Not Such A Dull Existance Anymore

You Are My Sunshine

Chanyeol had reached the house and quickly cleaned up the mess that the other brothers had left, Jongin and Sehun had gone off to get changed before coming down to help Chanyeol. There was little conversation, as Chanyeol was too focused on making the house perfect, ready for when Baekhyun came round. After they had finished cleaning the door rang, Chanyeol was confused, it was still too early for Baekhyun to be here. A few seconds later Sehun, who had opened the door, entered the lounge, bringing Luhan behind him. Apparently Luhan had escaped his parents and come to see Sehun instead.


Luhan congratulated Chanyeol on finding his soulmate, at which Chanyeol beamed at him in return. Both Luhan and Sehun dropped onto the sofa, with Luhan lying on top of Sehuns lap, promptly drifting off too sleep. Chanyeol decided to use that opportunity to interrogate Sehun about Baekhyun. Chanyeol slipped behind the sofa and crouched down, settling his arms on the head rest beside Sehuns head. Sehun, who had been Luhans cheek, turned his head to Chanyeol, regarding him with wary eyes.


"So," Chanyeol started, "What's Baekhyun like?". Sehun rolled his eyes, expecting this to happen, "He's a good teacher, he's kind and thoughtful and never makes me participate in class.". Chanyeol grinned at the thought, he was glad to hear that Baekhyun was kind.




The two spent the next half an hour talking about Baekhyun, Chanyeol asking every question he could think of and Sehun answering it to the best of his abilities. They were interrupted by the sound of the door opening and in came the rest of their brothers. Sehun,Jongin and Luhan had all agreed to keep quiet about Baekhyun until he arrived.


After the brothers were changed Chanyeol asked them to gather in the lounge, excited to tell them his news.


"So what did you want to tell us?" Junmyeon asked. Chanyeol hands were vibrating with nerves, "Well I found something out today a-", he was stopped by the sound of the doorbell, with a grin he turned back to his brothers, "I guess you'll find out now.".





(This is from Baekhyuns POV)


Baekhyun was overjoyed, he couldn't believe he had met his soulmate in a student meeting of all places. He had been surprised that it was Sehun and his brothers who had soulmates, but he guessed that's why he had seen Sehun and Luhan act so close, despite Luhan having just moved to Korea.


He had finished his meetings quickly, luckily several parents had contacted him to cancel the appointments, it would have irritated Baekhyun in other circumstances but his mind had been wondering to Chanyeol and he couldn't bring himself to be bothered. With the extra time he had gained, he quickly drove back to house and changed into a more casual outfit, he also rang his parents to notify them of the news. Baekhyuns parents liked to travel around the world and he hadn't seen them in the last six months and so they sounded incredibly happy that Baekhyun had found his soulmate, it meant that they wouldn't have to worry about him as much.


Baekhyun spent the car ride to Chanyeols house trying to dispel his nerves, he hoped he wouldn't say or do anything embarrassing, it would be even worse considering there would be his students there as well.


As he drove up to the house his jaw slackened in awe, he knew the family must have some money, considering the expensive bags and car that the youngest two owned, but seeing their house for the first time shocked him. It was more of a mansion than a house, with a huge garden that was perfectly manicured.


He parked his car outside the front of the house and exited the vehicle, with a deep breath he walked up to the door and rang the bell. Of course Baekhyun was excited to meet his soulmate and his family, however, the thought of going into a room full of strangers was rather daunting. He reassured himself that Chanyeol would be there and so he had no reason to worry and he was familiar with Sehun and Jongin, what could possibly go wrong?


The door swung open, light filtering through, Baekhyun swore an angel had answered the door, albeit with ears that were on the large side, these just made him more perfect in Baekhyuns eyes though. Baekhyun thought Chanyeol was a work of art and he had momentarily lost his breath the first time he laid eyes on his soulmate; Chanyeol was truly beautiful and Baekhyun was in awe of how he had ended up with someone like this.


