Party at Friday night

You Don't Know You're BEAUTIFUL!

Chapter 9 : Party at Friday night


Time flies real fast and you got even closer with L. The two of you would always meet up after school at Hankang River.

You enjoy being with him, but still, you were trying your best to showed your true side to him.

You'd only show your good side but he didn't knew your other, you were hoping he would open up a bit since you'd always do the talking and everything, and he would just sit and laugh and listen.

One day, as you got to school and entered the hallways.

Your eyes widened at the crowded hallway, it was always empty everyday. But, today it wasn't.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"Hmm, there must be an announcement." DonWon guessed as he tried to squeeze through the crowd.

"Excuse me." He called out and shoved a few people away and went right straight to the bulletin board.

DonWon manage to read the notice on the bulletin board and a bright smile lit up his face.

He beamed excitedly and turn to you, "Noona!" He yelled.

You just blinked at him, "There is gonna be a part tomorrow night! You wanna come?" He yelled out loud again.

*Party? Tomorrow? Friday night?* You wondered and paused for a moment, at last, you nod your head and beamed back.

"Yes!" You yelled back.

DonWon smile and squeeze through the crowd once more and stopped right infront of you.

"Great!  We can go together. Unless, you have a date?" He wondered.

Your cheeks turn red, "DonWon!" You snapped at him.

He just chuckle, "I was just kidding. C'mon! We should head to class now, the crowd is really thick." He smile.

"Araso." You beamed and went to class with him. 

As you and DonWon reached class, Infinite just came and entered the school hallways.

All the attention was now at Infinite, girls screamed and chanted their names.

Woohyun smile, Hoya and Dongwoo just politely reject their offers, Sungyeol just beamed and shook hands with them, Sungjong just made a cute face while L just walked along with his poker face on.

Infinite's attention was now at the bulletin board as he saw a few guys standing there, "Excuse me." Sungyeol went over and politely tap their shoulder.

Girls shrieked even louder. So loud, that they flinched at the loud noise, "Oh, sorry. Do you want to see?" One of them bowed and made way.

"Gomawo." Sungyeol thanked them and read the notice.


Friday Night!

Which is tomorrow!

Who wants to come?!

Everyone's invited!

Even teachers and Juniors!

Come and Join the party!

There is even a few dancing performances and singing ones too!

Tickets can be bought at lunch time from Yoon LiewMin!

Come buy them before they're sold out!

Time : 7pm - Which time you liked to leave :D

Venue - School's hall!

Dress code - Smart and Casual 

For more info, contact this number, : 013-4564734

"Wow." All of them called out as they saw the notice.

"Sungyeol oppa! Be my date?" One girl batted her eyelashes at him.

Sungyeol just politely rejected her, "Uh, no thanks. I'm still not sure if I would be going or not." 

"Aww.." She pouted.

"L oppa!" "L oppa!" "L OPPA!"

A few girls yelled, L was getting sick of them and he thought he was gonna be deaf soon. 

*! I hate this! I'm seriously not going!* He rolled his eyes and just ignored the fangirls calling his name.

"Wanna come guys?" Woohyun asked.

"Hmm, sounds fun... I'm IN!" Dongwoo beamed.

"Me two!" Hoya joined in.

"Me three!" Sungjong laughed.

Sungyeol sighed, "Me four."

"I'm in too." Woohyun beamed and everyone turn to L.

L just heaved out a sigh, "I'm not going." He muttered out and went right straight to his class, leaving a trail of girls following him and weeping, because he wasn't going.


Ahh, :D! As soon as I finished this story, I'm starting my next ^o^! Been writing it in the notepad :)) I would put up a teaser of the new story of mine if you like ^^ Haha! ENJOY! This story chapters must be until 40-50? Don't know :)) We'll find out soon! 

P.S. Don't call that number :x! I simply keyed it in! So please DON'T CALL IT! Thanks ^O^!

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Inspirit93 #1
Chapter 31: New reader~! ^^ Update when you can!
It's OKAY!you don't have to busy your self out so the hiatus is fine with me ^^
Eunwoo's sister is just like a super-heroine lol. Please update soon ^^ , your story is really exciting xD!
Her twin!
ParkYH #7
xD! You've updated so fast :O!