Finding 'The One'

You Are My Sunshine

A gentle wind blew across the wide field, disturbing the grass and other plant life, as well as the blonde hair of the figure stood in the centre. The figure had a feminine shape to it, that would almost make an onlooker believe it really was a girl. Sehun knew though that it was without a doubt a guy, he was stood a few paces behind the figure and sighed as he took in the familiar scenery of the recurring dream he had been having for the last few days. He had often heard stories of people seeing their soulmates in their dreams right before meeting them in real life, it was an exciting and somewhat nervous encounter for him when he first realised that this figure could be his destined partner.  

The only problem was, Sehun could not see his face, he desperately willed his body to move and embrace the figure, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make his body move, he was stuck in the helpless position, so close, yet so far away.

Suddenly a loud, jarring sound echoed through the field startling Sehun and causing him to wake up. He cracked his eyes open, taking long blinks, still tired. He rolled over on to his side and grabbed blindly for his phone, upon successfully feeling it he raised it up to eyes and swiped the screen to stop the alarm. Pushing himself, he sat up, the covers pooling around his waist, with one hand he rubbed his eyes trying to wake himself up properly.

He cast a glance to the rest of his room, neat and tidy, just how he liked it, his room was huge and stored a huge range of expensive gadgets and clothing. He pushed the covers off of himself and rose from the bed walking over to the bathroom connected to his room. After taking a quick shower he emerged from the bathroom, followed by a cloud of steam, and proceeds to his wardrobe. He called it a wardrobe, but it was more like a dressing room, containing a huge number of well known brands, skipping past his favourite hoodies and shirts, he picked out his school uniform, a simple black blazer, accompanied with a white shirt, black pants and a black and red striped tie. Just before he exited the room, he grabbed his school shoes and set all the items down on his bed. 

Using the towel draped around his neck he dried his hair the best he could before dropping it to the floor, he dressed himself and quickly dried his blonde hair reviving it to its usual fluffy nature, he then styled it so that he looked presentable. Gathering his used towels and night wear, he deposited them in the washing basket, reminding himself to wash them later.

Despite living in a huge mansion along with his brothers, they disliked having lots of staff in their home and decided that the family members would do the house work rather than letting strangers come into their house. Each brother was responsible for cleaning their own room as well as whatever mess they created in other parts of the house. Of course Junmyeon being the caring brother he was often helped to clean up any messes that were made which each brother was grateful for. 

As a result of the lack of staff, the brothers all gathered for breakfast each morning, which was usually cooked by Junmyeon, this allowed the brothers to check up on each other and discuss their days. Sehun would never admit it, but he genuinely enjoyed these times where they all gathered, it was the only place he felt like he didn't have to maintain his stone-cold front that he has in place all of he time.

As he approached the dining room he could hear the loud voice of his older brother Chanyeol who was always energetic and never seemed to run out of things to talk about. He silently entered the room and slid into his usual seat, his brothers greeting him with smiles and nods of their heads, which he swiftly returned. 

"Did you sleep well Sehunnie?", Junmyeon enquired with a pleasant smile. Sehun felt a small smile creep on to his face, it was a nickname his family had called him since he was young and it had never seemed to go away despite growing up. 

He nodded in confirmation before a puzzling look crossed his face as he thought about the dream he had been having every night. Junmyeon must have noticed this and sent a curious look in Sehun's direction, "Is there anything bothering you?", Junmyeon's face took on a slightly concerned expression.

Sehun contemplated keeping his dreams a secret, but he knew that secrets never solved anything, and so with a sigh he turned to his brother, "I've been having the same dream each night, I'm standing in a field and just in front of me there's someone, but no matter how hard I try to reach them I can't move forward." he confessed.

Junmyeon's eyes shone with understanding as a radiant smile appeared in his face, "It looks like our little Sehunnie has grown up and is going to be meet his soulmate soon.".

At the word 'soulmate' the brothers fell to silence each looking between the two with different expressions of shock. Jongdae was the first to break the silence, "Already! How is Sehun the first one to see his soulmate out of all of us?" he pondered. Each brother was similarly confused; Sehun wasn't particularly forthcoming in any situation and so to find out that he was soon going to meet the one with whom he would be sharing his emotions with was a bewildering thought to his brothers. 


Chanyeol, who must have been really shocked to have stooped talking, suddenly beamed and lent over the table to ruffle Sehuns meticulously styled hair, to which Sehun unfortunately didn't manage to dodge. "Congrats Sehunnie, find them quickly and then we can meet them.". 


After the initial shock had worn off, each of his brothers in turn congratulated him in their own way, Kris gave him an approving nod, which meant a lot to Sehun, who knew that Kris didn't often approve of many things. Junmyeon was still sat with that motherly smile, clearly proud of his younger brother. Jongin, who was seated next to Sehun, patted him on the shoulder, aware of how much Sehun cared about his hair, "Maybe they go to our school, you might see them soon." he interjected with a grin.


Sehun nodded back in confirmation, slightly lost in his own world, hundreds of thoughts running through his head; what would he be like? When and where would they meet? How would his soulmate react to the news?