Chanyeol had a wide smile on his face as he held out his arms, Baekhyun immediately ran into them without hesitation, wrapping his own arms around the taller in a tight embrace. Chanyeol chuckled as he brought his hands up, one to Baekhyuns back and the other to cradle the back of his head. Baekhyun loved how Chanyeol treated him with so much care as if he would break at any moment.


"You're here." Chanyeol noted, his voice slightly muffled by Baekhyuns hair. Baekhyun nodded against his chest, "I missed you." he replied, it may have seemed weird to miss someone after only having known them for less than a day, but it felt so right for the two to be together that Baekhyun had immediately felt a sense of loneliness and longing as soon as the other had left. 


Chanyeol clearly felt the same way, "Me too," he pulled back slightly so that he could look at Baekhyun, "My brothers are inside, along with Luhan, Sehuns soulmate, do you want to go meet them?".


Baekhyuns suspicions were confirmed about Sehun and Luhans relationship, "Ah yeah we should do that, by the way how many brothers do you have?", he enquired slightly worried about the amount of people that he would be meeting.


Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a reassuring smile, having felt the smaller nerves, "Only five bu-"


"Five?!" Baekhyun exclaimed, as a teacher he shouldn't be this nervous, since he stood up in front of more people in his classes, but this was different, this was his soulmate and he didn't want to let Chanyeol shown or make a bad impression on his brothers.


Chanyeol laughed, clearly amused at Baekhyuns flustered state, causing Baekhyun to pout, with his forefinger he tapped Baekhyuns lower lip, "Now, now don't pout. I just thought it was funny that you were worrying, when you have no need to. You already know Sehun, Jongin and Luhan, that means there's only three other brothers to meet and don't forget I'll be there right next to you, I'll never leave you alone.". 


Baekhyun calmed down and gave Chanyeol a nod, he was glad that Chanyeol was so supportive, it made him feel safe and less like he was going to stress out. "Ready?" Chanyeol asked. Baekhyun sent a soft smile in Chanyeols direction and entwined their hands, "Lead the way.".


Chanyeol grinned back, clearly happy from Baekhyuns actions and tightened his grip before turning around and leading Baekhyun into the house, not forgetting to close the door behind him.


Chanyeol led Baekhyun to the door and gave him a warm smile before turning the handle and pushing the door open. Baekhyun held his breath as six pairs of eyes landed on him and their hands that were grasping onto each other. Baekhyun unconsciously held onto Chanyeols hand, as if it was some kind of life support. He noticed that three pairs of eyes were matched with grins, belonging to Jongin, Sehun and Luhan who was seated in Sehuns lap. The other three were accompanied by confused expressions that made Baekhyun hesitant to say anything.


Fortunately, Chanyeol spoke up instead, "As some of you know," he sent a pointed look in the direction of his youngest brothers, "I met my soulmate today, I'd like to introduce you to Baekhyun.". With a flourish of his hand he ushered Baekhyun forward into the slightly shocked gazes of the elder brothers.


After five seconds of intense staring, one of the brothers rushed up to Baekhyun, causing him to flinch back, the stranger brought Baekhyun into a hug, shocking him. Chanyeol, clearly sensing Baekhyuns shock and minor discomfort from his overly affectionate brother, detached Baekhyun and moved him back to the safety of Chanyeols arms. The stranger, obviously restraining himself, settled with putting a hand on Baekhyuns shoulder, "I'm Junmyeon, one of Chanyeols brothers and aren't you just the most precious thing? First Sehun brought back Luhan and now Chanyeol has brought back you, these brothers of mine sure are lucky to have such beautiful soulmates." Junmyeon stated with an adoring smile on his face. 


Baekhyun blushed at Junmyeons words and saw his students stifling the laughter at Baekhyuns reactions. Chanyeol tugged on Baekhyuns wrist and led him to a seat, Baekhyun, who was still in a state of shock, subconsciously took a seat retaking Chanyeols hand, it gave him a sense of comfort and provided a rock that Baekhyun could anchor himself too. After recovering, Baekhyun met Junmyeons gaze, he was grateful that Junmyeon had seen his shock and had given him time to get his thoughts in order.


