
Summer Dreams

Summer's POV

I came down the stairs just when mum called me. i saw her sitting with dad with her hands clasped around a piece of paper and dad smiling from ear to ear. i wondered what happened. mum seems so shocked and yet delighted as well. i asked her "mum, dad why are you so happy?" Mum replied my question with a big smile and said "We are going to Korea for new business!" She said happily. Me in the other hand, was shocked. Not only was i shocked that they were going to Korea for business but everything rushed in my mind so quickly. The thoughts of leaving America to a place where i have no idea where it is and the thoughts of leaving my house, my friends, my memories here. "Mum, isn't there another way we can do instead of moving?" I tried to protest. Mum shook her head but she still had that smile plastered onto her was. Honestly Im not the type to disagree with your parents but i was overly shocked. I lost my appetite in eating dinner and so i just went up to my room. "Mum and dad i have homework to do. Im going to skip dinner." i called. but then a sudden thought popped into my mind. i rushed back down the stairs and asked her"when is our flight?" "Tomorrow night. So you have to pack everything tonight and tomorrow afternoon. We are going to reach there around 9 in the morning since we are having a 1 day flight." Mum said cheerfully. My mouth was literally hanging open in a letter O shape and i trudged back upstairs for the packing. Mum and dad are rich so that means i am too. I hate bragging about me being wealthy not like those mean stuck up snobbish girls in Hillwood school. I just hate it. Bragging to me just seems like another side of boasting and showing off. And i think only stuck up girls are like that. Im here in my room backing everything that i own and stuffing them into boxes and boxes of stuff while my luggage has all my clothes in it. Not one not two but 3 luggage. For only MY clothes. We don't have to worry about wait because we have our own private plane. Did i forget to mention mum and dad are going to Korea not just to do business but to start ANOTHER business in Korea. So yeah almost all the packing and the private plane is all from the money they earn from making business around the world. They have already made business in America, The United Kingdom, Singapore and different parts of Russia and Japan. And that's a lot of business places you could think of. I'm almost done packing my stuff. I have successfully stuffed all my clothes in the 3 luggage i have. I sighed and looked at my self in my Victorian antique mirror and sighed. i admit Im pretty but i look like a ghost. i have pale skin and light golden brown hair. And yes its not dyed. Its up to my waist and its one of my most treasured stuff that i treasure. I went into the bathroom and washed my self up getting ready for bed. And i came out wearing one of my pink sleeping gowns. I love the color pink. Yes, its very feminine and girls but that's one of the ways you describe my personality. I lay on my queen sized bed and inhaled the lavender scent of the flowers my mum bought two days ago. I agree that Im very girly. And now i am drifting to sleep.

look they're sooooo cute!! :D <33333333


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Chapter 36: Update soon pls :)
Chapter 36: Yay they reunited! ❤
Chapter 34: WHY authornim, why!!!
Chapter 33: OMG WHO WAS IT!!!!???
Chapter 32: Omg at the end of what Daehyun said! LOL!
Chapter 31: Please leave Daehyun and find someone else,Minah. You'll find someone better than Daehyun.
Chapter 13: Update please!!!
Chapter 25: O_O NOOO! NOT FAIR!! :c
Chapter 24: wait... Mina slapped her?! THAT BISH LET ME KILL HER!!! But i think that its funny because me name is Minah hahaha *Awkward laugh*
But meeeh that's just my korean name. I wonder if you can say this... I'm going to say it anyways... Long time no see...?? can you say that in a situation like this? I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you.. I haven't been online for so long!!! I'm really sorry!
So.. Uhm... How was your trip?
Chapter 24: Sorry for taken so long chingu. I just came today to my house :o

Mina slapped her? :O Oh, come on! He's her boyfriend (Summer) so, BACK OFF! :D