Cinderella Story

I sat in physics class and looked blankly at the board. What was going on right now? Gravity? Nuclear? What was the teacher even explaining?

It was partially hard for me to concentrate because Woohyun and his friend Sungyeol was sitting behind me, chattering loudly about their ideal girls and making a list of perfect qualities.
"Brown hair, shorter than me and with an ulzzang face," I could hear them say, writing it down. "Small features, dresses nicely and most of all, she has to be skinny!"
His friend Sungyeol sniggered and wrote it down.
"But hyung, what about nice....?" He mimed a big chest and they both dissolved in fits of laughter.

I groaned loudly. So annoying, I thought. Shut up!
"Woohyun!" The teacher said halfheartedly, hesitating because he was the valedictorian. "Be quiet, please. Can you tell me the answer to the question I have on the board?"
Woohyun cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, pretending to ruffle his papers. I smirked. No way would have time to figure out the answer because he was too busy making lists about his ideal girl while she was explaining.

"Yess, miss, the answer is fifty newtons north west to the horizontal."
She glared at him for a bit then continued writing. What? Did this mean that it was right?
 I looked down at my work. It was correct. But how? I turned around, half evilling him for talking so loudly and half looking at him in admiration.

I sat infront of Woohyun and his friends in class and to be honest, it made me a little unconfortable. They were known to play pranks and mock people that did not conform to their view of "cool" or "hot". I mean, I wasn't their definition of beautiful, because for them beauty came from a knife, nor was I in with the cool crowd who drank and took drugs every weekend. It was what was different between us that made me so scared. Like last week, Woohyun's group terrorised a poor girl in our year who wore a skirt for the first time since year eight for showing her legs.
What kind of people were they? To do that? More and more it made me detest them. If only I was there at the scene - I would've kicked his or yelled at him.

Physics ended and now it was final period. This period was left free for year twelves to attend various study workshops to prepare for our final year exams, but this week it was cancelled as we needed to "chat" to our partners.

Everyone sat at a computer in the library - five hundred year twelves crammed together for a compulsory social experiment that was a waste of time.
"Hi guys," the counsellor said, subject to many glares and cusses. "I've set up a chat system in which you can use to talk to your partner, one on one with immediate replies, instead of waiting for the long, boring email reply. Please log in normally and find the program on the school's homepage to download."

I logged in and downloaded the program. While waiting for it to save, I looked around and tried to figure out who my partner could possibly be. Cheerleaders? Nope. Gothics? Nope. Football team? Definitely not. My eyes skimmed right over Woohyun and his group - no way were any of them my partners.
 I settled on the group who were in all my classes since year eight, the Extensions as they were called, that all sat together and discussed the scientific errors in Star Trek and in all those scientific movies. The group was about twenty, and the only three who didn't hang out with that group in the exact same classes were Woohyun, Sungyeol and I. I sat with Hanbyul while Woohyun and Sungyeol sat with their football team.

Hi! A chat box popped up on my screen. How are you?
I chuckled.
Ah, I'm sleepy >.<" I just had the most boring class ! How are you?~
Good! Haha I had a very productive class with my friend~ lucky I have him or I would die of boredom on that class haha
Aw that's good you have him~ so you're a guy? LOL keke sorry if I'm being nosy !
No of course not :) im a guy, yes! What about you? You're a guy too, right?
No~~!!! omg noooooo~ do I sound like a guy?!! I'm a girl LOL T.T I feel offended now T.T
Omo sorry! No you don't sound like a guy, of course not :) I'm sorry I was just making an assumption haha forgive me? *pout*
Aw since you're so cute of course I'll forgive you! :) owe me a favour now okay?!~ can't say no! :))
hmph fine! What favour is it? Better not be too weird >.<"
I haven't decided yet, I'll tell you when I decide okay! REMEMBER THAT YOU OWE ME A FAVOUR!!

I sat there chuckling at my screen. Despite what I had thought before, that my partner was some weird, uptight school enthusiast, he sounded actually pretty cool. By no means was he the scripted person he was in emails that I had based my thinking on.

"Class, time's up. Please log off and shut down your computers as the bell is about to go."

The year groaned and grumbled at the counsellor who was receiving death glares as students walked out. Was it that bad? I didn't seem to mind it, and neither did my partner.

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Chapter 37: This story brought me a lot of laugh ^^ Thank you for writing so well and I read in one go ^^
Hope you will write again soon !
I really liked your story ^^
Chapter 4: Haha. My UB is Yoona <3 And I love Bigbang Too! 2nd bias group :))))))
akared #5
Chapter 26: falling in love I guess..
akared #6
Chapter 23: Yes Hana!!!
That's totally you!!!
Woohyun needs you!
akared #7
Chapter 20: yeay!!!! You're fighting for right woohyun!!!!