Is It A Dream Or A Prediction?

Summer Dreams


Summer's POV
I was in a school and I was walking through the hallways. I bumped into someone and I looked up. I saw brown dazzling eyes and it stared back at me. He was a boy and I was startled. He pulled my hand and I felt as if my hand perfectly fitted his. I looked at him again and he looked at me back. He bowed, let go of my hand and walked away.........
I sat up awake with me being on the floor. I looked around my surrodings and saw that I was in my room. I thought back about the mysterious by in my dream. It came out blurry cause I don't really remember anything. I just remembered him holding my hand and how perfectly my hand fitted in his. I looked at my hand and shrugged it off.
I stood up and went to my bathroom to wash my self up. I back out wearing my petite pink mini skirt matched with my vintage t-shirt and vest and started packing again.
I am still truly stumped about the move. Who will I meet? Will they be nice? Will I get used again like when Brittany used me just to see my background in Hillwood school? These thoughts kept whirring around my head and to be honestI'm worried. I am finished packing and I am heading down the stairs for breakfast. My stomach is literally groeling as loud as a dog would growl at someone when they are angry. Must be because i didn't eat anything for dinner the night before and when I got to the kichen i quickly whipped out flour, eggs and sugar and vanilla essence. When the batter was done i poured some on my crepe's machine and smoothly smoothen out the batter into a round flat piece of... Um i think it's a piece of cake? A very teeny weeny piece of cake that most possibly looks like pancake but way much flatter than a normal pancake? Yeah I guess that's what you call it. I made a few more pieces of that until all the batter was used up and then I went to the back door of the kichen and it opened to my fruits garden. I spotted the patchof white and red strawberries prefectly lined up and I picked some of them. Most likely handfuls. They are frais de bouis. If thats how you spell it. I sometimes wish my name is called Straberry Skye Tanglewood, won't that sound just sweet? To me yes. But I do still love my original name. I think it sound wonderful too. I finished picking and went back into the kichen. I chopped them up finely and placed them in the middle of the crepes and then i wrapped them up like tacos and whipped up chocolate sauce on them then voila all done. Wow was it mouth watering if i say so my self. I picked up a fork and started eating it. And my growling stopped completely. I was glad. All i have to do is pack my hand bag now. But I am still eating so I will do it later. 
Mum came down with her hair in a bun and she looked as if she slept really well. I did too, but by explaining the mysterious boy in the dream and how i sat up in the middle of my floor yeah I guess you can consider that as good sleeping. i THINK. "Good morning mum." I said. "Morning honey, we are already done packing. We will call some of the workers to transfer out plants into portable pots and bring them over the airport for the move." Mum said. I sighed in relief, to be honest I like gardening and how you can see your own vegetables and fruits grow is a miracle. "We are going in 2 hours. Have you packed your hand bag yet?" Mum asked me. "Not yet, I am going to pack it after I eat finish my stuff." I meekly smiled.
After I was done eating the thought's of the mysterious boy still whirred in my head. I wonder who is he really.... i thought but i shrugged it off and went on packing my handbag.

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Chapter 36: Update soon pls :)
Chapter 36: Yay they reunited! ❤
Chapter 34: WHY authornim, why!!!
Chapter 33: OMG WHO WAS IT!!!!???
Chapter 32: Omg at the end of what Daehyun said! LOL!
Chapter 31: Please leave Daehyun and find someone else,Minah. You'll find someone better than Daehyun.
Chapter 13: Update please!!!
Chapter 25: O_O NOOO! NOT FAIR!! :c
Chapter 24: wait... Mina slapped her?! THAT BISH LET ME KILL HER!!! But i think that its funny because me name is Minah hahaha *Awkward laugh*
But meeeh that's just my korean name. I wonder if you can say this... I'm going to say it anyways... Long time no see...?? can you say that in a situation like this? I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you.. I haven't been online for so long!!! I'm really sorry!
So.. Uhm... How was your trip?
Chapter 24: Sorry for taken so long chingu. I just came today to my house :o

Mina slapped her? :O Oh, come on! He's her boyfriend (Summer) so, BACK OFF! :D