Junmyeon clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention, "It's time for introductions," he turned to one of the taller brothers and regarded him with a expectant gaze. "I'm Kris, the joint CEO with Chanyeol, it's nice to meet you." Baekhyun wasn't aware of it at that moment, but despite Kris' stony expression, he was actually incredibly happy to be meeting Baekhyun. Kris knew of Chanyeols desperation to find his soulmate and seeing Chanyeol so happy and delighted next to the smaller mad Kris glad. 


Baekhyun returned the greeting with a "Nice to meet you too.". The attention was then turned to another brother, who seemed to have a permenant grin fixed on his face, "I'm Jongdae, everyone's favourite brother.". The introduction was met with rolls of eyes and noises of disbelief. 


Junmyeon then turned to the two youngest brothers, Jongin noticed the look and was quick to speak up "Ah you haven't met him yet since he's knew, but this is our teacher so he's already familiar with the three of us." Jongin was obviously confused at how he should address Baekhyun, he didn't want to seem disrespectful by outright calling his teacher by his first name, but it also seemed strange to call him Mr Byun, considering Baekhyun would be around for a long time. Baekhyun saw his hesitance, "You can call me Baekhyun, as long as we aren't at school." he sent a smile in their direction. Baekhyun didn't mind them calling him by his name, they were technically family now.


Junmyeon, who had been slightly surprised by the news, gave Baekhyun and a Chanyeol a fond smile, "Well I guess it's a good thing that Chanyeol had to go to the meeting, otherwise we wouldn't be here right now.". Baekhyun and Chanyeol regard each other with looks of affection, truly glad that whatever circumstances that caused them to meet had occurred. 


Baekhyun spent the next few hours talking with the brothers, finding out embarrassing stories about Chanyeol, that made the taller groan and hide his head in his hands. Baekhyun laughed wholeheartedly and took Chanyeols hands from his face and into his grasp, reassuring Chanyeol that these stories made him all the more endearing and that he shouldn't be embarrassed (At which Jongdae made an input, stating that Chanyeol should in fact be embarrassed, Baekhyun sent him a playful glare as he tried to coax Chanyeol who had returned to behind his hands).





The time had run away with Baekhyun and Junmyeon had realised this and politely suggested it was time to sleep. Baekhyun was shocked at how he hadn't noticed the time, he, as well as the others all had an early start the morning after, whether that be for school or work. Baekhyun raised from the couch, Chanyeol following him, he bid farewell to the brothers and sincerely thanked them for welcoming him. With shouts of goodbye Baekhyun and Chanyeol made their way back to the front door, they took it slow, not really want ping to part, it had been uncomfortable and somewhat painful having to be apart for just a few hours and now they would have to wait almost a full day to see each other again.


They eventually reached the front door, much to their dismay and the two turned to face each other. "Until tomorrow then?" Chanyeol asked in a slightly uncertain voice, Baekhyun could feel his unsure emotions and guessed that Chanyeol was worried that Baekhyun wouldn't want to see him tomorrow. Baekhyun chuckled and reached a hand up to Chanyeols cheek, "Of course and every day after that." He assured Chanyeol, making the taller grin down at Baekhyun.


The two fell into silence, taking their time to memorise each detail of the other, lest they forget each other in the time they would be parted. As if it were clockwork, the two leaned into each other, Baekhyun raising onto the tips of his feet, Chanyeol leaning down to meet him in the middle and the two connected their lips in a simple kiss. It was not a full on passionate kiss, it was a slow and simple touch of the lips that communicated their love and affection for each other, and it meant just as much.


The two remained like that, eyes fluttered closed, locked in one another's embraces before they were interrupted by a voice, "Hey Chanyeol, if you don't let our teacher go, he's gonna be exhausted at school tomorrow." the voice scolded, causing the two to break apart in shock. They look down the hallway to see Jongin, who sent them a grin before jogging up the stairs to his room. 


