Impatient People! - But I Love You. ^^

1VS {10 Member Co-Ed Group} [YG, SM, JYP Auditions Closed]



Chan Hee & Shin (JiHyun)

Interviewer (I): Hello. I’ve been seeing your faces everywhere recently! CFs, catwalks, magazines, shows… But I think you both look much more beautiful in person. What do you two think of your appearances?

Chan Hee: We just live with what we’re given, I guess.

I: So no one in the group has had plastic surgery of any kind?

Chan Hee: Not that I know of… We don’t ever really talk about our appearances… Like I said, we just live with what we’re given. If you insult yourself, you also insult someone who may look like you (thinking of Chanyeol*).

I: Wow, so your group doesn’t compete about who’s the best-looking or anything?

Shin: Well, our group isn’t competitive about physical looks, but we compare who presents themselves best on stage. We review our performances and I think we all judge ourselves on how professionally, how charismatically, and how honestly we portrayed ourselves on stage. And a lot of that judgment comes, naturally, from comparing yourself to other members who experience the same exact stage as you. 

I: That’s a totally different level of competition! Seems like you’re all competing to become the best idol.

Chan Hee: Of course. Isn’t everybody? If the person next to me wasn’t trying their hardest to be #1, how could I possibly respect them or work with them?

I: I see. As for respect and trust, from the perspective of a leader, are all of the group members getting along well?

Shin: I would say yes, but you’ll have to ask everyone individually to be sure.

Chan Hee: And people need to understand that friends getting along and members who live together getting along are totally different.   

I: How so?

Chan Hee: Well, how are family and coworkers different? If coworkers fight, it always ends badly. But if family fights, sometimes it ends badly, but usually it was necessary, and happened because the members were honest and wanted to resolve an issue among themselves. In essence, arguments are an indicator of a family developing and maturing together. So I think “getting along well” in terms of a kpop group involves arguments now and then.

I: Who do you fight most with?

(Shin laughs, thinking of a particular female member*)

Chan Hee: (annoyed) Anyways… next question?

I: Who is the member you most often look at and think, “I wish I had that ability”?

Chan Hee: L1GHT (Kyuhyun) has this ability… to attract people? I mean, he just does what he does, but everyone completely adores him. When we were about to debut, all the members received gifts from close friends and family members. I remember L1GHT’s room had an incredible amount of presents stacked in it. Some were from SHINee, some were from Super Junior, some were from SNSD… I remember thinking, “Wow. I really wonder how this kid does that.”

I: “This kid…?”

Chan Hee: (affectionately*) Well, L1GHT’s just “this kid” to me…

I: I see, and you, Shin?

Shin: I’m most jealous of… our dog, Balam… or Vitamin.

(Chan Hee laughs, surprised at the answer*)

Shin: Everyone loves him and he doesn’t do a thing! He just sleeps and eats, sleeps and eats, goes to restroom every once in a while! I mean, it’s infuriating! I do all this for my members and I’m still called the “nagging hyung”. It’s such a dirty world!

I: Universe has a dog? Where does it live?
Shin: It was our member, Sky’s, birthday present. Balam lives in the boy’s dorm and I believe Balam is backstage with the other members right now...

I: Boy’s dorm? Oh, that’s right. You have separate dorms. So, the two groups are still living in their respective dorms?

Shin: Respective dorms…? I think it would be accurate to say “respective trash bags”.

I: Oh, really? That bad?

Shin: Yeah, two of our members sleep on couches.

I: How did you guys assign who got the couches?

Shin: (laughs, remembering*) We boys did rock-paper-scissors….

Chan Hee: (also laughs*) Us too! Wow, we were really childish back then, huh?

I: Well, when can you guys move to a better dorm with beds?

Chan Hee: When our debut song ranks in the top ten for over two weeks or if we win a chart poll once. 

I: When will you find that out? 

Shin: We’ll find out at awards ceremonies in about a month, I suppose.

I: Is there any award in particular you sincerely want? 

Chan Hee: The Group Rookie Award. You can only get it once in your life, so…

I: I see! B.A.P., NU’EST, and Exo are also going for that dream award! Speaking of, isn’t Chanyeol of Exo your brother?

Chan Hee: Yes.

I: Would you like to send him a video message?

Chan Hee: All… all right.

