To The Movies

It's Okay

Today was the day my brother Ren was flying in from America! So I was waiting at the airport with my aunt. "Noona!" I turned around to see my younger brother waving at me. Following behide him was his baseball team....

"Ren!!!" I gave him a hug. My aunt took his stuff. "You tired?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No way! I've been asleep for practically the whole flight! I want to go and do some stuff!" I laughed."Fine! Let's go to the movies later! But first, we need to take your stiff home." My aunt drove us back to my place before she had to go. Sh was always so busy, but that was fine. I liked being alone sometimes, gives me room to think. "Yawn...." Ren stretched out his arms, "Noona! I have to go meet with my team at the hotel! We're going to meet the Korean team there. I think I need to be the translator."

"And you remember this now?" Sigh, thankfully my brother has always been good with directions. "Okay, fine. Make some new friends you loner! Just come back soon! If we need to meet up or if you get lost, just go to the cafe I work. Remember where that is?" Awhile back, everyone came for a visit, so I took them to the cafe just to show I wasn't working at a bar or something.

"Yeah, I remember. The one near the music store right? I'll call if I need anything so don't worry Noona!" He dashed out the door. "How can I not worry? Aigoo... my little brother..." I put his stuff in the guest room, well I guess his and Len's room, their stuff was still there. Suddenly my phone rang.

"Yoeboseyo?" I started. "Jae-yah! It's Cho Hee. Sorry about yesterday, but I wanted to know if we were still going to the movie later?"

Oh crap.... I forgot about making movie plans with the others, not just with Ren.... "Yeah, but my little brother just came for a visit... Is it okay if he tags along?

"You would have to ask the others. I don't really care..."

So I did. And it turns out, they had made other plans, apparently it was either going camping, cruises, ect. Well whatever, I guess it would just be me, Minhee, Cho Hee, and Ren. But what about all the extra tickets?

"Eotteokhae?" I sighed

So I called Ren, and told him about the extra tickets and the movie I made plans to see. "Perfect!" he said. "I ran into an old friend I used to play baseball with. Hyunmin, remember him? Anyway, we were just talking about that movie! He said his hyungs promised to take him to see it. Wait, do you have enough for 4 more people?"

"Yeah, everyone ditched us, and gave us their tickets." I looked at the clock. "The movie is in a few hours. I'll meet you in the theater okay?" "Okay! Just tell me where it is." So I did.  " 'Kay, see ya soon Noona!"

Minhee and Cho Hee dropped by my place to pick me up. I asked Cho Hee why she didn't want to go exploring with me and Minhee inside StarShipEnt.

"Sorry, I'll tell you someday... But until them, mian."

"Okay...." She looked like she was remembering a painful memory, so I didn't bother to ask. "Aigoo..." I let out "I hope this movie is good. I want to forget about yesterday..."

"Is this about Youngmin? Again?" Minhee asked. I nodded. "Wait!!! Youngmin?!?! As is JO YOUNGMIN?!?" Minhee exclaimed, she seemed more like her usual self. "Yeah,"

" What's going  between you and Youngmin?!" So I began to tell her about everything. It was nice to have another person know. Minhee was the only one who knew, so I felt a little better.

By the time I finished my story, we had gotten to the theater, and Cho Hee was completely freaking out. "Aish!!!! But let's hope for the best!" 

I met my brother and his friends at the arcade inside the theather. "Ren!" He loked up, saw me and waved. "Jae-noona!"

"Is this Hyunmin? Wow, you've gotten so much taller!" Hyunmin laughed. "Thanks noona, I'm glad you remember me. But I don't think you've ever met my hyungs." 

"No, I don't think so."

"You'll get to meet one of them today, at least if he isn't so busy...."

Minhee ran up to us. "Jae-yah is this your dongseng? Wah!!! He's so cute!!!"

"Noona, is that crazy girl talking about me?" I looked at her and back at him "I think so."

We all huddled together, handed out the tickets, and went inside.

"Wait! What about Hyung's ticket? He said he'll be here!!!" Hyunmin cried out

"Calm down, it's fine just ask them to hold the ticket until he comes." I replied. So I helped Hyunmin talk to the ticket lady about his hyung. Finally, we went inside. But there weren't very many good seats.... Everyone sat in the same row, well everyone but me. I volunteered.

