The Doctors Prescription

You Are My Sunshine

Junmyeon felt a sharp pain run through his head and winced, he opened his eyes and squinted from the bright, glaring lights that assaulted his vision. He looked around him and noticed all of his brothers were sat around the bed he was lay in, all with matching expressions of worry. He noticed in confusion that Chanyeol was crying and was being consoled by Baekhyun. His head started to ache even more and he groaned, he figured from looking around the room that he was in a hospital, he desperately cast his mind back to the last time he had been conscious. 


(Several hours ago)


It was the weekend and all the brothers and their soulmates were at the house. Junmyeon was busy checking up on everyone and had found Chanyeol in the lounge stood on the top rung of a ladder, Baekhyun was stood close by directing Chanyeol who was holding a large bulb. 


Junmyeon was mortified, "What do you think you're are doing?!" he exclaimed, Chanyeol was clumsy at the best of times, him being up a ladder with breakable things was an equation for disaster. Chanyeol looked down to see Junmyeon and gave him a lopsided grin, "I was changing the bulb, it kept flickering, Baekkie was helping me.".


He sent an exasperated glance to Baekhyun who gave him a sheepish smile in return, "I figured it was better to direct him than let him do it by himself.". Junmyeon nodded, knowing Baekhyun was doing his best.


Chanyeol let out a grunt and the ladder wobbled, Junmyeon felt his heart about to burst out his chest as he grabbed for the ladder to steady it. Unfortunately, Chanyeol got scared and decided to grab the ladders rails.


He completely forgot about the bulb he was holding and released it, Junmyeon felt an impact on the top of head and then the whole world turned black.


(Back to the present)


Junmyeon let out a sigh as he remembered what had happened, he reached a hand towards Chanyeol who rushed to his side, crying harder, he put his head on the bed beside Junmyeon and Junmyeon reached a hand up to the back of Chanyeols head, "It's alright Chanyeol, I'm fine now." He reassured, knowing Chanyeol probably felt guilty for landing him in the hospital. 


Chanyeol sniffled and looked up at Junmyeon, "I looked down and you had blood all over your head, I'm so sorry Junmyeon I didn't mean to do it.". 


"I know, I know it's really fine Chanyeol, don't worry about it, look you're making Baekhyun worry.", he sent a warm smile to Baekhyun who was obviously concerned for Chanyeol. "Now you go and take Baekhyun and get some coffee for everyone, okay?" He instructed, knowing that Chanyeol needed something to take up his attention. Chanyeol nodded reluctantly and allowed Baekhyun to lead him out the room, Baekhyun sent Junmyeon an appreciative smile and Junmyeon returned it as they left.


Junmyeon groaned again and Kris gave him a concerned look, Junmyeon chuckled weakly, "Don't worry, seriously I'll be fine soon.", he rubbed his forehead trying to relieve the ache.


There was a knock on the door and the others sent him a questioning look, he nodded and Junmyeon closed his eyes as Jongdae called out "Come in".


Junmyeon could hear the door swing open and light footsteps entered the room getting louder as they got closer to his bed. Junmyeon kept his eyes shut as the person started to talk, "I'm Yixing, the doctor for Junmyeon, his results have just come back and he's alright apart from a slight bruise and the cut on his forehead, we've stitched it all up and it should be good in a few days. We'd like to keep Junmyeon for tonight just to ensure he is alright".


Junmyeon listened to the doctors melodic voice that seemed to ease the ache in his head a bit, he cracked his eyes open to the back of the doctor, who was checking the various screens that showed Junmyeons vitals. The doctor finally turned and Junmyeons breath caught as saw his angelic face, a flash of purple appeared in the doctors eyes and he faltered, nearly dropping the clipboard he was holding.


"Oh my gosh" the doctor gasped, he brought a hand to cover his mouth as his eyes started to tear up. 


Junmyeon pushed himself up with great difficulty, and grabbed the doctor, pulling him into a hug, Yixing immediately wrapped his arms around Junmyeon tightly.


"Erm, does someone want to explain." Junmyeon heard Jongin say and there were murmurs of agreement.


Junmyeon moved back from Yixing and wiped away his tears, without taking his gaze away from Yixing, he announced, "This is my soulmate.". Gasps were heard, the loudest of them from Chanyeol who had returned bearing coffee. 


"Congratulations Junmyeon," Jongdae added as he quickly ushered everyone out, despite their protests.


Once everyone had left Junmyeon tugged Yixing down so that he was sat facing Junmyeon on the bed, with a warm smile he caressed Yixing cheek, "Of all the places I expected to meet my soulmate, I never considered the hospital, I guess I should thank Chanyeol for landing me here." he chuckled wryly.


Yixing gasped again in shock, "No don't you dare be happy you ended up unconscious and bleeding, do you know how much I was worried seeing you in such a vulnerable state." he chided gently and Junmyeon laughed at how adorable the doctor was.


Junmyeon studied Yixing closely and noted with joy that he had the most perfect dimple that made him look so sweet and innocent. He smiled again, "I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Junmyeon and I'm your soulmate.".


Junmyeon melted at the giggle that Yixing let out, "Its very nice to meet you Junmyeon, I am Yixing and I am your soulmate.". The two laughed and gazed warmly at each other.


There was no need for words, the two simply enjoyed the prescence of the other. Their staring was interrupted by the sound of shuffling behind the door, Junmyeon rolled his eyes and called out "You can come back in now.".


