A day with L. Part II : Roller Coasters and other rides!

You Don't Know You're BEAUTIFUL!


Chapter 24 : A day with L. Part II : Roller Coasters and other rides!
L bought the tickets and the two of you entered Lotte World. 
You beamed as you saw a few rides and gift shops. 
"Wow." You called out, amazed. It's been awhile since you've been to Lotte World.
The last time you've been here were with your parents when you were 5. You remembered the memory and tears started to welled up in your eyes.
L saw it and examined you, "Yah. Gwenchanna?" 
You quickly wiped your tears away, "Ah, gwenchanna. Let's go ride some rides." You tried to push your tears away and just tried to be happy. 
"Okay.." L shrugged and just walk around Lotte World with you, the two of you rode the merry-go-rounds, played bumper cars, played arcade games and many more.
"Ahh, that was fun!" You giggled as the two of you came out of the arcade, L just smile. 
"Let's go ride something." He yawned out loud, "Hmm, what then?" You guessed and tap your chin. 
L smiled as he saw a ride that he loved the most, "Hey!" He called out and shook you. You stopped looking around and turn to him, "Huh?" 
"That." He pointed to the roller coaster ride, people were screaming and shrieking with joy and fear. 
Your jaw dropped, "What?! No!" You tried to run but L caught your wrist just in time, and yanked you with him to line up.
"No!! Oppa! Please!! I don't like rollercoaster rides! It's scary!" You pleaded but L just ignored you.
"Oppa! No!" You shrieked. L just ignored you and just hissed at you, "Shh! You're drawing attention." 
You instantly shut up and just stayed still, *Man, he seems so scary when he's serious.* You pouted and waited for the line.
Not soon enough, the two of you were up. 
*NOO! Death is coming! Run!* You told yourself and was about to run but L grabbed a hold of you, "Hey! Where do you think you're going, huh?" He ruffled your hair.
You just shrugged, "Man.." You mumbled out. L chuckle and pushed you to rollercoaster seat, you had a hard time getting on since you couldn't move an inch of your body.
L had to carried you on, and some teenage girls screamed as they saw it. 
L manage to put you on the seat and he got on, you pouted. "Mann. Why didn't I gained weight?" You asked yourself.
"You don't need to gain any more weight, you're already heavy enough... like an elephant." He shook his head. You slapped his arm, "Oppa!" 
He just chuckle. "Buckle up, people." The worker called out.
"C'mon! Buckle up." L nudged you, you didn't move. L just shrugged, "Fine then. If you fall off I won't help you." He buckle himself up.
"Yah." You push him and quickly buckle up. L just smile, *Aigoo. What a babo friend I have. I guess this is why I like her.* He smile and turn his attention to the front.
"Ready?" The worker called out.
*No.* You gulped and burried yourself into the seat, the lever went down and you grabbed a tight hold onto it. L just stare at your shaking hands and chuckle.
He did something that he had never done to any girl before, he gently wrapped his hand around yours and you blinked at him, surprised.
"Just lean on me. Don't be scared." He softly spoke.
You softened, and your heart did a flip-flop thing again. *This kind of feeling kept on coming up whenever I'm with him.*
You weren't so scared anymore, and started to relax. 
But it all disappeared as soon as the worker did the countdown from 3 to 1. 
"3." He yelled.
*Yipes!* You thought and tightened your grip onto L's hand, L just smile as he felt your hand shaking badly.
"2." He called out.
*Uh-oh!* You squeeze your eyes shut and burried yourself even deeper onto the seat.
"GO!" He pushed the button. And the rollercoaster started to move.
Each move the rollercoaster did as it goes up higher and higher, you burried yourself even deeper into the seat.
L just stare at you and smile, "Isn't this fun?" he teasingly asked.
"N-No." You gulped as the rollercoaster stopped on the top. You got up and look down, *Omigosh! We're so high up!* 
You saw tiny peoples and you felt yourself having a headache.
And all of a sudden, the rollercoaster sped down. 
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" You screamed your lungs out as tightened your grip on L's hand even harder. L lifted your hand up and screamed with joy, "Woooooo!!!"
Some families were down there watching the two of you, "Awww, what a cute couple." 
The rollercoaster did a few loopy loops and you thought you won't make it alive. You grew scared and burried yourself into L's jacket.
L felt the sudden warmth next to him and he turn to you, a wide smile spread accross his face and he embrace you.
The two of you stayed in that position until the coaster ride ended. L smile, *This is why I wanted to ride the rollercoasters, so that you could hold me.* He smile as he felt your hands automatically wrapping around him.
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Inspirit93 #1
Chapter 31: New reader~! ^^ Update when you can!
It's OKAY!you don't have to busy your self out so the hiatus is fine with me ^^
Eunwoo's sister is just like a super-heroine lol. Please update soon ^^ , your story is really exciting xD!
Her twin!
ParkYH #7
xD! You've updated so fast :O!