"Noona, are you sure?"

"Yeah, just sit with you're friends!" And so the movie began.

It was a pretty good movie. It was pretty fun and exciting. Had some action and romance too. But I felt a little bad for Hyunmin. His hyung was still not here. But about 30 minutes into the movie, a guy walked up to our row, looking for Hyunmin.

"Hyung! You made it! You'll be sitting next to Jae-noona." So he came and sat next to me. "Gomawo," he whispered.  I looked at the guy, it was dark so I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was wearing a baseball cap and some black thick rimmed glasses. He sounded familiar, but it might have been just me, the movie was pretty loud. 

After the movie we all got up and went out for a walk around the shopping area. Hyunmin and his hyung had left much faster and were still walking ahead of us. Ren was walking with me when Minhee had to leave.


"Noona, your crazy friend leaves you a lot huh?" My brother asked. "Hey! It's not my fault! My parents signed me up for more English lessons!!" Minhee defended herself, "Sorry Jae-yae, but I need to go."

So that left me, Ren, Hyunmin, his hyung, and Cho Hee. I thought for a minute. "Ren, remember that ice cream shop nearby? The one we always went to?" He nodded excitedly. "Yeah!!! Can we go!?!"

"Why do you think I asked?" I called out to the guys up ahead. "Yah! Up ahead there's an ice shop, we're stopping there. I'm paying!" Hyunmin hyung's called back, "I see it! Come on Hyunmin, let's race!!!" Ren's friend smiled, and he took off down the street.

"Ren, go ahead! They shouldn't be able to see the shop from here. They're going to get lost!" He laughed and chased after them.

"Yah! Be careful! Watch where you're going!!!!" I shouted to them. Cho Hee and I were left behind, still slowly walking. "Cho Hee-yah, I act too much like a mother don't I?"

"I don't know... Actually yeah, you do..." she carefully answered. Aren't I such a babo? I'm still like this.... Doesn't matter..... By the time we made it to the ice cream shop, the boys were already getting ice cream. It was like like in the old days..... Except, strange thing was I still hadn't gotten a good look on that hyung's face yet.


A not so drama filled chapter! Yay!!!! Anyway, I don't like talking about myself too much in my stories, that's what a blog is for, but I do have a small ish problem.

My school's talent show....

So one of my goals this year is to be "more on stage"  And so, it brings me to my problem. 

Song choice.

I've decided to go with a Kpop song,

Since it's obviously not in English, I know there's a high possibility I won't get in.

But I don't really care, trying out is the important part, :)

Anyway, I need to decide on a song. Park Bom's Don't Cry or Infinite's Can You Smile? These are my best songs (Beside's Boyfriend's Don't Touch My Girl, but singing that would feel kinda weird... >Q<)  So what do you think?

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I've written up to chapter 60, all I need to do is find some time to type it all up!


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Wow, I nearly forgot about this fic xD Was looking through what I've subbed to and came across this.
Anyway, did you ever get your laptop fixed? I know what it's like because mine broke a couple months back and I had to borrow a laptop :/ But good luck if you ever get back to writing this!
I've joined their fanclub!^^ how should I tell u?? I'm a half Korean that's why u could read and understand Korean!^^ BUT AM A SINGAPOREAN!!^^
silent_melodi #3
Thanks for subscribing!!!
silent_melodi #4
Lawl X3 don't we all?

And I think I did pretty good. Since I sang in Korean no one noticed my mess ups :P (thank goodness)and I think they liked me because random people came up to me to congratulate me.
And yeah, I had a ton of fun! ^^
Hahahaha, sometimes I feel like I need a life too xD

Did you do good in the talent show? Other than that slip up and laugh, did they all look like they enjoyed it? More importantly, did you enjoy it?
silent_melodi #6
Im glad u think so!!! ^^
minniebear143 #7
it's being more interesting ~ woooo can't wait for next chappies
silent_melodi #8
Thanks! I'll do my best to update when I'm not practicing! :)

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it! Hope you'll come back next time I update! :)