
Altered Life



#28 - Her Life


You opened your eyes and blinked few times. You were on your hospital bed and yet you don't seemed to have any injuries except for a slight headache. You bring your body to sit on the bed, scanning the room.

"No one's here." a voice interrupts your thoughts.

Your heads turned towards the door where L.Joe stands with his mysterious smile, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he stepped inside.

"what?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confussion.

"No one's here, you heard me." He repeated.

"What do you mean? Where's my brot-- i mean sister?" you asked as yongguk's name almost slipped out of your mouth.

"You mean Yongguk? He's in the real world, with the rest of your friends." He answered, propping himself on the couch near your bed.

"and where are we?" your eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"Your dream."

"very funny, L.Joe." you sarcastically replied.

"I'm not joking. Take a look around. No one's here beside you and me." He shrugged.

You did.You stepped out of the room, only to find an empty hallway. You went back inside and take a look at the window, finding no one on the street. You sit next to him, worried plastered all over your face.

"Can't i wake up?" you asked him, receiving a chuckle in reply.

"Your dream, your decision." he said.

"But why are you here?" you suddenly realized that he's the only person that managed to exist in this world of yours.

"I'm going to be your guide." 


"You have some decisions to make, and i'm here to help you. come on." He stands up and motioned you to follow him.


​He took you to a small room with a huge window, revealing another hospital room. 

"Who is she?" you whispered when you saw a girl sleeping on it with oxygen mask covering , tubes connected to her body and bandages wrapped around some parts of her body. 

There's a constant beeping sound that makes you feel sorry for her.

"That's you." L.joe's answer shocked you.

You can barely recognize yourself since it was quite far and the oxygen mask and the bandages makes it hard to identify her. You gasped when you took a closer look. 

"Am i dying?" you asked him.

"No. Not yet. It depends on your choice..." 

"And what is that?" you asked him.

"Do you want to go back to your old life?" he asked.

You couldn't answer him. Yes? No? You couldn't say you want to go back, seeing how your old life was a complete suffering for you. 

"What about Himchan?" you asked.

"He's awake. He's back to Kim Himchan. You on the other hand, have to choose between two choices. To go back to that world, living your old life or to stop living altogether." L.Joe said.

"Will he remember everything?" you asked again.

"Yeah, of course. So? "

You stared at him before slapping his head in the process.

"What the heck! Why did you hit me?!" he shouted.

"Do you even have to ask? This is the stupidest question. Why would i want to die?" you asked.

"Because your old life ?"

"Well yeah, but i wouldn't kill myself. Besides, i've realized some things... worth living for." You replied and turned to him."

"So, when will i go back?" you grinned.

​He rolled his eyes but smile nevertheless. 

"Good choice. Just go to sleep. And i'll be seeing you soon." he said and smiled before he left the room.

"Hey!" you followed him but he was gone.

​Sighing, you decided to do his advice. You went back to your bed and close your eyes. Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to sleep. You feel into a deep slumber in a matter of minutes.


L.Joe brushed your hair as he softly smile.

"Good luck. you'll be happy with this choice. i know you will." he whispered.

'off to find other people.' he thought with a smile, before he vanished into thin air.


​2012/07/01 sunday

By Seoulchae


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I'm so sorry i didn't update for days. i went on a 3d2n trip.. and just got back home. >< but i'll update later on :)


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Jungkoyoung #1
Chapter 32: Just finished another fanfic today;) wow sushi beautiful wirtimg
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 32: I absolutely love those story!!!!!!
inlovewitkpop96 #3
Chapter 32: I absolutely love it! Thank u for the awesome fic Seoulchae authornim :)
Chapter 32: I love it!! Really!! I spent 4 hours reading this whole story and Yoora's story made me cried a little. God! I hate her y friends except Hyunah!! Great storyyyyyyyyy~~~ Go be a writer!!!
ParkYeonmi #5
Chapter 32: awesome!!!! awesome story and storyline!! :D <3
Halimalikesrice #6
Chapter 32: Omg such a cute fic!!! Loved it so much! I cried!
NEW READER HERE! I just wanted to say... I REALLY LOVE THIS STORY!! <3
It's DAEBAK!!!
I should read this long ago...
but still, ITS VERY DAEBAK!!! :D
This is just amazingggggggggg fshdgfalhgf i like this story . A lot ! :'))
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