After breakfast, each brother bid the others goodbye, heading off to their jobs, whilst Sehun and Jongin headed towards the car they both took to school, more often than not, Sehun drove the car as he trusted his own driving more than Jongin's, who had accidentally wrecked one too many expensive cars. Since then, to save Junmyeon from stressing too much, Sehun took the responsibility to drive them both too and from school.


The drive took around ten minutes and during this time Jongin and Sehun sat in silence, neither of them found it uncomfortable as Sehun enjoyed the silence and Jongin understood his brothers quiet nature. When they arrived at the school, they parked in their usual spot, turning off the engine the brothers grabbed their bags and exited the car, due to their handsome faces they garnered a lot of attention from the schools female population, as well as quite a few males.


Many people would up all the attention and try to show off, however, the two brothers weren't like that. Sure Jongin enjoyed the popularity, but only because it gave him more opportunities to gain more friends. Sehun though, didn't enjoy the attention all that much and preferred to distance himself from his peers, this caused others to be somewhat wary around his icy exterior, but they would nevertheless follow his actions with their gazes.


"See you later Sehun." Jongin waved with a sweet smile. Sehun gave a small wave and watched as his brother jogged off to join his large group of friends. Sehun sometimes envied his brothers ability to effortlessly make friends, Sehun was sure he could make friends as well, but he was often scared of opening up to strangers and so he never actively sought out others attention.


Making his way to class, he entered the room and took a seat at the back where normally sat, in the corner. He thought of it as his own space, in which he was safe and protected. Jongin strolled in with his friends a few minutes later along with his friends and took a seat at the desks a few rows in front of Sehun, not forgetting to shoot a smile in Sehuns direction before sitting down. 


The bell rang, signaling the start of the first lesson, the door swung open revealing a rather short man dressed in a fitted suit, the whole class followed his form as he made his way to the desk at the front of the room, dropping his bag and the desk, his looked at the class and broke out into a wide grin, "Since your previous teacher has left, I'll be your new Maths teacher for the rest of the year, I'm Mr Byun", he introduced himself in a light and melodic voice. 


Whispers broke out in the room, many of them related to how adorable the new teacher was. Sehun inwardly rolled his eyes, throughout his school life, he had come to realise that many of the girls he encountered each day were incredibly shallow and cared more for looks than personality. 


Mr Byun clapped his hands, drawing the attention of the class, "Lets start then?" he asked with a smile. Sehun guessed this new teacher wouldn't be so bad.




The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully and Sehun headed to his car to wait for his brother. Not long after, he caught sight of Jongin jogging towards him, "Did you wait long?" Jongin enquired, slightly breathless from jogging across the parking lot.


"No, don't worry." Sehun replied with a slight smile. The two brothers climbed into the car and set on their journey home.


Once they arrived at home, Sehun quickly dropped his school things in his room and changed into his work uniform, he only worked a few shifts a week, but he enjoyed his job, it was a quiet store and the other staff were friendly. Calling good bye to Jongin who had collapsed on one of the sofas, he mad his way back to his car and headed to the store. 


He got to the store in good time for his shift, greeting his fellow team members before starting to stock the shelves as per usual. He had spent thirty minutes stocking shelves when he heard the door bell ring, and he felt his heart start to beat faster, he looked down at his chest in confusion, wondering why a strange feeling had taken over his body.


He started to worry, wondering whether he was having a heart attack, before he felt a hand lightly tap his shoulder and a soft voice floated to his ears, "Excuse me?".


Sehun slowly turned and the whole world seemed to fall away, without thinking he dropped the box he was holding, as he stared in shock at what must have been the most beautiful human he had ever seen, the golden locks that bounced around the strangers face as well as the vaguely feminine features caused Sehun to realise that this was the person he had been waiting for. This was him. A brief flash of purple appeared in the strangers eyes and it must have appeared in his, with wide eyes the  stranger stared at Sehun before opening his mouth.


"Oh my god"





Here's the first chapter, I know there isn't much interaction between Sehun and the other characters but I wanted to focus on each couple at a time, don't worry each of them will have their own story and I wanted to try to interweave the stories so that the characters have connections.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)


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Happolin #1
Chapter 38: This fic is tooooooo~~~~~~~~ Good
bdw why did you put the status as complete!!!!!!
Chapter 14: if only finding our soulmate is this easy...
Chapter 38: Hello I am new to this site having discovered it about a month ago. I just joined this week I believe. I tried to up-vote this story but it told me I did not have enough karma points. I don't know what that is or how/where to get them. So I thought i'd write a comment to tell you I love your stories; that is what the upvote is , right? Thank you for the time and effort you put into your stories I really enjoy them.
Chapter 38: Thank you for a wonderful story authornim!!!
296 streak #5
Chapter 31: uwaaahhhhhhhhhhh hunhan really adorable~~~
kyungsoo hug luhan like a pillow :D
296 streak #6
Chapter 30: KaiSoo family and their child :)
296 streak #7
Chapter 29: Xiuchen family :D
296 streak #8
Chapter 28: TaoRis and their child :D
296 streak #9
Chapter 27: HunHan and Yoongi really cute to be together as a family~~
Love this chapter
296 streak #10
Chapter 26: lovely family