Video Message

Chan Hee: Um… Chanyeol oppa… are you doing okay? We’ve both been promoting so intensely that we don’t get to see each other’s’ faces anymore… I can’t believe we both debuted in these wonderful, top groups… like we promised each other we would… (Chan Hee tears up slightly). Oppa. Work hard, and have fun with the other members, okay? Tell everyone hi and continue to do your best. I…miss you, oppa. (A single tear drops from her eye). Do well, okay? Hwaiting, Chanyeol oppa! Let’s see each other winning at the award’s ceremony!

Video Message End

I: Wow, that was really touching… Shin-

(Shin: Not paying attention to the interviewer, whispers to Chan Hee, “Are you okay?”*)

(Chan Hee nods and takes a shuddering deep breath*)

I: Shin, I-

Shin (firmly): Thank you so much the interview. I would especially like to thank our wonderful fans, our Siriuses and Irises that support us with so much enthusiasm and cheered us on even in the rain a few weeks ago. Universe will always continue to give our honest, whole-hearted efforts to you! Please watch over us! Thank you!

(Chan Hee & Shin exit, Shin’s hands on Chan Hee’s shoulders.)


Jason (Jaesun) & Laiqa (Soori)

I: Hello to Universe’s Jung siblings, Jason and Laiqa! You guys look absolutely fabulous today. In general, what do you two think of your appearances?

Jason: I look a little feminine sometimes, but I think it suits me. What do you think, Laiqa? Is your brother good-looking?

Laiqa: (smiles at Jason*) Actually, Jason, I’m sorry to tell you, but I think Jessica unni and Krystal unni already won the “good-looking” category in our family.

(Jason pouts*)

I: Tough competitors! But your parents should be proud of having such good-looking children!

Jason: Our parents have more to be proud of than just good looks, I hope. 

I: Do your parents ever express regret at allowing all of their children to involve themselves in the entertainment industry?

Laiqa: I think all parents are hesitant to let their children risk their futures in the idol world because it really is a grueling process for anyone to go through and secondly, because involving yourself in the entertainment world means exposing yourself to the real world at a very young age. Parents naturally want to protect their children from everything, but when your children are out there, living by themselves at age ten and eleven… you can’t protect them from much.

Jason: But I think our parents are doing much better now that they’ve seen all four of us debut and on the road to fulfilling our grandest dreams.

I: Speaking of fulfilling dreams, is there any award in particular you would like to win this year?

Jason: Oh, two. The Group Rookie Award, definitely. And I want Universe to win the Lyricist Award of the Year.

Laiqa: I also hope our stylists win an award! They’ve been so amazing and creative with every performance.

I: Favorite outfit?

Laiqa: My debut outfit, definitely. The feeling of putting that on was… incredible. It made everything real to me. It made me think, “Wow. I’m going to wear this gorgeous piece in front of thousands of fans and debut”. That outfit was so gorgeous… 

I: Rank the Universe members in terms of appearance?

(Laiqa mumbles something*)

I: What?

Laiqa: I said I knew someone was going to ask that question someday. I’m always waiting for that terrible question.

I: And your answer?

Laiqa: Honestly, I still haven’t figured it out… Everyone’s so charismatic or beautiful in a different sense…

Jason: Are you kidding me? Laiqa, it’s me! I’m the best-looking, by far.

Laiqa: No way.

Jason: Laiqa-

Laiqa: Be quiet, oppa! (smacks Jason on the head*) 

(I laughs*)

I: Is it right to guess that the two of you argue a lot?

Laiqa: Only because he deserves it.

I: Other than the two of you, what couple argues the most in each of the groups?

Jason: (Thinking of Krystal and Kyuhyun*) Kyuhyun and I bicker like brother-in-laws.

(Laiqa shoots him a warning look*) 

I: And for you, Laiqa? I’m sure you argue with Jason the most. 

Laiqa: I don’t know… King (Gongchan) sure gives him a run for his money sometimes.

I: Your fellow maknae gives you a lot of trouble, too?

Laiqa: Yes! I feel like the real maknaes of the group are actually Jason and King. Then, it’s me. But those two are totally immature at times.

Jason: Hey, hey, don’t overdo it! Think about our images and reputations!

(Laiqa smiles as if to say “Reputation, yeah right”. *)

I: Last but not least, would you like to give a shoutout to anybody?

