Regret vs Rejection

Am I too EXOtic?

It was the day you've been waiting for.  Choi Minho was the most atheletic, charismatic, tall, smart, handsome gah.... perfect human being you were ever lucky to lay eyes upon...

You heard from some of your friends that he had broken up with his girlfriend over the summer and that he was returning to school y, free and single (SUJU).  You were speed walking down the street so fast that your skirt which barely covered midthigh was swirling around your backside thanks to your incrdibly long legs.

"I'm going to do it"

"No I can't... what chance do I have?"

"Just try it, whats the worse that could happen.."

"The whole school will fall down on me and i'll forever be the laughing stock of the class"

"Please.. he gets tons of confessions everyday, besides you might be different."

You were arguing with yourself on your way to the dreaded high school, of beautiful petite girls, handsome boys that were OFF-LIMITS thanks to you being taller than 90% of them and boring teachers that thought it was hilarious to make your life as miserable as possible.  Your eyes scanned the front of the school looking for your only best friend Miyoung.

"Minyoung-ah!!" you shouted when you finally spotted her.

"Sunhee!!" she ran toward you and jumped into you as you caught her and hugged her.  She was nearly a foot shorter than you, and completely gorgeous almost like a cute model with big eyes and long straight hair.  Despite your polar opposite looks, she was the best friend you had ever had.

"OMG I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU ALL SUMMER AND DID YOU HEAR??" Miyoung wiggled her eyebrows at you mouthing the words "he's singleeee"

You blushed and tried to avoid smiling ear to ear, failing epically in the process.  Miyoung has known about your crush on Minho for 3 years and you finally felt confident about asking him out.  Planning eye liner, a little lip gloss and your best hair bow, but skipping on the heels since you would tower over him if you wore them.

"Are you going to?" Miyoung asked slyly by smirking and nudging your arm with her elbow.

"neh~..." I said about to give a full answer when "HE" arrived.

You swear wherever he walks there was a halo of light following him and his long legs strided up the stairs to school and girls were already beginning to swarm around him.  His hair had grown out and it was god-like. It fluttered around his perfect face and swept around his forehead as the wind blew it off his eyes.

"Yah... don't just stand there and drool" Miyoung said shaking your shoulder.

"I can't .. "

"You can, just look at me"

"He's mesmerizing"

"You keep looking at him, I'm going to call his name and make you confess right now"

You snapped back into reality and stared at her in horror.

"Come on you.. we have classes with him this year" She said tugging your elbow toward the school while your eyes reluctantly flew off the hot eye candy behind you.

After a boring lecture, introduction and 3 hours of staring at the back of Minho's head you yawned.  Girls occasionally passed notes to him or tapped his shoulder to ask him a question.  You had originally sat at the seat behind him and to his left in hopes of talking to him occasionally or getting glimpses of his face, but the annoying teacher ruined your plan to stare at him for the class by saying "Sunhee, since your so tall can you move to the back of the class, so some of the girls can sit in front? Thank you."

I mean, what the hell did that mean??  I am a girl too FYI!! you wanted to shout, but you didn't argue and headed toward the back to slump in a seat near the window and letting your mind wander to how you planned on confessing.

When lunchtime finally rolled around you shot up out of your seat almost knocking the chair over as you raced to the cafeteria to find Miyoung.

"Miyoung! Miyoung! should I confess today? I don't want him to accept another girl's confession so should I? Or should I wait,.. auggh.. I don't know!! he's getting all these letters and-"

Miyoung cut you off of your ramble, by pointing behind you and biting her lip.  You slowly turned your head only to come face to face with the god himself.  To be specific it wasn't face to face since he was talking to his friends while standing in line for food, but it was the closest you've ever been to him, you could touch his fluffy hair if you wanted to.  Seeing you completely awestruck, Miyoung called your name.

"Sunhee, ask.. now"

You bit your lip, could you do this?  Make it or break it! Miyoung gave you an encouraging nod.  You nodded back in return and gulped again while standing up.

"uh.. Minho-ssi", you said tapping his shoulder.  He turned around and tilted his head at you as if to say "What?"

"I um.." you studdered and looked back at Miyoung who gave you the thumbs up.  You turned to face Minho again eye to eye, you slouched down a little bit so you weren't the same height.

"I uhh.. like you.." you said pathetically.  You wanted to slap yourself, you've liked this guy for 3 years?? and the most you can say is "I like you??" *I HATE HOW MY BRAIN FAILS WHEN I NEED IT THE MOST* you shouted in your head.

Minho gave you a stare that you couldn't read and you took a step back intimidated. After several awkward moments of staring, slouching, and sweating, he finally opened his mouth to say something.

"Sorry, not interested" Minho said shrugging off your confession as if it was nothing.

You were a little shocked, while you didn't exactly expect him to say yes, you still felt a little hurt that he barely took any thought to your confession.  His friends on the other hand...

"Yah! Are you even a girl? Go confess to a giant!" one his friends said. He walked up to you only to measure up to your nose.  Everyone in the cafeteria looked in your direction to see why Jonghyun had yelled.

Jonghyun .... you thought remembering his name.

"I-I don't understand.." you studdered.

Jonghyun pushed your shoulder making you take a few steps back. "Go away, your bothering us, get lost"

Still in shock you turned around slowly to move, but glanced back at Minho to see if he would defend you.  Instead he held up his hand and shooed you away and made a face as if he was disgusted.

"Whoever you are, I'm sure your a nice girl and all that, but seriously you need to learn who's in your league" Minho said coldly turning his back to you.

At those last words tears began to well up in your eyes and you felt Miyoung pulling you away.

"Wh-why, I don't ... " you started but Miyoung shushed you and led you away to the bathroom so you could cry without the whole school staring at you.

"sh-sh.. it's okay" she said patting your back as you sat on the edge of the sink tears messing up the eyeliner that you had carefully put on this morning.

*He's right... I should just go away* you thought while trying to stifled your tears that were flooding down onto your shirt.




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BAOZItics #3
Chapter 1: Aww, Minho and Jonghyun, stheir attitude is so cruel ToT
skydream #4
Chapter 24: Hope kris will do the dare~please don't stop...please UPDATE SOON
Chapter 24: oh my god, don't stop there! Is he really gonna dance!?!? lol I hope you update soon! ^_^ i really like you're story!
angel41195 #6
Chapter 24: *Kris. I meant Kris, not Kros. Who the Frick is Kros?
angel41195 #7
Chapter 24: Hahaha, I feel like Kros should be dancing to y Can I instead of the other song hahahaha
Chapter 24: update soon!!
black1 #9
Chapter 24: Waaah~! Nice story author-nim :)) Please update soon XD
Chapter 21: Teen tops got a grudge against pretty boys? XD