I Need A Life....

It's Okay

Cake and ice cream

Two things my little brother and I love. I hide some in the back of my fridge before he came over. I knew he would report back on to my parents, so to make sure he would say anything strange, I would have to bribe him a little.

Not that I did anything wrong....

But... better safe than sorry....

"So, what are you going to tell them when you get back?" I asked holding the ice cream in hand.

"I'm going to tell them you're doing much better. Now can I have some ice cream now????" he pleaded.

"Good. You can have your ice cream now."

See how well that worked? Ice cream can be one of the most useful tools I can use.

Anyway, I sent him off to bed after making sure he brushed his teeth. Before going to bed myself, I went through all my pages.

"Aigoo.... When will I find a binder or something to put all of these in...." I sighed again, "Better yet, why am I still doing this... I don't need to anymore, but yet I just want to..." I reached for the letter I brought with me. 

"Still here... I don't think I'll be brave enough to say anything let alone send this." I thought to myself.

"AISH! I give up!!!! I'm going to bed!!!!!"

The next day Ren's team won, not only the next game, but the whole tournament....

"We won!!!" my brother cheered. As if it wasn't clear enough with the trophy in their hands.

"Yeah, I know!" I said patting him on the back. 

"Noona, my team is going to go celebrate! I'll see you later!" he shouted back as he was already running away. 

"So..." I thought to myself. "What' am I doing today?" I went through my schedule in my mind. But surprisingly, the only thing that came up was school, work, and watching my brother.....

"AISH!!!! I need a life!!!" I shouted

Thankfully no one was around, but isn't that a bad thing? These days I always find myself alone..... It's kinda creepy


Hey everyone! It's me!!!!!

Talent show was today, and it was pretty fun!

I messed up, but since I sang in Korean, no one had a clue...

That is until I laughed (O.O)

Babo me....

Anyways, here's a chapter! And get ready for a mini flashback chapter!

See ya soon!

PS, did I freak you out? I did say I was going to change the name of this story :P

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I've written up to chapter 60, all I need to do is find some time to type it all up!


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Wow, I nearly forgot about this fic xD Was looking through what I've subbed to and came across this.
Anyway, did you ever get your laptop fixed? I know what it's like because mine broke a couple months back and I had to borrow a laptop :/ But good luck if you ever get back to writing this!
I've joined their fanclub!^^ how should I tell u?? I'm a half Korean that's why u could read and understand Korean!^^ BUT AM A SINGAPOREAN!!^^
silent_melodi #3
Thanks for subscribing!!!
silent_melodi #4
Lawl X3 don't we all?

And I think I did pretty good. Since I sang in Korean no one noticed my mess ups :P (thank goodness)and I think they liked me because random people came up to me to congratulate me.
And yeah, I had a ton of fun! ^^
Hahahaha, sometimes I feel like I need a life too xD

Did you do good in the talent show? Other than that slip up and laugh, did they all look like they enjoyed it? More importantly, did you enjoy it?
silent_melodi #6
Im glad u think so!!! ^^
minniebear143 #7
it's being more interesting ~ woooo can't wait for next chappies
silent_melodi #8
Thanks! I'll do my best to update when I'm not practicing! :)

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it! Hope you'll come back next time I update! :)