The soulmates looked back at each, hearts racing from Jongins interruption, and gave out laughs that seemed to compliment each other well; Chanyeols deep tone harmonising with Baekhyuns light one.


Chanyeol brought his hand up to caress Baekhyuns cheek, "As much as I hate to admit it, he's right, I don't want you falling asleep in the middle of class, that's what the students should be doing, not the teacher.". Baekhyun chuckled and quickly pecked Chanyeol on the lips, surprising him once more, "Tomorrow then.". 


Baekhyun detached himself from Chanyeol, knowing that if he didn't, he wouldn't be able to bring himself to leave, the two exchanged looks of affection as Baekhyun left the house and got in his car to drive back home. Chanyeol waved madly at him until the car was out of sight, Baekhyun laughing the whole time as how adorably silly his soulmate was.





(Chanyeols POV)


Chanyeol groaned as he watched the clock tick on and on, Kris, Jongdae and Junmyeon had gotten irritated with Chanyeols constant complaints on how time was passing to slowly and how the clock was obviously against him and Baekhyun being together. The rest of his brothers had somewhat relented and told Chanyeol that he could leave early to go see Baekhyun, however, Chanyeol still had to finish his paperwork, that would take another half an hour.


Chanyeol trudged onwards, checking and signing each page carefully, knowing he would be killed if he did anything wrong. The end was in sight as he got down to last few pages and he scrawled his signature for the last time and gathered the mountain of papers. He ran into the break room, where the rest of his brothers were, and threw the pile down on a table. He must have looked slightly deranged, but he couldn't care less, the sooner he got out of here, the sooner he could see his cute Baekhyun.


Kris gathered the papers and flicked through them, quickly checking each of them, he could clearly see Chanyeols eagerness to leave. With a rare smile, that many had never seen, Kris nodded to Chanyeol, Chanyeol punched the air and ran back to the office, shouting a thanks to his brother.


He grabbed his belongings, along with the bouquet of flowers he had picked up during his break and made his way to his car. He restrained himself from breaking any speed limits as he drove towards his younger brothers school. Once he had reached the school he parked his car and rushed into the main building, he waited impatiently as the receptionist signed him in to see Baekhyun and he was accompanied to the smallers classroom.


He was left outside the room and Chanyeol peeked through the glass to see Baekhyun teaching a class. He recognised Sehun and Jongin, who were both sending him slightly confused glances, that turned into realisation and exasperation at their brothers lack of restraint. They should have expected this, having known how impulsive Chanyeol was. 


Chanyeol smoothed his hair down and fixed his suit jacket before raising his hand to knock on the door. Without sending a glance to the door, Baekhyun called out "Come in", and Chanyeol swung the door open and entered the classroom. He quickly reached Baekhyun who had his back to the door and extended the flowers out in Baekhyuns direction. 


The class, that had been chatting among themselves whilst Baekhyun had been writing instructions down, let out a collective gasp at the strange man who had entered their lesson. Baekhyun, who had caught onto the noise turned around in confusion to be met by a face full of flowers held by Chanyeol. Immediately his face turned bright red and he brought a hand up to cover his mouth in shock.


Jongin, who seemed to be doing his best to interrupt Chanyeol and Baekhyun time, piped up "Could you not have waited just a bit longer Chanyeol?", he had a teasing tone.  Chanyeol turned and with a smirk replied "Shut up little brother, can you not see this is a declaration of my love.". 


The class errupted into whispers, many of them surprised that the stranger had turned out to be Sehun and Jongins brother, it did explain why he was so handsome though.


Baekhyun, who had regained the ability to speak, sent a glance to the clock and saw that there was only five minutes of class left, he quickly dismissed the class, trying his best not to stutter in front of his students. The class departed, a Sehun and Jongin sending him matching smirks on the way out, causing him to blush even more.


As the last student left, Baekhyun collapsed into a chair, Chanyeol laughed at his actions and put the flowers on Baekhyuns desk before kneeling down in front of Baekhyun and taking Baekhyuns beautifully delicate hands into his larger ones. He loved to see how his hands completely covered Baekhyuns, as if they were his protection.