The door swung open to reveal a slightly blushing Chanyeol, Junmyeon wasn't surprised, Chanyeol always liked to be a part of everything that went on. The group filed back in, Jongdae sat in the other side of the bed, "We just wanted to tell you that it's getting late and we were thinking about heading home, we have work and school tomorrow. Do you want any of us to stay with you? We will all come back as soon as possible either way.", Jongdae enquired.


Junmyeon shook his head, "I'll be fine, you all go home and makes sure you're all in work and school on time okay?", the group made noises of agreement and each gave Junmyeon a hug before leaving to go home. Junmyeon knew it was more important for them to go to school, and work than stay with him when he was pretty much fine.


Yixing cleared his throat as Jondae left and closed the door behind himself, drawing Junmyeons attention, "I finish my shift in about ten minutes, so if you could excuse me until then, I will be back and I'll spend the night with you.".


Junmyeon was surprised by Yixings proposal, "You don't have to stay, I'm sure you've been really busy today, shouldn't you go home to rest?".


Yixing gave him a warm smile, "I'd rather be with you," he stated shyly, "and besides I'm one of the directors of the hospital, I mostly do paperwork and I only really get assigned to people when the hospital is too busy, you're the first patient I've seen today.".


Junmyeon felt proud of his soulmate, having found out that Yixing was such an important figure in the hospital, "Okay then, you to finish up and make sure you come straight here.". Yixing nodded and sent Junmyeon a smile before leaving the room.




Yixing closed the door quietly behind him and bounced down the hallway, he couldn't believe he had found his soulmate, it must have been fate that he had been assigned to Junmyeon. It was surreal to see the flash of purple that appeared in Junmyeons eyes as their gazes made contact.


Alongside the joy was a flash of worry, he had seen Junmyeon when the other had first come in, he was unconscious and bleeding quite heavily from a cut on his forehead. He was also accompanied by a strange group of individuals, including a tall, elf like person who had tears flooding down his face.


He really should have guessed they were soulmates when he felt a huge amount of worry for the unconscious stranger, he didn't understand at the time but it was clear to him now.


He entered his office and quickly checked he had completed all of his paperwork, after being satisfied that he had, he clocked out on his computer and grabbed his bag, heading to a rest room. He proceed to get changed into casual clothes and store his uniform in the bag.


Shouldering the bag he made his way back to Junmyeons room. He opened the door and was met with Junmyeons warm smile, he loved how Junmyeon permanently had a loving and caring expression, it made him seem so approachable and likeable.


Junmyeon shuffled to the edge of the bed and patted the space next to, as he lay down. Yixing grinned and dropped his bag on a chair before joining Junmyeon in the bed, laying beside him.


"All finished?" Junmyeon questioned. Yixing nodded in confirmation and took Junmyeons hand into his own, holding it tightly. 


"You already know that I am a doctor, so tell me about yourself." Yixing instructed, wanting to know everything he possibly could about his soulmate.


The two spent hours talking and Yixing learnt that Junmyeon worked in his family's company along with his brothers, his youngest brothers were still in high school. Junmyeon also told him about how some of his brothers had already met their soulmates. Yixing felt a warm sensation bubbling in his chest as he took in Junmyeons proud expression, it was clear to Yixing that Junmyeon loved his family very much and that he was proud of each one of them whether they had found their soulmate or not.


The sun had long set and both Yixing and Junmyeons eyes had started to droop close, Junmyeon was the first to drift off and Yixing smiled affectionately as he turned off the lights and pulled Junmyeons body closer so that he could hold the other. He loved the way Junmyeons head fit perfectly against his shoulder and Yixing fell into a deep sleep breathing in the scent of honey that was being emit from Junmyeons hair.






Here's the start of Sulay! As I said before Yixing is one of my bias' in Exo, he's too perfect and he kills me with the way he's innocent and then turns around and starts dancing, like damn he's a good dancer. I love his voice and how adorable his dimple is.


Have any of you watched Go Fighting, I love that show, it's hilarious and I love how Yixing was so innocent at first and then through the show he becomes smarter and more mischievous. (If you haven't watched it, you totally should it's so funny, it's kind of like running man sort of)


As always, comments, subscribers and evertything else are greatly appreciated, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you next time :)


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Happolin #1
Chapter 38: This fic is tooooooo~~~~~~~~ Good
bdw why did you put the status as complete!!!!!!
Chapter 14: if only finding our soulmate is this easy...
Chapter 38: Hello I am new to this site having discovered it about a month ago. I just joined this week I believe. I tried to up-vote this story but it told me I did not have enough karma points. I don't know what that is or how/where to get them. So I thought i'd write a comment to tell you I love your stories; that is what the upvote is , right? Thank you for the time and effort you put into your stories I really enjoy them.
Chapter 38: Thank you for a wonderful story authornim!!!
296 streak #5
Chapter 31: uwaaahhhhhhhhhhh hunhan really adorable~~~
kyungsoo hug luhan like a pillow :D
296 streak #6
Chapter 30: KaiSoo family and their child :)
296 streak #7
Chapter 29: Xiuchen family :D
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Chapter 28: TaoRis and their child :D
296 streak #9
Chapter 27: HunHan and Yoongi really cute to be together as a family~~
Love this chapter
296 streak #10
Chapter 26: lovely family