Life Goes On

It's Okay

Minhee and I finished talking about yesterday and our ramen pretty quickly. I took a shower and got dressed. I had to keep moving on and be happy, "So how should we spend our first day of winter break?" Minhee said chearfully.

We had plans to go see a movie, but apparently our friends called us and asked if they could tag along. The only problem was there wasn't enough tickets for all of us today, so we had to plan for it later this week. (Must be a really good movie for us to buy tickets in advance)

Minhee suggested, "Why don't we go and hang out with Cho Hee? She seemed pretty cool, and didn't you say she moved here not too long ago? We could all go explore." I thought for a second, "Yeah, that actually sounds fun. Let me call her and she if she can." 

Cho Hee answered."Yoeboseyo?" 

"Hey it's me Jae. My friend and I were wondering if you had any plans today. We could all hang out and go exploring."

"Yeah. that sounds pretty fun! Where should we meet up?" Mmmmh where could we go? Sigh, I knew where.... "We could just meet up at the music shop from yesterday."

Minhee whispered to me for a second, "Jae-yah, are you sure?" I nodded while Cho Hee answers

"Okay I'll meet you two later!" Minhee pouted,"Jae-yah, what if he's there?" 

"I doubt it. He was just there for a fansigning. I doubt I'll ever run in to him again." But stranger things have happened.... Before leaving my place I managed to transfer my new CDs into my iPod. Meeting him again may have surprised me, but nothing can stop me liking his group's music. It really was good, I couldn't stop listening to Boyfriend!

"You must really like them Jae-yah." I nodded again, "I can't believe how good they are!" "Are you sure it's not because of Youngmin-sshi?" Sigh... I just don't want to talk about him right now....

"Yeah, it's not because of him." We went to the music shop and found Cho Hee looking at the Boyfriend CDs. I wondered what she was doing there, I thought she already had all of Boyfriend's CDs. "Hey Cho Hee-yah!"

She looked up, "Jae-yah! Oh and her friend from yesterday! Ah, nice to meet you, I guess Jae-yah told you about me already! I'm Kim Cho Hee." Minhee smiled "Haha, yeah. I'm Oh Minhee, it's nice to meet you too!" 

The three of us left the store and went on a little adventure. We went to the cafe to ask the manager for a day off and for some Chai Lattes, which we got for free. ^^ (Employee benefits) After finishing our coffee, we all went to an arcade and played some games. Then we decided to go play some soccer (or football as it's called everywhere else but America) at a park near my place. There was an international school near by, and sometimes they would come out to play. Since the French students were there, we lost a lot.... Being the stubborn girls we are, we had to stay until we won. But by the time we did, we were so tired we could barely move.

"Bon jeu!" The French students shouted. "Vous aussi!" I called back to them as the three of us staggered away. Minhee started at me, 

"Bon jeu and vous aussi? What does that mean?" Cho Hee answered "It means 'Good game." and "you too/also" I stared at her, "So you took French too?" "Yeah, everyone needed to take a language at my old school. I take it you also took French Jae-yah?" I simply nodded.

Since we were so tired, it took what seemed like forever to get to my place.

"AH! I'm so tired!!!!" exclaimed Minhee, "I'm making some food! You guys want some?" I didn't have to think "HECK YES! And make some for our new friend here too!"

"You got it! Good thing I came early today to bring lots of food over huh?" With that she dashed off into my kitchen. Cho Hee and I got a chance to talk for a bit too. "So, I'm your friend now?" 

Did I say something wrong? "Oh, sorry Cho Hee-yah. It sounded a little weird huh? Considering we just met..."

She shook her head "No, no! It's not that! It's just, since I came back, I've been having a hard time...."

Sigh, so I guess I wasn't the only one..... "Want to talk about it?" I asked.

"There isn't much to tell. Actually, I have friends here."

"Really?" Then what would be wrong... "So what was the problem?"

She sighed "I was really sick, so I left for America for treatment. When I came back to visit 6 months ago, my friend Soo Min was there, but her family moved to Japan after I moved back!  All my other friends still act weird around me.... Actually, they've been acting weird ever since I got sick...."

