I'm a prisoner!

You Don't Know You're BEAUTIFUL!


Chapter 27 : I'm a prisoner!
L drove you home and you thanked him, "Gomawo, oppa.  I had fun today." You got off his porsh. 
L just beamed and got off too, "Wait!" He stopped you from entering the gates.
You stopped pushing the gates and stopped, "Hmm..?" 
"Here." L handed you a gift bag. You blinked in surprise before taking it, "Oh, oppa. But I didn't get you anything." You felt sorry for him. 
L just smile, "Ah, gwenchanna. You already gave me a gift." He beamed.
You were puzzled and just stare at him, L just smile and leaned in close to you. Your heart did thousands of flip-flops and you were blushing madly.
*Omo. Why does he keep making me feel like this?* You gulped and stare back at him, L just smile and slowly he kissed your forehead. You automatically shut your eyes and felt his soft lips touching your forehead.
*Is this a dream?* You thought. L parted away and smile, your eyes fluttered open and you pinched your cheek. "Oww." You winced. L stare at you puzzle before chuckling. "Why'd you do that?" He called out laughing. 
"Just cheking whether if I was dreaming or not." You clumsily called out. L just chuckle. "Aigoo. I have a babo friend." 
"Yah." You pouted. He just smile, "Go. And wear your gift tomorrow at school. I'll be expecting you to wear it." He playfully call out before getting into his car.
You waved to him goodbye and L just waved back inside his car before spedding off.
You beamed and entered the house, you close the door behind you and let out a sigh before giggling. "Why are you so happy? Finally finish your date with L?" NaEun raised an eyebrow, pissed.
Nana came over with crossed arms, and your aunt came out. "So, ~~~~~~~~~. You've missed dinner." Your aunt called out, disappointed. You just stare at her puzzle, *What is she trying to say?*
"You're grounded for the week, for missing dinner. Which means, no cellphones, no hanging out with friends, no going out, and no TV. Only school and study, and you're stuck with the chores while you're being grounded." Your aunt called out. 
Each word she spoke out made your crashed, *What? I have no freedom. Just because I missed dinner with them. What does she have the right to do that?!* You grew pissed.
"It ain't fair! Just because I misssed one time, I'm stuck with chores and have no freedom?!" You yelled infront of her. "Tsk, tsk. From your attitude, I'll double your days, not 1 week but a month! How do you like that, huh?!" She yelled back.
You grew pissed and just storm into your bedroom, "I'm outta here! You people make me sick!" 
Nanae and Naeun just beamed in excitement, "That'll teach her a lesson to not mess with my future husband." Nana smirked. "What?! Your future husband?! Pfft! No way! L is mine, you messy eater!" Naeun retorted back.
"Oh yeah?! Sleep talker!" Nana scolded back.
"Nose picker!"
"Chauvinst pig!"
The two twins fight on and on, and their aunt just left them to themselves. 
Meanwhile, you were just upstairs sobbing onto the ground. "I can't believe this. I don't even want to believe it! I'm a prisoner!" You sob again and again. 
Tears rolling down your cheek, you didn't bother to wiped them away. *I hate living here. I'm moving out! Starting from tomorrow!* You sniffled and started to packed up.
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Inspirit93 #1
Chapter 31: New reader~! ^^ Update when you can!
It's OKAY!you don't have to busy your self out so the hiatus is fine with me ^^
Eunwoo's sister is just like a super-heroine lol. Please update soon ^^ , your story is really exciting xD!
Her twin!
ParkYH #7
xD! You've updated so fast :O!