Laiqa: Yes, I would love to send a message to our mentors, Beast and Epik High sunbaenims. 

Video Message

Laiqa: Um… hello sunbaenims. (Bows respectfully*) It’s Laiqa from Universe. I just wanted to thank you for all of the support, advice, and time you’ve given us. We would not be close to who we are today, not only as idols, but also as people, if it weren’t for your time and your belief in us. Not a day goes by where we don’t think of you and we are aware that we are always representing you. Thank you for everything. Because of you, I get to stand her and do a video message like this and have it broadcasted national-wide! We really miss you, but are diligently cheering you are even now. Hwaiting, sunbaenims! 

Video Message End

Jason: I would like to give a shoutout to Yiruma sunbaenims and then a shoutout to Universe’s fans!

I: Go right ahead.

Video Message

Jason: Ruma Hyung! Look, your dongsaeng is being interviewed on national television! Pretty cool, huh? Well, I’m working hard with the Universe members right now, trying to write lyrics for your songs. I’ll give you a call pretty soon, so keep next to that phone, yeah? Okay, bye, hyung, Hwaiting!

Video Message End

Video Message

Jason: (bows*) Hello to the fans of Universe. Thank you so much for your amazing support! Although there are times when Universe struggles to stay motivated, whenever we remember our always waiting and loving fans, we find the strength to pull together and continue to practice. We promise to continue to improve and we thank you so much for supporting our first album- this album, as I’m sure you know- was an album we personally wrote, composed and choreographed to. So, although it’s probably not as good as the work of our companies’ best composers, lyricists, and choreographers, and although we are still very young and awkward with our music, thank you so much for supporting our honesty and our personal feelings. Oh, and there was a fan at our first fansign whose poster I drew an irritated bunny on… Um… if you’re listening, sorry! You see, Laiqa was being an idiot and I was getting mad… I hope you didn’t take that personally… Haha, sorry. (Scratches head*) But if you come to our next fansign and show me the bunny, I’ll make it up to you, okay? Okay, bye!

Video Message End

(Laiqa and Jason exit*)


Sky & Shim Jang

I: Hello! So we have the two main dancers of Universe here with us! How’s the idol life so far?

Shim Jang: Pretty amazing, we just came from our fansign, so I feel great right now.

I: What’s the best gift a fan gave to you?
Shim Jang: Well, one fan gave me a pair of hand-drawn Converse ( and they’re so incredible. I’m going to wear them on stage whenever I can… Thank you!

I: And what about you, Sky?

Sky: Um… a little boy asked me to sign his forehead. It was pretty weird, I guess, now that I think about it… but at the time, it seemed touching… Haha.

I: What is the most awkward or weirdest moment you experienced with a fan?

Shim Jang: A girl literally burst into tears when I shook her hand. I had no idea what to do! I just stood there, feeling so guilty… I awkwardly patted her back but… Yeah… That was… quite something. (Makes a weird face that somehow looks cute*) (Sky smiles looking at her wrinkle her face*)

I: And you, Sky-sshi?

Sky: Um… A college boy gave me roses… That was… I mean, I don’t want to sound unappreciative or make it sound bad because he was really supportive of me and all… but… I wasn’t sure how to respond. I think I was more responsible for the awkwardness than the boy was…

I: Interesting! Okay, now, let’s talk about the album a little bit. What are your favorite tracks?

Shim Jang: ‘Tonight’ seems to be a fan favorite… It’s so catchy and the tempo is upbeat… The crowd always loves that song, so although it wasn’t initially one of my favorites, it’s become one of my favorites to perform.

Sky: Definitely. The same goes for me in terms of performing…  Personally, to just listen to… my favorites are ‘Bad’ and ‘Thanks for Breathing’.

I: Why?

Sky: Well… ‘Bad’ holds a lot of personal feelings for me… A friend actually wrote the main lyrics to the song… and it was nice to be able to shape those words and create it in something musical. It made me fall deeper in love with music itself. It made me realize it’s such a powerful thing.

I: And what’s the story behind ‘Thanks for Breathing’.

Sky: I’ve actually… never told this to anyone… but I wrote that with someone in mind… It was to tell that person to stay strong and be thankful even when everything is falling to bits…

I: Who was it for? A girl?

Sky: Just… a person.

I: Omo, Sky-sshi- (Sky shoots a quick look at Shim Jang*)

Shim Jang: I love ‘Not Over’ because I get to rap quite a bit in it… and of course, dance. The song is so strong… I feel like it just… fits…me.

I: Do you think of yourself as a strong persona?

Shim Jang: I’m trying to be…

Sky: She’s actually really strong. Honestly, I’ve never seen her break down once. She’s one of the younger members, but I’ve never seen her break from the pressure or anything… She’s very fierce and reliable.

I: Wow, that’s impressive. As Universe, you guys must be receiving an incredible amount of pressure! How do you deal with that amount of pressure?

Shim Jang: Well, our mentors actually trained us with this pressure in mind, so it’s not that bad anymore… our first few weeks had to be the hardest weeks… at least for me.

Sky: I’m pretty sure it was for everybody.

I: What made it so difficult?

Sky: The transition from trainee to idol is very… nerve-wracking. And… just… I don’t know quite how to explain it… We just… just got yelled at a lot by our mentors, haha.

Shim Jang: But now I look back on those times and think of how foolish we were those first few years… but it’s definitely paid-off and although our mentors are also busy succeeding themselves, I’ve become more determined than ever to work harder.

Sky: The pressure now is different because… it’s the pressure we choose to put on ourselves. But the first few weeks, it was pressure I wanted to reject, but it was just so overwhelming… that you couldn’t… really forget about it or run away from it.

I: Do you ever regret becoming an idol?

Shim Jang: Nope. Not one bit.

Sky: No, I’ve met too many amazing people in these two months since we’ve debuted to regret becoming an idol. Mentors, members, fans, everyone.

I: I’m glad to hear that. Would you like to send a video message to any of these people?

Sky: Actually, I’d like to send a video message to my parents…

Video Message

Sky: Hello, Mom and Dad. Although I’ve only seen you four times in the past three years… I wanted to tell you that your son is growing up well and working extremely hard right now. I wanted to thank you for allowing me to choose this path and for always calling me to check up on me and sending me letters. I promise I’ll visit as soon as I can, but I am doing the best I can and I’m living a wonderful life right now with my awesome members. Miss you! Oh, and everyone who’s watching, please go to Blossom Restaurant on 7th Avenue in Seoul! The food is excellent there!

Video Message End

I: Shim Jang, would you like to send a message to your parents?

Shim Jang: Um… that’s okay. I’ll pass for now. (Shim Jang bits her lip and looks at Sky*)

Sky: Yeah, actually, I think the director’s signaling us to stop right now… Haha.

I: Oh, really? All right, then. Thank you so much for your time!

Sky: Thank you! (bows*)

Shim Jang: Thank you so much! (bows*)

(Sky & Shim Jang exit)


L1GHT (Kyuhyun) & AN (Soo Ri)

I: Hello to our two supermodels of Universe!

AN: Haha, thank you, but I don’t think I’m a supermodel at all…

I: No?

AN: No, not yet.

I: Not yet…? So you would like to become one?

AN: Sure, why not? But I don’t want to be known only for modeling. I want to be an idol or singer that models.

I: I see. And what about you, L1GHT? What activities are you involved in only than being a kpop idol?

L1GHT: Well, I choreograph and compose… I’ve done that before I debuted and luckily, being in Universe means that I still get to play an active part in choreographing and composing… As you mentioned, I model… And although I haven’t been very active lately… I do know how to play guitar, drums, and piano. I’ve done a couple CFs… yeah… But I’m mainly focused on being the main vocal of Universe right now.

I: Wow, you’ve only debuted for two months, but it seems you’ve done a lot behind the scenes already.

AN: It’s actually a little intimidating to be in a group with L1GHT. He’s already so experienced that I feel like I’m ages behind sometimes.  (AN is slightly embarrassed admitting this*) (L1GHT is surprised at this, but doesn’t say anything*)

I: Well, everyone has to start somewhere, right? So if L1GHT brings his rich experience and AN brings her determination and gorgeous freshness to the group, what do you think the other members give to Universe? For example, how do you think the leaders help with the group?

L1GHT: Well, our leaders are both extreme oppositions, but they help to balance out the group in general.

AN: Yes. Shin’s very… in his own world most of the time? I mean… he’s a very curious person with a lot of weird habits…

I: Like what?
AN: Um… Shin oppa, please don’t get mad at me for saying this on national television! He sleeps with a textbook instead of a pillow!

I: What? That’s so strange… Doesn’t his head hurt?

L1GHT: He has so much messy hair that he probably doesn’t feel a thing. (L1GHT smirks to himself*)

AN: But I feel like I can tell him anything… He’s so open and he really doesn’t judge people.

L1GHT: Yeah, and he’s an amazing musician with his own type of experience. He’s done a lot of performances so he’s able to warn us about different things that may catch us off guard since for most of us, it’s our first few times on stage.

I: Right, Shin was an acoustic soft pop artist before! Okay, what about Chan Hee?

L1GHT: Strict about practicing. She scares me when she gets mad… 

AN: Yeah… And she’s so competitive…

L1GHT: True, true. But she also brings the group together when it seems that no one else can. She’s definitely the leader type and I honestly trust her with my career, and that’s saying a lot.

AN: I feel like she’s the caring but strict and scary father of the group and Shin’s the gentle, sensitive mother.

(L1GHT laughs*)

I: Sounds like Universe is blessed with its leaders… If you could complain about one thing that comes with being in Universe, what would it be?

L1GHT: The dorms! Please give us better dorms!

I: I heard two people have to sleep on the couch.

AN: Haha, L1GHT is one of them…

I: Oh, really? How unfortunate.

L1GHT: I really like it, actually. Even when I get a proper room, my bed is going to be a couch… But I want more space to put my stuff.

I: If you had room, what would you move in?

L1GHT: I want my room to be a studio. I’m tired of recording and working in the company studio all night and having to drag myself back to the dorms late at night. I want to move all my recording equipment and my instruments into my room.

I: I see. Well, good luck with the rankings next month! I sincerely hope Universe places and gets to move dorms!

L1GHT: Thank you.

I: What about you, AN? Any complaints?

AN: Um… our generation…?

I: Huh?

AN: Well… there are so many kpop groups debuting lately… The competition is getting really extreme… and in a lot of cases, I feel like that’s getting personal. A lot of groups talk behind our backs because we debuted with support from all three companies, so I feel like several groups are jealous that we debuted with such a huge advantage… It’s not like earlier generations when it was easier to befriend other groups… I love Universe and thankfully, we’re a large group, but I often feel a sense of isolation when I go to other gatherings with other groups there.

L1GHT: And it’s not just Universe, it’s also between other groups. But obviously, because of Universe’s highly anticipated debut…

I: You guys tend to attract attention a bit more easily than other groups. Right. If you could say something to them, what would you say?

L1GHT: Please don’t dislike us just because of our situation. We are also trying as hard as we can and have an earnest desire to grow in terms of musical and as young adults… Please look upon us kindly and let’s cheer for each other at competitions!

I: AN, would you like to say anything? 

AN: Um… If there’s any doubt as to our honest determination to become legitimately skilled musicians and not just glamorous idols, I apologize and I will make sure to work harder to remove any doubt you may have about me. Next time, let’s talk in friendly terms and without any hard feelings, please!

I: Wow, both of you are very respectful and strong… The idol life can’t be as easy as it looks, but please continue to stick around. It seems fans love you! AN was voted #6 Most Gorgeous Girl Idol on a recent SeoulBeats poll where 3,908 people voted and L1GHT was voted #7 Most Desired Male Idol on a poll where 4,002 people voted. Congratulations and know that you are always welcome at SeoulBeats!

(AN & L1GHT exit*)


King (Gongchan) & Jin (Eun Suk)

I: Welcome! So here we have the maknae and visual of Chrome, and the Triple Threat of Epik Love! How are you dealing with the popularity? Did you expect to have such popularity so soon?

King: Maybe it’s because it’s only been two months since we debuted… but so far the attention is nice. I have the absolute cutest fans.  

Jin: You have the cutest fans? No, actually, I have the cutest fans.

King: Please. Jin noona, rocker fans are bad@$$, but not a whole lot of them are cute.

Jin: Gongchan! You’re not supposed to swear during a formal interview!

King: You’re not supposed to call me Gongchan, noona!

I: Haha, whoa, whoa, hold on a moment. You two talk too fast! Do you two argue about everything?

King: I guess you can call it arguing… even though I’m always right and she’s always wrong.

(Jin rolls her eyes*)

I: You have quite a sassy maknae, huh?

Jin: Right? And he thinks he’s so cool…

King: Jin always has the rocker, cool-style pose, but in reality, she loves stuffed animals like crazy.

I: What? No…!

King: Yup, and that’s not the only thing she likes! She also likes-

Jin: King!

King: Um… composing music!

I: Oh, that’s right! Both of you are composers and lyricists for Universe, yes?

Jin: Yeah, with Laiqa and Jason.

I: Okay, well, I have a little game for the two of you to play… Here are name cards with each of the members’ names on them. I am going to make a statement and you are going to hold up the name of the member that fits what I say.

I: Okay, who in Chrome has the best body?

Jin: How would I know?

King: (Picks Sky) He has great abs and arms…

I: Just pick someone, Jin-sshi.

Jin: Okay, from my very limited knowledge… (Picks L1GHT, blushing*) I saw him in a jeans photoshoot once, that’s all.  

I: Okay, King’s turn to be embarrassed! Best body in Epik Love?

Jin: (Picks AN) Our gorgeous supermodel!

King: I’ve never seen her… um… like that… but, man, when she dances, she just looks great, so (Picks Shim Jang)  

I: Best Face in Universe?

Jin: (Picks Shin and AN) Our flower boy and girl!

I: Although Shin went through a bit of a concept change for Universe, right?

Jin: Yeah, but he’s great at rocking the eyeliner look as well.

King: (after much deliberation… shows everyone*) Everyone’s gorgeous, I think.

Jin: You’re making me look bad and shallow here, King.

(King smirks*)

I: Okay, the person who knows the most secrets about you.

Jin: Wow, these are really tough questions…

King: (Picks Laiqa, Jin, and Shin) Although… I don’t really talk that much about myself…

Jin: That makes me curious about you, King… Hm… (Picks Sky, King, and Chan Hee)

I: The one who is the hardest to wake up in the morning?

Jin: Easy. (Picks Chan Hee)

King: Super easy. (Picks Jason)

I: The one you would most like to date IF you were the opposite .

King: So I have to choose from Chrome and Jin has to choose from Epik Love?

I: Yes.

Jin: I’m going to go our really kind and gentle Laiqa. (Picks Laiqa) She always knows what to say at the right time.

King: (Picks Shin and Jason) Shin, because he’s a complete gentleman and would probably spoil me… Jason, because he seems like a good brother to all his female siblings…

I: Okay, one person whose musical abilities you are jealous of!

Jin: (Picks L1GHT) He’s simply amazing at everything musical.

King: (Picks Shin) He’s so skillful at expressing emotions and attitudes… I wish I had that ability… And he plays guitar so easily… Like it’s nothing.

I: The member you wish was featured more in your group.

Jin: (Picks Laiqa and L1GHT) Our main vocalists need more attention. They have the most fantastic voices and they’re terribly underrated.

King: (Picks Chan Hee, Jin, and Jason) Chan Hee is amazing at vocals, too, but she only raps within Universe. Jin needs more difficult parts because she can handle a far more advanced level of dance, rap, or vocals, and Jason needs an opportunity to show off his y girl dances. His dances are wasted at our dorm!   

I: I’m looking forward to the members being exposed more! Okay, the member who nags at you the most!

Jin: (Without hesitation, picks Chan Hee) This girl….

King: (Picks L1GHT) Yeah, he’s usually quiet but he’s known for his nagging. I swear L1GHT has OCD sometimes!

I: All right, last one! The member you have taken the most selcas with!

Jin: No one… I don’t take selcas… I hate looking at my face.

King: (Picks Jason and Shin) Jason jumps in even when I don’t ask him to… and I drag Shin in whenever I can because his facial expressions are so hilarious.

I: Thank you for playing the game. I’m sure our viewers had a great time finding out more about your relationships with each other. Speaking of, is no one dating yet?

Jin: No one that I know of.

King: I don’t think so either…

I:  Haha, alright. I see you didn’t fall for my trick. What activity are you looking forward to most?

King: I’m going to try out for a musical play... I’m excited about that. Oh, and we have a gig later today… which Shin keeps making a big deal out of, so I’m anticipating that as well.

I: And you, Jin?

