

Zelo was walking alone on the streets. It was about two on the afternoon and since he felt unwell he was on his way home from school.

Surprisingly, since he never was in the city so early on an ordinary day, it wasn't much people in the streets. Almost everyone was working around now. He figured he could relax and just enjoy the early springs warm sunshine. He started daydreaming as he walked down the streets.

Suddenly he snapped back into reality when he heard footsteps. Fast, like someone was running for his/her life. And they became louder and louder, rapidly. He turned around. Bad mistake. The runner shouted as he literally jumped on the boy.

-Wh, what the hell! What was that for? Get off! Zelo screamed.


-Huh? What, why do you cry, shouldn't it be me if someone?

-Its you, really you. I can't believe this, the older man was mumbling. Then he hugged Zelo- relly tight squeezing the breath out of him.

-Wha, hey... Hey. I can't, can't breathe.. What was this crazy person talking about and why was he trying to suffocate me? Zelo thought.

-Im sowjy, sorry. Just, you're here. I can touch your face, that means youre really here, right? The crazy person said as he loosened the grip around Zelo and began to caress his cheek instead. He was now sitting on top off Zelo, making it hard to escape.

Zelo was shocked. He couldn't follow this and figured this was just some freak that was probably running from a mental hospital. Zelo tried to think, what should he do? Who knew what the man was able to do? But the way that guy touched his cheek freaked him out more than anything.

-Yah! Let go if me. Stop touching my cheek!

-Okay, the guy only responded and Zelo sighed inwardly in relief. But then...

He froze instantly, unable to do anything as he felt the others lips on his throat, sliding down and then they were on his collarbone. It was blurry for a moment but as fast as he regained powers in his body again he pushed the man of him as he at the same time punched him on his jaw. And then he ran.

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iftgyu #1
I hope you come back
Robins124 #2
Chapter 27: That was so kawaii keep updating
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Chapter 21: Aw best friends! :3
Chapter 19: Nooooo! Get away from Himchan, Baekhyun! He is Zelo's!
Biancer #6
Chapter 19: Oh my gosh, Baekhyun please don't Himchan :s
Chapter 19: OooOOo dang Himchan... you need to push him off... he's not in the right mind set..
Chapter 18: hmmm its soooo interesting... onto the next chapter =]
Chapter 17: Looking forward to their plan to continue :)
Hope you update soon ~
Chapter 17: OOooOO Zelo noticed a little change when he mentioned Himchan's name to his parents.. hmmmm he still needs to get to the bottom of everything...