
Altered Life



#6 - Her Life


You went to the class only to find it empty. it was Music arrangement Class, one of the subjects where You get to be together with your clique. Hyungseok and Haneul came together, being all friendly to each other, which makes you want to roll your eyes. No wonder she broke up with her boyfriend and his girlfriend fight with him all the time, you thought as you saw hyungseok's girlfriend walks inside with a sour expression.

"Hi" You greeted her and she smiled a little before taking a seat next to yours. 

"Can i sit here?" she asked and you nodded.

Hyungseok saw you and his girlfriend talking and he looked away, busying himself with his phone. 

"Hyungseok!" a shriek was heard, followed by laughter as you saw Hyungseok poked Haneul's waist.

"They're just friend." You said when you noticed her expression stiffened.

She looked at you and smiled sheepishly.

"i know." 

"I don't want to poke into your business, but can i tell you something?" you asked her.

She nodded.

"If you're not happy, you should leave him. It's not worth your time." You said.

"You're his best friend too."

"I'm his friend. I don't want to see someone got hurt because of his reckless act." You shrugged and start to do your own work.

She just stared at the scene in front of her before she take a deep breath.

"I'm Jieun." She suddenly said.

You look at her and nodded.

"i know. I'm Yoora, if you didn't know." You give her a smile, for some reason, she's not as clingy as Hyungseok always told you.


"Why do you keep talking to her?" Hyungseok pried when all of you are in the canteen.

You look at your meal and sighed as you once again put a piece of meat to your mouth.

"she seems nice" You answered, which received a snort from Haneul and Jiyoon.

Hyunah is sitting next to you and tilt her head.

"who?" She asked.

"Jieun. Didn't i told you she's a two-face?" Haneul said.

You look at her with your flat expression.


"So! You shouldn't hang out with her! You're our friend!" Jiyoon answered.

"Well, she's nice to me. I don't find a reason to hate her." you shrugged, finishing your rice, slightly sickened by the amount of food you took and the conversation.

"What did she say to you?" Hyungseok asked.

"nothing much." You replied.

"Can't you answer properly? Gosh. You're so quiet. No wonder you're an anti-social." Haneul said, which she regretted a second later when she saw your expression.

It was a mixture of hatred, anger and hurt. You smirked and let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, i guess i am an anti-social. But at least i'm not being a B*tch and flirt with every guy i know. I'm Leaving." You said, taking your food tray with you and left the table. 

Everyone gawked at you. You weren't the type of person that can easily cursed out loud like Haneul or Hyungseok. It was a big shock to them to see a nice, goody-two-shoes like you to curse and to look at them with such hatred. Hyunah uneasily shifted on her seat as she took her belongings.

"I better go, guys." She smiled and followed you.

"Yoora! Wait for me!" She shouted.

You looked back and saw hyunah smiling at you. You smiled back and wait for her to catch up with you. she's probably the only person in the university that you could count on. She's an outgoing person and very nice. And you noticed that like you, she never laughed when Hyungseok, haneul and Jiyoon talked about people.

"are you okay?" she asked.

"yeah." you nodded.

"You look angry." she laughed.

You looked at her carefree face and grinned.

"It was clearly shown in your face." She said.

Both of you start to talk about other things, while your mind kept preoccupied with your own thoughts as you noticed few guys steals some glance at Hyunah. You weren't surprised. She's very pretty and with that petite body of hers, guys fall head over heels for her. You bitterly smiled.

'yeah, always other people.' you thought, sickened of your own body.


2012/05/27 sunday

by seoulchae

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I'm so sorry i didn't update for days. i went on a 3d2n trip.. and just got back home. >< but i'll update later on :)


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Jungkoyoung #1
Chapter 32: Just finished another fanfic today;) wow sushi beautiful wirtimg
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 32: I absolutely love those story!!!!!!
inlovewitkpop96 #3
Chapter 32: I absolutely love it! Thank u for the awesome fic Seoulchae authornim :)
Chapter 32: I love it!! Really!! I spent 4 hours reading this whole story and Yoora's story made me cried a little. God! I hate her y friends except Hyunah!! Great storyyyyyyyyy~~~ Go be a writer!!!
ParkYeonmi #5
Chapter 32: awesome!!!! awesome story and storyline!! :D <3
Halimalikesrice #6
Chapter 32: Omg such a cute fic!!! Loved it so much! I cried!
NEW READER HERE! I just wanted to say... I REALLY LOVE THIS STORY!! <3
It's DAEBAK!!!
I should read this long ago...
but still, ITS VERY DAEBAK!!! :D
This is just amazingggggggggg fshdgfalhgf i like this story . A lot ! :'))
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