Jin: Our international tour. I can’t believe we have this opportunity already. We just debuted and we don’t even know our rankings yet, but our companies have invested a world tour for us… So I’m extremely nervous, but also so excited for that!

I: What award do you most want to win this year?

King & Jin together: Rookie Award!

Jin: I’m a little worried because we’ve only debuted for two months and I’m not sure if people are exposed enough to Universe to root for us… So… please! Please support us and look kindly on us!

King: Yes, please give us a chance as well! Although we are young, we are motivated to work incredibly hard because amazingly, we are lucky enough to have an established fanbase already. So please, vote for Universe as we are also doing our utmost best for our fans out there!

I: And that concludes our interview with Universe. Thank you for your time!

Jin: Thank you!
King: Thanks!

(Jin & King exit*)






writing, writing, writing. author is busy, but author is working on 1vs, okay? okay. ^^ tired.......... g'nite.



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Chapter 92: It's been a good run, and I'm really curious where this will lead us! Thank you for taking us on such an exciting adventure, author-nim.
Kyuna9 #2
Chapter 92: Oh my God are we really ending???? I hope it's a beautiful ending for them >,<
Chapter 92: Ugh this story really gets to me every time you post a new chapter! I hope all the members can just make up and become one big happy family again! I hate how everyone is worried about everyone but it’s so hard to communicate with one another ugh, I can’t wait to see what happens next!!
Kyuna9 #4
Chapter 91: WHAT WHAT WHAT IS EUNSUK GOING TO DO?????? please please please don't do anything stupid :((((((

Soori-Jaesun-SooRi is the cutest as alwayssssss haha those 3 cuties>,<

Andddd Kyuhyun and Krystal are so sweet!! Glad they make up, although I secretly wish Kyuhyun would end up with Soo Ri bcs they're too cute
Kyuna9 #5
Chapter 90: OH MY GODDDDDD I'm sorry I'm so late but never thought you would update after 4years!!! Take me by surprise omgggg

What is happening with 1vs??? Are those relationships/scandals finally having toll on them? But it's nice to see their relationships are still in tact and going well :) I hope they'll work everything out shortly :")
Chapter 90: oh my god, hellooooooo. ♡ i'm so glad that you've updated again! i just binge-read the whole thing again along w/ the new updates and all the feels came rushing back. i apologize for not keeping up as much as i have liked to over the past few years (holy , y e a r s) but if there are more updates to come soon then i'll definitely be around more often. i hope all is well with you! and thank you for this story- seriously, it's been s i x years with these characters and the storyline and it just makes me so happy that it's still ongoing. i'll always be here supporting you and just wanted to say thank you again. ♡
Chapter 90: "The kid has bruises on all of his knuckles" EXCUSE ME?!? This has me shook! Why does happy baby Gongchan have bruises? Why are all the members struggling so much, I just want everyone to be happy ;~; This is such a good story! I'm so freaking glad you updated. Keep up the good work but take your time, I'll wait patiently even no matter the length of time. Thank you so so soooo much for not giving up on this story, it means the world to me. :)
Chapter 89: OMG YOU UPDATED!! I was just thinking about this story and decided to check it today even though I am so rarely active on aff now. ;~; This story has literally been my favorite thing for all the years it has existed. I hope you are doing well and I wish you all the happiness and love this year!! Now it's time for me to read up and see what's happening to the kids now haha
Chapter 89: i held my breath for 4 years w o w.
i’m really shipping chan hee and jihyun holy cow. really happy to see an update and as usual, it’s amazing! hope life’s treating you well and happy 2018 to you, babe! hope you’re happy and healthy and that you’re getting all you deserve this year. miss you as always and thank you for bringing my spring break to a happy close! xoxo
Chapter 88: so i spent the whole day reading all the chapters and updates today because i felt like going back to the beginning.
holy jesus i miss this. i really do ;; it's been how many years with this story now? 4 frick fracken years! damn, this is probably one of the longest running stories on here tbh.

even though last update was two ears ago, it's still just as amazing! hope everything is going well for you darling! <3 i miss you and i miss this story a lot cause well-it's so damn special ^^; i miss you sweetie and i truly hope life is treating you well, along with the new year! damn its 2016...i feel old ;;

/silently imagines that it's chan hee being stupid and standing in the pouring rain cause the feels for this couple is real in my mind. /slapped.