... Is Hard!

Summer Dreams

(A/N: guys have you seen f(x)'s recent comeback? Don't you think it's rather unfair that sm just released their comeback and exo is having theirs? I am sure that it will ruin f(x)'s promotions.. It's not saying that I am not happy that both bands have comebacks... But it's unfair... ;( but whatever, it's my thinking anyway....)

Mina's POV

Okay, this is a full on challenge now little.

Since you told Oppa about this, just you wait, I guess physical abuse is not enough Huh?

Then I shall call eonni and everything will go in place.

I saw Daehyun still looking at me, I opened my mouth to speak, "No, I really like you Oppa. Call me selfish but I am not gonna just let go like that."

With that, I flicked my hair. While walking past him I brushed my shoulder against his and I felt him shiver.

heh, see, nobody can resist my charms.

Summer's POV

"She is so disgusting. I think I need to go to the toilet and disinfect my arm or something." He shiver in disgust and whispered that to me.

I tried hard to stifle my laugh but unfortunately I can't as a if of my giggle fell out of my mouth.

Argh, I hate it when I can't control my laughter. But laughter is contagious anyway.

Cause Oppa started laughing as well.

I really do feel happy having my loved ones smiling... I love him?

Its really a big question when the first time I met him, in the airport, in my dreams, and wherever fate has brought is together. But I am thankful fate did it, cause I like being Oppa.

"We need to definitely do plan b." He hissed, interrupting my train of thoughts  and he brought us to our desks to sit now.

"I know we need to... Do we just order tonight?" I asked him.

"Yeah I guess." He sighed as the teacher walked in.

All of us stood up to greet Mr.Song, which was how our day started.

The lesson passed by with all the groaning of homeworks and complaints on how they can't finish the homework in just one day.

Right now I really didn't bother to think about a 3 pages essay that was due tomorrow, because I constantly felt a burning hall at the back of my head.

Oh why can't I just sit behind her so I won't feel her glares? ><


Recess came three lessons later. We met up with BAP and started discussing about the plan. Everybody seemed so serious.

I feel like crying, all of them care for me. And I really like this warm fuzzy feeling I get when I know that someone else then Mum and Dad here cares about me, judging on how I was a social outcast here when I first arrived.

"Guys... Thanks so much for all helping out to keep Mina eonni away from me." I sniffed and I tried very hard to control my tear glands that are just begging to let out tears.

"Why are you even calling that eonni anyway?!" Yongguk shivered in disgust.

"No probs, your part of the family." Youngjae winked.

"Yeah! Noona is our family!" Zelo cutely exclaimed. Aigoo, the maknae is so cute!

"It's alright babe, they don't want me to suffer with an insufferable girl who keeps begging me to be with her. You are nothing like that." He kissed my temple gently and pulled me closer.

"Just.... Thanks so much...." I feel like a baby now, being the crying person. Aish..

Daehyun's POV

Did you know how disgusting that is?

In between the first lesson with Mr. Song, I actually went to the toilet to wash my shoulder. Ugh, her perfume is so stinky, it just feels my nose, and my nose feels like burning with that horrid smell!

Not like my babe, she has everything natural, and did I tell you she smelled like cinammon? 

Okay hold up, I sound like a ert now. =="

I was in the cafeteria eating happily with baby and chatting happily with the guys when Mina suddenly sauntered into the room.

She looked straight at me and started walking towards me.

If looks could kill, she would have been looooooong dead. *evil smile*

But whatever, she was still coming towards me. When finally she was face to face to me as I leaned back as he stench started burning my nose she said, "It's never going to be over."

She her high heels and sashayed away.

Oh for god's sake, let her dieeeee!

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Chapter 36: Update soon pls :)
Chapter 36: Yay they reunited! ❤
Chapter 34: WHY authornim, why!!!
Chapter 33: OMG WHO WAS IT!!!!???
Chapter 32: Omg at the end of what Daehyun said! LOL!
Chapter 31: Please leave Daehyun and find someone else,Minah. You'll find someone better than Daehyun.
Chapter 13: Update please!!!
Chapter 25: O_O NOOO! NOT FAIR!! :c
Chapter 24: wait... Mina slapped her?! THAT BISH LET ME KILL HER!!! But i think that its funny because me name is Minah hahaha *Awkward laugh*
But meeeh that's just my korean name. I wonder if you can say this... I'm going to say it anyways... Long time no see...?? can you say that in a situation like this? I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you.. I haven't been online for so long!!! I'm really sorry!
So.. Uhm... How was your trip?
Chapter 24: Sorry for taken so long chingu. I just came today to my house :o

Mina slapped her? :O Oh, come on! He's her boyfriend (Summer) so, BACK OFF! :D