Summer Dreams

Summer's POV

"Ah.... Hi...." I said. Yes, i know lame. "Annyeong." Daehyun said. Ani... yong? What the heavens is that? Oh god, i freaking in korean. Yeah, well, cause that explains why i am living in America for my whole life. I counted the word annyeong with my fingers then said, "What does this eight letter word mean?" I held my eight fingers out.

Daehyun's POV

Bahahaha, she doesn't even know what is annyeong. That's so.... Bahahahaha! "Ok, its hi in korean." I said. Her eyes widened and she sheepishly rubbes the back of her neck... "Ah, I'm sorry i don't know that." She said sheepishly. "It's ok, i get it cause your foreign." I waved that matter away.

Summer's POV

Mum is calling me, argh. For some weirf reason I'm wanting to stay with Daehyun. "I have to go, duty calls." I held my fingers up in the air to do fake comas in the air when i said duty. I waved and he waved back then i walked to mum. I forgot about the lollipops though. Argh, stupid Summer. "Dear we are going to meet your grandma after we finish buying groceries. Grandma Hyeri is living nearby here." Mum said. My eyes widened. i have a grandma called Hyeri? Wow. I am lame. I don't even know. Well, i do know Grandma Fran, but that's from Dad's side. Skip the boring part and stuffs cause Imma in Granda Kallie's house. "Mum, is grandma Hyeri your mum?" I asked, yeah is sounded lame. "Yes dear. And oh, i know i have never told you this but let me just tell you before you get too shock. Your actually quarter korean. Its because grandma Hyeri's looks skipped my genes. Guess it went to your genes. It certainly skipped mine." That explains why i look like this some sort of asian but i just don't know which country am i from. Yeah, NOW i know. We walked to this cute little house and we rang the doorbell. A woman with a walking stick came and opened the door. "Annyeong ttal. Finally you have come. Is this my grand daughter? Ah annyeong dear." She said and attempted to hug me but failed so i reached out and hugged her instead. "Your korean grandma?" I asked. "Yes dearie." She replied. "Can you teach me how to speak korean?" I asked sheepishly. "Ah i knew this was the issue, sure i will teacher you dear, but not only speak. In writing as well." Grandma Hyeri replied. Now that i see it, i did really look like grandma Hyeri. She had the same brown hair as me but is now turning a bit grey and she has the white skin that i have. Ha, now i just think I'm cool~ Haha. "I'm be going first, need to adjust with business. i will be back at 9 to pick you up honey!" Mum waved and went off. I waved too and turned to grandma Hyeri. She smiled and welcomed me in her house. It's so cozy and there's even a chimney where the fire place is. She sat down in the living room and started teaching me to speak first. I learned a lot and i didn't even notice that its almost 9 pm. I have learned to talk fluently in korean. I feel like a pro now! Yeah~ Or maybe is it the help of my Korean genes? I don't know but i don't care at any matters. I just now that I'm a korean now. Yeah~ I feel cool~ Bahahaha. Lame lame me.

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Chapter 36: Update soon pls :)
Chapter 36: Yay they reunited! ❤
Chapter 34: WHY authornim, why!!!
Chapter 33: OMG WHO WAS IT!!!!???
Chapter 32: Omg at the end of what Daehyun said! LOL!
Chapter 31: Please leave Daehyun and find someone else,Minah. You'll find someone better than Daehyun.
Chapter 13: Update please!!!
Chapter 25: O_O NOOO! NOT FAIR!! :c
Chapter 24: wait... Mina slapped her?! THAT BISH LET ME KILL HER!!! But i think that its funny because me name is Minah hahaha *Awkward laugh*
But meeeh that's just my korean name. I wonder if you can say this... I'm going to say it anyways... Long time no see...?? can you say that in a situation like this? I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you.. I haven't been online for so long!!! I'm really sorry!
So.. Uhm... How was your trip?
Chapter 24: Sorry for taken so long chingu. I just came today to my house :o

Mina slapped her? :O Oh, come on! He's her boyfriend (Summer) so, BACK OFF! :D