
Summer Dreams

(A/N: and here i am, getting reminded from my own reader than she wants me to update this fic, oh man i feel really bad... =='' I'll try to make the chap long...)

Summer's POV

Okay, so my 'brilliant' plan is certainly not VERY brilliant, but hopefully it works. Of course, first things first, I need a paper and pen.

I can already imagine myself being an ol' professor or something, with a high top hat and an eye glass over one of my eyes, holding a quill and writing an old fashioned letter. BAHAHAHAHA.

But nah, that could not be me.

I started to write the letter to oppa about the... Thing that happened in the school. Hopefully it will be delivered in a few days... Scratch that, I hope it gets delivered tomorrow! 

Dear Daehyun oppa,

So um... I had a little... Accident that happened in the girl's toilet yesterday. And um, it included Mina eonni. I'm not gonna tell you ALL the details, but basically, eonni threatened me to um, stay away from you. But I don't want to... So um... They want to hunt me down if I come near to you or anything... What are we gonna do oppa?

Saranghae oppa,

Summer <3

That should be about it. Oh my gosh, now I REALLY hope that it can be delivered tomorrow.`

Narrator's POV

Summer mailed the mail and went to school. Without a word exchanged to BAP totally. Sure, of course Daehyun tried to talk to her casually but Summer just fumbled with her fingers and excused herself to fo the toilet every single time. 

Even baby Zelo tried to aegyo her to talk to BAP members but she stayed put and didn't even reply the poor giant. And that was heck hard too, I mean, IGNORE THE BABY GIANT?! HOW CAN ANYONE IGNORE THE AEGYO?! 

At the corner, someone was secretly smirking and fist pumping inwardly. And I might say, you know who may 'someone' be.

Summer pouted at the corner of the toilet and wondered about the letter if it delivered yet. Just then she heard the clicking of heels and she scurried into one of the toilet cubicles afraid at who it might be.

Summer's POV

OMG someone just came in the toilet! And he or she just scared the wits out of me! Hold on... This is the girls toilet so... YEAH ITS A SHE!

"She totally fell for it. And idiot too. Plus she totally ignored BAP oppas today the whole way eonni! I feel so happy oh my god!" 

I heard someone talking to the phone... And the voice seems to sound strangely familiar though... I wonder who it might be... I tried to peek through the tiny tiny TINY gap of the cubicle...

"Yeah, Summer Danggeolwoo. Yes the one with the hideous hair."

Oh my... HIDEOUS? and and and... DANG... GEOL... WOO?! THAT'S NOT MY NAME!

I think I might know who the person might be. And... She's wearing 3 inched red heels... Who wears 3 inched red heels... 3 inched... Red heels... MINA?!

She went out clacking her heels and I quickly went out of the cubicle as well, oh my gosh, I felt as if I was almost chocked out of air in the cubicle...

"Omona! I hope it gets delivered ASAP!" I muttered.

Narrator's POV

And the day went by really REALLY slowly, it couldn't get any more slower. But when the next day came, Summer anzxiously waited outside the classroom of any signs of her Daehyun oppa.

But instead...

"Nice try Summer Danggeolwoo but unfortunately I knew that some sort of thing like this will happen." Mina waved Summer's letter about between her fingers. 

Summer gasped softly and Mina laughed, "You didn't think you can tell him through letters did you? Ahaha, thank god I just went up to check on oppa and saw this some sort of letter that has the name 'Summer' on it. And I got it just in time before Himchan oppa went up to see the mailbox."

Summer kept quiet already trying to think up ways to communicate with Daehyun.

"I'm warning you again Summer Danggeolwoo, you better watch out. This is already a nu-uh." Mina waved the letter once again and teared it too pieces and left it shreded on the floor.

Summer kept quiet and looked down trying to stop the tears threatening to fall out of her eyes. She quickly walked away before anyone  could see her tears.

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Chapter 36: Update soon pls :)
Chapter 36: Yay they reunited! ❤
Chapter 34: WHY authornim, why!!!
Chapter 33: OMG WHO WAS IT!!!!???
Chapter 32: Omg at the end of what Daehyun said! LOL!
Chapter 31: Please leave Daehyun and find someone else,Minah. You'll find someone better than Daehyun.
Chapter 13: Update please!!!
Chapter 25: O_O NOOO! NOT FAIR!! :c
Chapter 24: wait... Mina slapped her?! THAT BISH LET ME KILL HER!!! But i think that its funny because me name is Minah hahaha *Awkward laugh*
But meeeh that's just my korean name. I wonder if you can say this... I'm going to say it anyways... Long time no see...?? can you say that in a situation like this? I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you.. I haven't been online for so long!!! I'm really sorry!
So.. Uhm... How was your trip?
Chapter 24: Sorry for taken so long chingu. I just came today to my house :o

Mina slapped her? :O Oh, come on! He's her boyfriend (Summer) so, BACK OFF! :D