Chanyeol raised his gaze to meet Baekhyuns, who wasn't able to form any words, "I apologise for surprising you, but I couldn't wait any longer, now that I have found you, I never want to be apart.".


His grin melted Baekhyuns heart and Baekhyun fell forward, leaning his head on Chanyeols shoulder, his hands coming up to wrap around Chanyeols neck. "You shouldn't do things like this, I can't possibly fall for you anymore and my heart can only take so much." Baekhyun confessed weakly.


Chanyeol chuckled and wrapped his arms around Baekhyun burying his face into Baekhyuns shoulder. He could feel that Baekhyuns emotions were all over the place, not to mention he could feel the fast pace of Baekhyuns heart from their close contact. He brought a hand up to the back of Baekhyuns head, helping him to calm down, "I just can't help myself, I feel a permanent need to show you my feelings and I have often been told I am not the most subtle of people. I want you to know Byun Baekhyun that I love you and you are unfortunately stuck with me forever now." He confessed in response.


Baekhyun raised his head at Chanyeols confession, Chanyeol doing the same, Baekhyun sent the brightest smile Chanyeol and even seen at him, "You must be silly to think that's unfortunate and it doesn't matter that you are somewhat spontaneous because I wouldn't have you any other way. Park Chanyeol you are the most perfect soulmate I could wish for, I love you too, more than I can ever begin to tell you.".




Chanyeol had always been content with his life, having access to anything he could ever want, he had never realised how big a part of his life he was missing. Until Baekhun. The moment he had entered his life, it felt as though Chanyeol could see clearly, as if he had only ever seen a blurry picture. Each day he woke up, waiting until the time he could see Baekhyun and be by his side, and that was were he would stay, beside the other, for the rest of his life. Baekhyun was his inspiration in life, he filled his world with music and light and Chanyeol knew that his life would never be dull again.







That's it for Chanbaek! (For now anyway) I adore this couple so much and I wish I could show this in my writing but I just can't. I do hope though that I got across some of my love for them in this part. I have been having ideas for extra chapters after each couple has had their part and I'm so excited to revisit both Hunhan and Chanbaek in the future.


Next up will be Kaisoo and I'm trying to do this couple slightly different, but in a way that makes them a special couple, I am so excited to write it and I just hope it turns out the way I'm picturing it. I will most likely start swapping the POV more because it allows me to give a more balanced story and shows how each character is feeling more clearly (it will also be important for Kaisoo for reasons).


Btw does anyone play Overwatch? I've had it for ages and me and my younger sister are trying hard to get our level up (we're currently level 241). She always teases me and tells me she's better than me. We also compete on the hours we spend on our main hero (she may be winning). If you do play, leave a comment telling me who you play, my sister mainly plays Pharah and Symmetra, I used to play Hanzo, but I recently discovered Sombra and she's so much fun.


As always I hope you enjoyed the chapter, if there are any mistakes tell me and I shall see you next chapter :)

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Happolin #1
Chapter 38: This fic is tooooooo~~~~~~~~ Good
bdw why did you put the status as complete!!!!!!
Chapter 14: if only finding our soulmate is this easy...
Chapter 38: Hello I am new to this site having discovered it about a month ago. I just joined this week I believe. I tried to up-vote this story but it told me I did not have enough karma points. I don't know what that is or how/where to get them. So I thought i'd write a comment to tell you I love your stories; that is what the upvote is , right? Thank you for the time and effort you put into your stories I really enjoy them.
Chapter 38: Thank you for a wonderful story authornim!!!
296 streak #5
Chapter 31: uwaaahhhhhhhhhhh hunhan really adorable~~~
kyungsoo hug luhan like a pillow :D
296 streak #6
Chapter 30: KaiSoo family and their child :)
296 streak #7
Chapter 29: Xiuchen family :D
296 streak #8
Chapter 28: TaoRis and their child :D
296 streak #9
Chapter 27: HunHan and Yoongi really cute to be together as a family~~
Love this chapter
296 streak #10
Chapter 26: lovely family