"Are you all better now?" I asked worriedly. "Yeah, and I'm even better now that you guys are my friends! It's gets lonely here by myself...." she said. "Aigoo, I know the feeling Cho Hee-yah. I know the feeling...."

The conversation stopped somewhat awkwardly there....Suddenly Minhee came in with some bulgogi, "What's with the awkward silence? Let's eat!" With the way that food smiled, how could we not lighten up! 

As we ate it was Minhee turn to talk, "So I overheard the conversation, at least bits of it. But Jae-yah, I told you some others out there are treated like you." "Thankfully not as worse..." I muttered.

"But hey Jae-yah, that guy changed everything didn't he?" Minhee winked at me. Cho Hee had a confused look on her face. "That guy?" "Ah, it's nothing. Jae-yah doesn't like talking about it too much, especially with what happened...."

Sometimes my friend doesn't know when to stop talking..... But surprisingly enough, Cho Hee seemed to get it and changed the subject for me. "So what's with all the noise?" "Yeah I've been wondering about that too Jae-yah." "It's just some remodeling on the old apartments on the other side of the school." I answered.

"And didn't we play against some French students?" I nodded. "Have you heard the rumors that Boyfriend lives near a school with French students and play soccer with them?" Me and Minhee exclaimed, "WHAT!?!" "I guess you haven't then." Why am I thinking of Youngmin again.... How could that guy live so close to me!?! No way I refuse to believe it!

"But, some fans say they moved out of their old dorms since there were some accidents with the bunk beds in the room." Thank goodness.....

A little later, we finished our late lunch. Minhee had more English tutoring today, while Cho Hee had to go babysit her neighbor's kids, so everyone left my place. Today was pretty fun, I completely forgot about Youngmin for awhile. And it was nice to meet another person a little like me. Minhee and I are really close friends (ever since the whole bullying thing), but we are really different. Sigh... It was only 6 PM.  So I decided to go walk around a bit in my old neighborhood. I grabbed my bag, and left.

But you know that feeling in your gut that tells you something is going to happen? I don't know why but I had that feeling.... Weird, I always walk around there. In fact, everyone knows me over there since I'm always around. So I ignored it. Hopefully that wasn't a mistake, or whatever happens isn't too bad....


Author's Note:

1st, I have a surprise for you readers!!!!! It's a poster for this fanfic! I was really bored this morning and I found a cool app that edits pictures, so I made one! Hope you like it!

2nd, Some little things in this chapter like the bunk beds collasping are true. I think you can find them on, search for some interviews, it should be mentioned somewhere.

3rd, Cho Hee is another character from one of my not so good stories :)

4th, Yes, I'm taking French for those who care. But I"M NOT PERFECT! So any French speaking people other there! Correct me if I'm wrong! And I don't trust Google Translate too much >w<

5th Every little thing will be important! So keep reading!

6th, if you don't know {-gun -yah/-ah, and -sshi} are what you put after a name. And bulgogi is some korean style BBQ beef. (it's really good)

Sorry for the long note, this was an interesting chapter to write, so I had a lot to say.  


See you next chapter!



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I've written up to chapter 60, all I need to do is find some time to type it all up!


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Wow, I nearly forgot about this fic xD Was looking through what I've subbed to and came across this.
Anyway, did you ever get your laptop fixed? I know what it's like because mine broke a couple months back and I had to borrow a laptop :/ But good luck if you ever get back to writing this!
I've joined their fanclub!^^ how should I tell u?? I'm a half Korean that's why u could read and understand Korean!^^ BUT AM A SINGAPOREAN!!^^
silent_melodi #3
Thanks for subscribing!!!
silent_melodi #4
Lawl X3 don't we all?

And I think I did pretty good. Since I sang in Korean no one noticed my mess ups :P (thank goodness)and I think they liked me because random people came up to me to congratulate me.
And yeah, I had a ton of fun! ^^
Hahahaha, sometimes I feel like I need a life too xD

Did you do good in the talent show? Other than that slip up and laugh, did they all look like they enjoyed it? More importantly, did you enjoy it?
silent_melodi #6
Im glad u think so!!! ^^
minniebear143 #7
it's being more interesting ~ woooo can't wait for next chappies
silent_melodi #8
Thanks! I'll do my best to update when I'm not practicing! :)

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it! Hope you'll come back next time I update! :)