.  However Chanyeol had already ducked behind you and Tao and was pushing Tao closer to Kris.

"Kris-gege .. can you help us with our English homework" Tao asked in a suprisingly gentle voice.  You looked at his face to see it had transformed into a innocent panda look.  *Whoa..*  Kris grinted his teeth and leaned against the doorframe about to say something along the lines of "Hell no".  But it was too late, Tao had brought his hand up to his face and squeaked two words out that changed the fate or your grade.

"Buing~ Buing~"

Kris stiffened and winced a little bit.  You cocked your head to the side, would this actually work?

"Fine..." Kris mumbled opening the door to let you in.  The four of you sat on the floor and immediately starting complaining about how you guys couldn't do the easiest parts of the worksheet.

"Are you serious? This is like English 1 you dummies!!"

"Gege~ I don't remember stuff I learned 2 years ago" Tao said giving an adorable pout that even you swooned over a little bit.  Kris sighed and instructed Tao until the end of the worksheet and then started to teach Chanyeol.  Tao, with mission complete had left and Chanyeol dusted himself off and waved to you.

"Where are you going?" you mouthed to him.  He shrugged and your eyes widened "You're leaving me with the dragon!!" you hissed.  He smirked and did a little "Hwaiting" fist pump and shut the door behind him leaving you and Kris in the room.

"Okay... so what do you get?" Kris said running his hands through his hair.  You could tell his patience was wearing thin since Chanyeol had basically no idea what the answers to any of the questions were.

"uh.." you started before he cut you off.

"nevermind.. I'll just start from the beginning." Kris said sighing again making you flinch.  As much as you enjoyed being in the room alone with this hot boy you worried he's suddenly snap.

"That looks like a "d" the circle goes on the other side" 

"Cat is C-A-T not K-A-T"

"you have to put a vowel at the end"

"That sentence doesn't make any sense"

After what seemed like hours of complaining and critisizing you were finally done.  You bowed to Kris and said thank you before going to open the door, eager to get away from him before he blew up.

"Wait" he said before you closed the door shut.

"hm?" you said peeking your head through.

"Want to go get ice cream later or something" he said his voice a little hesitant.

You opened your mouth to say something inteligent or nice but came out with "um.. sure".

Kris smiled or eyesmiled since his mouth still looked unhappy.. not that you were looking at his gorgeous pouty lips for any reason at all.

"Okay, we wont invite Chanyeol or anyone else though... next thing you know the entire EXO group will be tagging along.

You nodded still too stunned to say anything so you waited outside for Kris while he rummaged around the room looking for his things. You were going out for ice cream? Alone with Kris? A model of a guy?? You could almost shriek in excitement. Wait.. did this count as your first date? Granted you were dressed up as a guy and all.. but still it was still technically "A date".  You smiled to yourself and leaning against the door unfortunately at that time Kris had finally finished and had opened the door inward causing you to lose your balance and to fall awkwardly at his feet.

"Ow..." you whined rubbing your back.  *Couldn't have caught me? Even if I was a guy?*

"You okay?" Kris said leaning over and holding his hand out to you.

"Ne~" you answered reluctantly taking his big hand and he hauled you to your feet.  You were lighter than he expected and he sent you flying forward and smacking into the side of the doorframe.

"Sorry" he called after you as he started walking down the hall.

*Romantic, very very very Romantic* you thought to yourself as you skipped after him.


Wooow .. long chapter.. i think XD. Anyway.. THANK YOU FOR SUBSCRIBING AND COMMENTING I LOVE YOU ALL AND YOU MADE MY DAYYYY :DDDDD. And if you probably guessed one of the main love interests is Kris <3 , but there will be other EXO members falling at your feet as well. Currently Kris is the only one tagged but, I'll be switching them around depending on the story.   Please comment!




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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD